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Josh Kempton

Josh Kempton

When You Look Up for a Picture-Perfect Josh Kempton by Jose Pope

Completely Flawless

When You Look Up for a Picture-Perfect: Josh Kempton by Jose Pope who did a stunning capture of a naked model and the quality is exactly right: completely perfect.

Pope told us via email that he was pursuing model Josh Kempton–represented by Nemesis Models in Manchester and Wilhelmina Models in London.

“It was two months ago, Josh came in for a test shoot which we arranged through Instagram and we tried a few different shots and he was comfortable to shoot nude.” According to Pope via email.

And we really dig into this stunning material. Josh did a marvelous work and Pope its in his best role.

When Photographers uses Body’s Male Models as Canvas

Pope can easily knows what we’re talking about. “I styled him in my own clothes and the photos are taken in my home studio.”

When you have perfect body in front of you as a canvas, you can use it wisely and make gorgeous work like this in front of you.

The male muse is based in London, having a healthy lifestyle, 17K followers on Instagram witnessed that Josh likes to have fun, doing sports and mixing it up with sessions for brands like ASOS and JD Sports.

It’s nice to think about what you might do to him when you get all those pesky clothes off.

Can you believe on his right butt cheek  the happy face tattoo Josh has? To die for!

Yeah look over and scrolling down.

If you had an unlimited playground of fun to have, a canvas that is open to your every whim, a man who will do whatever you please

– what will YOU do with him?

Is uncertain when he’s standing there in front of you in nothing but birthday suit glory.

Stop Taking Pictures. Start Taking Photos

Josh is giving us a picture-perfect in 16 selected frames by Pope. “He is a fantastic model who really takes care of his body.” JP says about it. Yeah we can noticed.

Photos are no different — they need focus and flow. Getting close and moving the subject to a side forces you to make deliberate decisions about your focus and framing. It forces you to decide what story you’re trying to tell with the photo.

Art is always difficult, but it is especially difficult when it comes to telling other people’s stories. And it is ferociously difficult when those others are tangled up in your history and you are tangled up in theirs.

It’s no secret: people love looking at photos. And we thanked to Jose Pope and male muse Josh for giving vivid and inspirational photos.

We have said before, a male muse giving efforts, time, and professionalism, everybody will be thank for having a motivational work.

Good photography, regardless of its style, is always emotionally generous in this way. For this reason, it outlives the moment that occasions it. Weaker photography delivers a quick message — sweetness, pathos, humor — but fails to do more. But more is what we are.

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