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Andrew Morrill

Andrew Morrill

Andrew Morrill Answers 20 Odd Questions from Fans

We’ve been known Andrew since 2014 in a story photographed by Troy Wise when he used to live in London. Since then, everything changed for Andrew.

FM: Andrew, let’s start with your beginnings, that time when you live in London and what have changed for you since then.

Andrew: I’ve grown in my career. I have been a professional model for over a decade.  I am also now a personal trainer.  I got my NASM certification last year and have been designing online programs and training clients in addition to the other work I do.  Physically and age wise I have transformed from somewhat ‘Twink’ Andrew at 178lbs to ‘Hot Dad’ Andrew at 205lbs. 

Personally a lot has changed too. There have been some challenging moments but many happy ones as well. I am now happily married and the dad of a little fur dog baby.

FM: You’re now in New York City, how’s the city is treating you so far? A Texan is a Texan here and there!

AM: True enough.  I’m a Texan boy everywhere I roam.  I really love the city.  New York is manic in a way that no other place on earth is.  It took a little while to get used to but now that I am I love it.  Where I live in the city is very central so its not uncommon for me to exit my building and have passed a hundred people before I’ve walked twenty feet.  That is a big difference from Texas and even from London.  Its funny though not that I have become used to it other places seem so deserted! 

FM: And now that you hit 100K on IG Can you mention what is the best of social media and the worst in this era we’re living?

AM: Its not really revolutionary to say that social media is a blessing and a curse.  It provides us with ways to interact and meet people whom we never would have otherwise.  It keeps us in touch with family and friends across the world.  It allows us to explore our interests and find others who are interested in the same thing. Those are all the good things.  The flip side of the coin is the way it can – and frequently does – interject itself into our lives and dominate them.  It can be an awful beast to feed.  It can also be a hugely intimidating and demoralizing place which is why its important to keep it in its proper sphere.  Caged and contained.  All that being said I think on the whole it is a good thing; it certainly has been for me. 

FM: You recently work with James Loy in NYC how was working with him?

AM: James is an amazing photographer. His eye for a good shot is really remarkable. He is very creative with his images and—as you can see—manages to capture things that are both sexy and interesting. I loved working with him and look forward to doing so again. 

Let’s do a Flash bulb round, Go!

What do you wear to bed most nights?  Undies.

What 2 body parts of you receive  the most compliments? Legs and Pecs.

Biggest celebrity that you have ever met? Liv Tyler and Emma Watson – on the same airplane!

What is one exercise that you did most beneficial to you? Deadlifts.

Dream location to do a photo-shoot? Maldives.

Worst job you ever had? A cold beach in Germany, in WINTER.

For 2020 goals, Andrew mentions that he’s working in a gym wear collection and a partnership with Todd Sanfield Underwear collection.

“I’m currently working with two brands I’d like to mention. The first is my gym gear.  Anybody who has seen my stories or posts year will know about Ten Thousand CC.  They are a great gymwear company that I have partnered with over the last year.  I love the team and their stuff.  Its quality.” The hunky blue-eyed said via email. 

Here all the quiz & comments we collected from your IG & Twitter!

You travel a lot…so, if you had to pick one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?

That’s a really tough question.  Right now I’d say New York.  I love the city – the winter is rough but it is unlike any other place on earth and I love it. 

I’ll ask here as it has almost no chance of being published…Who’d win in a fight -a baboon or a badger? 

A Baboon has the advantage of being dexterous with all four of its appendages.  It also has some serious teeth.  But I would never underestimate a badger.  Those things might look cute but they are scrappy.  I remember a video of one floating around on twitter where it took on 6 lions… and the lions eventually just left it alone.  I’m going with the Badger.  

My question… how did you get to be so perfect?? 😍🔥❤️ 

Oh I am far from perfect.  Nobody is perfect.  

You are one hot, handsome and beautiful looking man 

Thank you Jason.  Means a lot.  

I can’t help but notice those tow gorgeous pecs and nipples. Plus that adorable smile thanks for sharing this pic 😍––@giok104
Yeah I used to have three nipples but luckily I got it removed.  (that’s a joke.)   

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