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Ben Mudge

Ben Mudge

Hotsnapz photography by Simon Barnes features male fitness model Ben Mudge in his shirtless in underwear glory. Ben?s handsome features and uber hard muscles are just too hot to resist. More shirtless Ben Mudge photos after the jump. http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/mudge90/ https://www.facebook.com/benmudgept/info Why you started training I started training at a young age with my dad due to my cystic fibrosis as it helped me to keep it at bay. As I grew up I then became interested in rugby and this introduced me to more styles of training. From then on in it opened my eyes to the fitness industry and now it is my job as a personal trainer to show others how important fitness training can be and how much it can impact people?s lives for the better. Future goals At the moment my main goal is to get my WBFF pro card and I am hoping to compete next year in the States. Another goal is to become a role model for Cystic Fibrosis sufferers and to promote exercise worldwide. Also, when I have done all that I can in the fitness industry I would like to open up my own gym to retire in. Why you love natural fitness I am a big fan as it is completely healthy and there are no negative side effects to being a natural athlete. Being able to push your body to be the best it can be naturally and seeing and feeling the benefits is definitely worth all the hard work. Why you were attracted to NBR The NBR promotes all that I believe and I am happy to be a part of the team to help give natural athletes the recognition they deserve. I am also looking forward to getting to know more like-minded people.

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