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Mac or Microsoft

Guest ncu

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I use and PC with Vista on it with much success on this website!

Hello gateway22,

Have you tried windows 7? I've heard it is far better then Vista!

Please continue to post here, perhaps W 7 will make you even more successful!


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I switched to a mac a few years ago, coz I make films, and Mac's are beautiful for this.

I would never go back.

Everything is incorporated. PCs have this now, but at a much higher price for the same features.

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Guest calister
Chris said:


Yes, you can get a virus... ON WINDOWS running on an Apple machine. I still haven't seen ONE Mac OS X virus. A mac can transfer a PC virus of course, just like a USB-stick can. But there are until now now viruses that AFFECT the Mac operating system.

The guy who wrote the article couldn't even name one.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I love both unconditionally. There are somethings i can only do on a mac and other things i can only do on windows.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Grady

I was Microsoft for a long, long, time. But then I got a little bored of the setup, and wanted to try something new and unfamiliar. So I got a Mac.

I'm pretty happy with it so far, but it's going to take some time getting used to the completely different setup.

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I use windows. I am not really a fan of Mac. However I heard that Mac is very stable as compared to Windows.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Boomer89

Windows ALL THE WAY! Before Windows 7 came out I preferred using the latest macs available at the time (Thank you College for splurging on new macs every year). However, now with Windows 7 I constantly find myself preferring the simplicity of Windows 7 and the ease of access afforded me by the new shortcuts, both through mouse clicks and gestures.

Don't get me wrong, the display of the current iMacs is something I oggle at daily, but throw a Windows interface on that and I'd be ecstatic. As far as macbooks, not a fan of not having the actual seperate clicker buttons, although I'm sure I could get used to it if I had to. If you have a semi-decent anti-virus program and don't blatantly ignore it or completely lack any computer savvy, you shouldn't have a problem with a virus.

However, I will afford my preference towards Windows to my technical savvy. I know that there are tons of gestures and capabilities for the Mac, however 95% of them I wouldn't use in a normal day. At least 30 times a day I grab a window, drag it to the top of the screen and watch it get maximized thanks to Windows 7, and then pull it down if I want it to go back to normal size. I love being able to drag to either side to evenly split wihtout having to do it myself.

PS - I have an iPhone 3G and am most likely getting the Windows Phone 7 when it comes out this winter.

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Definitely MAC!!! I just don't understand how this is even a valid question anymore lol? jk. But honestlty, MAC can do everything a PC can do...and more. When you buy a mac, all of the settings are at its simplest level. There is so many other things you can add and make more complicated. Its amazing!

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I grew up on Windows computers and I had a couple of laptops that had Windows but now they are sitting under my bed in a box because viruses killed them.

I switched to Apple when I could get a student discount and I haven't looked back since. I also think MacBook Pro's are beautifully designed and I plan on switching from my MacBook to a MacBook Pro as soon as I can~

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest amboshi

i am on a PC at the moment.

i had some problems with the systems from time to time.

( windows 95 and 98, xp pro , and now on windows 7 )


i think it was 2-4 times in 15 years that my system crashed completely and i had to format the disc.

that sucked big time.


after some years with my iPods and the iPhone i decided to chance the system.

i just ordered a macbook pro, the biggest version.

i need some stable system for my work ( musician and producer )

we use apple's in the studio, so i allready know what i will get.



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  • 4 weeks later...


Old MacDonald had PC's ..... Ee i ee i oh!

And then one day they all got sick .......Ee i ee i oh!

With a virus here .. a virus there .... here a crash, there a crash, everywhere crash! crash!

Old MacDonald switch to Macs ... Ee i ee i oh!

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Guest alexk31

i am the PC user.

i perfer window then Mac.

All my knowledge are came from Pc, although there are many problem on window system

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character0109.gif continues to love character0109.gif 's MAC - even tho it has now become outdated (a first generation intel processor ain't got the memory to run new OS - tho character0109.gif's macbook can)

character0109.gif getting to play with an ipad this weekend

character0109.gifnot allowed to keep it

character0109.gifVERY VERY sad 'cause :blip: expected the shortcomings of no streaming radio on itunes and no flash would make ipad pointless....



but it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY COOL in everything else!

somebody get :character0109.gifan ipad ...or even an ipod touch


pretty please???????

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

it has been my LIFES DREAM to get a mac but unfortunatly i have the crappy windows computer i have had for a while, but it will have to do til i can get a macbook :/

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First it would be Mac or Windows.. Microsoft isn't the os, it's the company that makes the os, the os called windows.


I use a windows pc and then my iPhone for anything on the web

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

you know what they say.. Once you go Mac,

you'll never go back stop talking about it


took a bite out of the apple a couple years ago and LOVE it! t2803.gif  

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Br2c4u

I am totally a Microsoft Windows user. tried using Mac OS X but just didn't like it. They make awesome products, but just couldn't get things done like i do on a windows machine.

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