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Beach Weekend


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Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:49:13 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Beach Weekend, Part 1


It started out like any weekend.  A few of us rented a place on the beach
for the weekend for a "boys" weekend away.  Away from wives or girlfriends,
no real cares, just a bunch of us old college friends hanging out, maybe
getting a little drunk, and having some fun in the sand and surf.  There
were six of us, from all over the country, but it had become a bit of a
tradition since we graduated that for one long weekend over the summer we
would all get together and head for the beach.  College seemed so long ago,
but it was only four years ago.  Now three of the six were married, two
were dating steadily and then there was me.  At 26 years old, I was a
little unsure of who or what I wanted in my life.  I had dated a lot of
girls through high school and college, and even had messed around with guys
some, you know, get drunk and have a circle jerk, trade hand jobs, just
harmless guy stuff, but I found myself very intrigued by these guys I was
with.  Of course none of them knew about my escapades in college, I kind of
kept that to myself, not for any real reason than the possible fear I might
get involved with one of these guys and start down a road I was unsure of.

Thursday afternoon when I had arrived, my oldest friend Tom was already at
the beach house, sitting out on the deck when I arrived.  At 26 as well,
Tom had started dating a really nice girl, lived close to me at home, and
we frequently hung out on the weekends.  I thought to myself years ago,
that if I was ever going to do something with one of these guys, it would
be Tom.  He was 6'2", about 200 lbs., and solidly built.  We all were
actually, no one had headed into that post college weight gain yet, and we
all kept ourselves in good shape.  The house was really nice.  Right on the
beach, somewhat secluded by the dunes, and far away from the strip housing
built in later years.  It had a big deck off the back on the ground floor
with a hot tub and a gas fire pit, and smaller decks off the bedrooms on
the second and third floors.  There was a big living area and kitchen, then
on the second floor were 4 bedrooms, each two were connected by the
bathroom, sort of a Jack and Jill suite.  The rooms were large and
spacious, and as I noted, each had its own little deck with a couple of
chairs and a table.  On the third floor were the twin master suites.  Large
rooms with their own baths and slightly larger decks as well.  Tom had
already claimed one of the second floor rooms, and I took the other
adjoining our shared bath.  We had left the two master suites for the guys
who set all this weekend up, they did all the leg work on the place, so we
figured they deserved it.

The others weren't arriving until early Friday morning, so Tom and I had
the place to ourselves for the night.  I unpacked my stuff, brought in my
share of groceries and booze and put everything away in the kitchen.  Tom
came into the kitchen to help me put away groceries and see what I had
brought in the way of food.  He chastised me some for bringing fruits and
vegetables instead of junk food, but it was all in good fun, and soon
groceries were put away, and we were sitting on the deck, beers in hand,
chatting and enjoying the late afternoon sun.  There was a gentle breeze
coming off the water, and we talked about nothing at all as we sat and
sipped our beers.  I decided that a dip in the ocean was in order, and Tom
agreed.  We went up to our rooms and I dug out my board shorts and started
to change.  From my room, I could look right through the shared bathroom
into Tom's room.  Both sides of the bathroom had sliding pocket doors, and
they were both open.  The two rooms were similar in their layout, and my
dresser was against the wall about six feet from the bathroom door.  As I
my shirt standing at the dresser, Tom's image caught my peripheral vision.
He too was standing in front of his dresser, pulling out a pair of board
shorts as well.  He had already stripped off to his boxer briefs, and I
surreptitiously glanced at his body as he dug the swim trunks out of his
dresser.  He had very powerful legs.  He should, he ran like 15 miles every
damn day!  He was toned and tanned and in really good shape.  I continued
to undress, all the while stealing glances at him as we both undressed
without "really" looking at each other, but I could occasionally see him
glancing my way as well.  I figured what the hell, and stripped off my
boxers, taking extra time while standing there to fold them neatly and
place them on the dresser before reaching for my trunks to pull them up.
Now I am no slouch in the shape department either, I am 6'3", 210 lbs., and
I work out at the gym a few days a week to keep my shape.  I would say that
I have an average size cut cock, it is about 7" when hard, and no one has
ever complained.  Soft it is about 4", and hangs over a nice sized set of
balls nestled in a nice patch of pubic hair that I keep trimmed.  I have
always been fine with being nude, and have no issues with anyone else
around me being that way as well.  As I started to pull on my trunks, I
glanced over towards Tom's room and saw him standing there looking directly
at me.  He too was naked, and I will say this, my jaw nearly dropped.
There he stood, in all his glory, and nice soft 6" cock hanging over a
beautiful set of egg sized low hanging balls.  He was holding his trunks in
his hand and just looking at me.

"Like what you see?" I joked.

"You know, we have been friends for a long time," he said, "I just realized
we have never seen each other naked."

"Well, now we have." I responded.

"Yeah", was his one word response.

I had just finished stepping into my trunks and had started to slowly pull
them up as Tom continued to stand there watching me.  I felt a little odd,
sort of putting on a show of pulling up my trunks, but I figured since we
had already dropped the barrier of nudity, what was the big deal?  Tom
watched as eventually the trunks covered my package, but I did pull them up
slowly and let them catch just under my balls, lifting my cock and balls up
and out.  God I can be such an exhibitionist sometimes, but now I was
having a little fun with Tom and wondered if maybe we could have some kind
of different fun later this evening.  After I finished pulling up my
trunks, I looked over at Tom.  His cock had started to inflate just a
little, and was thickening and standing up just a little bit.  He had a
really sexy tan line that accented his waist, and his treasure trail came
down from his belly and into a mound of dark pubes that stood out against
the paleness of his untanned skin.  He smiled, and started to put on his
board shorts as well.  All pretense of sneaking peeks at each other cast
aside as I turned and looked directly at him.

"You going to get dressed, or are you going to the beach naked?" I asked
with a grin.

He slowly stepped into his trunks and made a point of sliding them slowly
up his legs just as I had done for him.  When they were about halfway up
his legs, he stumbled slightly, and had to take a step to maintain his
balance.  As he did this, he turned and I saw his ass.  And what an ass it
was!  Two perfectly sculpted mounds of tight flesh, smooth, white, and very
firm from all the running he did.  I felt myself start to chub up at the
sight of those two beautiful cheeks, and wondered what was hiding inside
them.  He laughed as he regained his balance, and finished pulling up his
shorts and tying them off.  As he turned around, I could just make out the
outline of a stiffening cock inside his shorts.  There was quite an air of
sexual tension in the rooms, but neither of us was going to make the first
move.  I think both of us feared what the other might think.

"Ready?" He asked, startling me back to reality.

"Yeah, let's go" I answered.

We grabbed our towels and made our way down to the beach.  The water was
fantastic, and we swam and dove through the waves, played a little dunk
with each other and tossed a Nerf football around for a while.  No mention
of the little show we had given each other was made, but I am sure it was
in the back of both of our minds that we would repeat this performance
again later when we changed out of our trunks.  After playing around in the
water for what felt like at least an hour, we both agreed we were hungry
and thirsty, so we headed back up to the deck and decided to figure out
what to do for dinner, will sipping on a cold beer and sitting on the deck.

"I brought a bunch of dogs, burgers and steaks," Tom said, "why don't we
just grill something easy since it is just us two."

"Sounds good," I said, "I brought some salads and stuff, and we have chips,
so I think we can make do for this evening."

Tom got the burgers from the fridge as well as a couple more beers, while I
uncovered the gas grill and fired it up.  We weren't world class chefs by
any means, but the dinner was nice and we chatted about nothing at all as
we ate our fill of burgers, salads and chips, all washed down with several
cold ones.  It was a beautiful night out, with the breeze continuing to
come off the water, and as the evening grew later, it get even a bit chilly
for the two of us who had just stayed in our swim trunks without shirts or
any other type of cover up.  We moved over to the fire pit and turned it on
and enjoyed the fire and the heat it was giving off.  The beers had done
their work, and despite our eating dinner, I could tell we were both
feeling pretty good.

"I think I am going to jump in the hot tub for a bit then call it a night."
Tom said.

"Sounds good to me, the others are arriving tomorrow and we will be busy
catching up with them." I said.

We turned off the fire pit and walked over to the hot tub.  We uncovered
it, and steam rose into the night air.  Tom turned on the jets and walked
around to the steps.

"I am just going to lose these since they are already dry," he said,
untying his trunks.

"Sounds good to me, I don't want to put on damp chilly trunks to swim
tomorrow." I replied as I did the same with mine.

We both shucked our shorts and started to climb into the tub.  I was behind
Tom and had another good look at his ass as he climbed the steps and
stepped over the side into the tub, his dick swinging freely as he swung
one leg, then the other over the edge. Boy, what a view!  I climbed in
close behind him and immediately sat down to hide my semi that had grown.
It felt wonderful.  The jets were nice and soothing and the water was just
the right temperature to enjoy.  We sat across from one another and chatted
about nothing while our heads were leaned back and the sounds of the waves
coming ashore punctuated our conversation.  Every so often, I would look
over at Tom and see some movement in his arm under the bubbling water.  I
guessed he was just adjusting himself, but I wasn't really sure.  He did
this as we continued to talk, rather absent-mindedly, as though he didn't
even notice he was doing it.  Every so often one of us would shift in our
seats, and our feet would touch as we moved.  This would send an electric
shock through me every time it happened.  I am a sucker for playing
footsie, and Tom was trying to be very nonchalant about it.  It began
happening with more and more frequency, and my cock began to stir in
response.  I would look over at Tom, and he would be sitting there with his
eyes closed, head back just talking, but every so often moving just
slightly so our feet would touch.  The motions of his arm, I noticed, began
to be more obvious.  Was Tom actually masturbating in the hot tub with me?

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"You don't want to know," was his reply.

"No really, you can tell me anything." I told him.

"Lackanookie flu." Was his answer.

"I beg your pardon?  I have never heard of that." I said to him.

"Let me make it easier for you Jim," he said.  "Lack of nookie flu."  He
repeated, enunciating each word clearly so I could understand.

"Ohhhhh, got it!" The light came on in my brain finally!  "Sorry to hear
that, how long?"

"Weeks." Was his one word answer.

"Ouch!"  Even I had hooked up with a girl just last week, but it wasn't
going to go anywhere.

"Tell me about it.  Susan is nice and all, but she just isn't into sex all
that much.  Lately it has been me and my hand getting together an awful

"Geez, I am sorry to hear that." I told him honestly.

"It isn't so bad, but every once in a while I think about my cock in a nice
warm mouth or tight warm pussy, and, well, you know."

I did know.  I knew how he felt, and I knew what I was feeling right now,
and my mind and my cock were both responding to his conversation.  Tom was
now actively stroking himself in the tub and making no bones about being
discrete about it.  He stretched out in the tub and his foot brushed up
against my ankle, but rather than pulling it back, he let it linger there,
moving it ever so slightly along my ankle as he pleasured himself in front
of me.  His actions were not lost on me, and I began to work my own cock
slowly under the water as he began to be bolder in his rubbing of my ankle.
His foot started to rub over the top of my foot and up my calf as we both
silently jerked off together in the hot tub.

"I hope you I'm not offending you," he said.

"Hell no, feels nice," I answered.

"I just need to get off, and this seemed like as good a place as any to do

"Fine with me, perhaps we can both get off, hell, it is just us guys, so
who cares?"

"To be honest, I did this a few times back in college." He said.

"Really? You?  Since we are being honest, I was in a circle jerk or two
back in college as well, but it was never something I shared."  I replied.

"Me neither, not exactly something you post on your social media page!" He

"Agreed!" I answered.

"So you are ok with this?" He sat up and looked directly across the tub at

"Tom, I am more than ok with it, in fact it feels really nice to have your
foot rubbing against me."

"Cool, I just don't want you to think any less of me."

"How could I?  You are one of my closest friends and we share a lot.
Whatever happens, I will always be your friend."  I told him.

"Then I hope you won't mind if I do this then," and I felt his foot start
to caress the back of my calf and up my leg.

When he got to the back of my knee, his foot came over the top and
continued along the inside of my leg.  I knew where this was going, and I
wasn't about to stop it.  I wanted to see just how far it would go in our
relaxed, slightly alcohol induced state.  Tom's foot seemed to have a radar
built into it.  Here we were rubbing our cocks in the hot tub, his foot
climbing my leg, and then suddenly just before he made contact with my hand
or my sack, his foot started back down my inner thigh.  I was loving this.
Plain and simple, loving it!  His foot would come up my leg, then back to
my knee, up and down for several minutes, as we continued to pleasure
ourselves.  Finally on one of its journeys up my leg, his toes brushed my
ball sack, and he started to rub my balls with his foot.  The line was
crossed now, there was no going back.  I took my hand off my cock and
grabbed the top of his foot and pulled his foot against my now fully erect
cock, rubbing it up and down the length of it so he could feel all of it.

"Is this what you were looking for?" I inquired.

"Nice, very nice," he hissed.

"I am getting all pruned up in here," I said.  "Shall we go inside?"

I knew I wouldn't have to ask that question twice.  Tom took his foot out
of my crotch and sat up on the edge of the tub.  There he sat, his cock
hard, easily 8-9 inches long and thick, the head engorged with blood,
sitting out there for me to see, and he could have cared less.  I sat up on
the side myself, my own 7 inches jutting proudly from my mid-section.  I
looked at him...no, actually I just stared at his cock for a minute or two.

"Like what you see?" He joked.

"Isn't that where this all started several hours ago?" I chuckled.  "Let's
go inside."

We climbed out, turned off the jets and grabbed our towels and toweled off,
leaving the towels over the railing to dry and headed for the door.  Two
boners leading the way.  We walked into the large family room and sat down
on the sofa next to each other close together, but not touching each other.
I watched as Tom started to fist his long shaft up and down as though no
one else was there with him.  I started to stroke my own cock as well, and
both of us sat there, slowly stroking our cocks, not saying anything, but
occasionally looking over at each other to watch as the other masturbated.
Tom would occasionally reach down and cup his balls with his free hand,
lift them a little, roll them around, then release them and place his hand
back on his thigh, slowly stroking up and down the length of his muscular
thigh.  He spread his legs some and his leg came into contact with mine.
It felt as though little tiny jolts of lightning were running up my legs as
his legs stayed in contact with mine.  I spread my legs more as I fisted my
own cock to get even greater contact with him, and at one point after
cupping his balls, his hand landed not on his own thigh, but on mine, and
began to stroke up and down my thigh, higher and higher it went, closer to
my balls with each upstroke.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity,
his hand made contact with my balls.  He cupped them, then slowly lifted
them as if to inspect them, then let them down and pushed my own hand away
from my rigid cock.  He gently grabbed my shaft and began to stroke us both
in unison.  I groaned in appreciation, and let me head fall back on the
sofa as my friend continued to stroke my hard cock.  His grip was firm, but
soft and loving.  He didn't just want to jerk me off, he was caressing my
cock, almost lovingly.  This went on for several minutes and I was using
every tool in my arsenal to keep from blowing my load.  I was concentrating
so hard on not cumming, that I didn't even notice Tom's movements on the
sofa.  Suddenly I felt something warm and wet engulf my cock head.  My
friend, my buddy Tom, was going down on me!  I opened my eyes and looked
down to see my cock slowly disappear into his mouth as he looked up at me.
It felt amazing...no other word for it, amazing!  He took my cock all the
way to the base without the slightest bit of gag, and held it there for a
moment, before slowly going back to the top, then licking the tip of my now
incredibly rock hard cock.

Tom climbed off the sofa and crawled between my knees and began to give me
one of the most unbelievable blow jobs I had ever gotten.  He played with
my nutsack as he went up and down on my cock at a nice leisurely pace, all
the while continuing to fist his own cock.  My moans and groans, and his
slurping and humming sounds were all that filled the living room. After
several minutes, I needed a break or I was going to burst.  I pulled him
off my cock and he sat back on his heels with a questioning look on his

"I was getting close," I said.  "I didn't want to blow my load yet."

I pulled him towards me and did something I never did when I played around
with the other guys in college, I kissed him.  Not just a little peck, but
a full on open mouthed tongue duel.  I could taste myself in his mouth, and
it turned me on even more.  We continued to kiss for several more minutes,
then I joined him on the floor.  We laid there on the carpet holding each
other as I reached down and took his cock in my hand and began to stroke
him as we continued to kiss again.  His cock felt so nice in my hand, firm,
fleshy, strong and I could almost feel his heartbeat as the blood engorged
member pulsed in my hand.  I stroked him up and down and saw the tiny beads
of pre-cum forming on the tip of the head.  I swiped them with my finger
and massaged them around the head.

"Oh my God that feels good," he cooed.

I brought my hand to my mouth and tasted his offering.  It was nectar,
sweet, juicy nectar of the Gods.  Well of this God I had here before me on
the floor.  I wanted more.  I reached down and stroked him again, and was
rewarded with another bead, a little bigger this time.  I picked it up with
my finger and brought it to my mouth.  Heaven on earth, I thought.  I was
hooked, I had to have more of this.  I had never done anything like this
before, but I had been on the receiving end of a blow job or two in my day,
and now even one from another man, so I slid down his body, kissing his
nipples, his chest, his tummy and all along his treasure trail towards my

"You don't have to do this," he said, "I am ok with just getting you off."

"I know I don't have to, I want to." I told him.

He laid back and closed his eyes and I continued my journey southward until
the head of his penis hit my cheek.  A trail of his pre-cum ran across my
cheek as I continued towards his cock head.  I kissed the tip and was
rewarded with another taste of his wonderful pre-cum.  I licked at the
head, licking up all I could.  Tom's head was rolling from side to side as
I slowly took the cock head in my mouth and began to give my first blow
job.  I thought quickly of what I liked when someone blew me, so I covered
my teeth with my lips, and created some good suction as my mouth slid over
his cock head and down the shaft.  He moaned and groaned above me, and I
sucked and hummed as inch after inch slid into my mouth, and the spit
started flowing inside my mouth, giving Tom's cock a warm, wet spot to
reside for now.  I couldn't take all of him, and when his cock hit the back
of my mouth, I gagged a little and pulled back some, but I must have had at
least 7 inches of my friend's cock in my mouth, and I loved it!  I tried to
remember what Tom had done to me as well, so I began letting his cock slide
out of my mouth until just the tip was there in my mouth.  A quick grope of
his balls sent forth a nice stream of his pre-cum which I happily
swallowed.  I continued in this fashion for several more minutes, slowly
going up and down on his cock, my tongue swiping at the head on the
upstroke and feeling out every vein on the down stroke.  Here I was with no
experience at giving blow jobs, and I was going at his cock like a seasoned
veteran.  I could sense Tom was getting close, so I slowed my ministrations
on his cock and released some of the suction.  Tom pulled me up to him and
kissed me again.

"Fucking unbelievable!" He said. "You've never done this before?"

"Nope." I replied.  "Guess you could say I am a natural!"

"And a damn good one at that!" He said as we kissed.

We continued to grind our bodies and our cocks together for a few minutes,
when Tom sat up and twisted his body so we were in the classic 69.  Lying
there on our side, we each began to suckle on each other's cocks.  It was
amazing.  I loved having Tom's cock in my mouth, and I loved mine in his.
I wasn't sure what was going to happen when we climaxed, but I was too
focused on what I was doing at the time to worry about it.  I worked his
cock, and I worked it good.  Giving him all I had to try to get him the
release he was looking for.  He had amazing stamina for someone who hadn't
had sex in quite a while.  I could feel the cum start to boil deep within
me and I knew it wouldn't be long before I went over the edge, but I was
determined to take Tom with me.  As we continued to suck on each other, I
was getting nearer and nearer to the point of no return, and I felt
obligated to warn Tom.

"I'm getting close." I groaned around his cock.

"Me too." He choked out.

Tom kept up a steady attack on my cock, and now that he knew my orgasm was
near, he seemed to re-double his efforts on my cock, sucking harder and
faster than before.  It happened in an instant.  I felt the cum fire out of
my balls and into and up my shaft into Tom's mouth.

"Oh shiiiiit," I groaned as my cock fired volley after volley into Tom's

Three, four, five jets shot out of my cock and filled Tom's mouth, I could
feel him swallowing around my cock as more and more of my seed burst forth
to fill the void created by his swallowing. Six, seven, eight and Tom was
still swallowing.  I thought I was going to pass out from the barrage I was
firing into my friend's throat!  Finally the shots slowed to a slow trickle
and Tom laid there nursing on my cock as I regained my composure and
continued to try to get Tom to the same place I had just been.  I went at
his cock like a man possessed, and after about thirty or forty seconds, I
felt his cock twitch and thicken in my mouth.  Jet after jet of steaming
hot cum bathed the inside of my mouth and washed my tonsils.  There was a
lot of cum, and I swallowed as fast as I could as Tom kept pumping his load
of baby makers into my mouth and throat.  A little trickled out and down my
cheek as I swallowed for all I was worth.  I lost track after I think eight
jets, but I knew in my mind that I loved cock and I loved cum.  As his jets
slowed to an ooze, I kept his now softening cock in my mouth and sucked it
clean, not wanting to lose a single drop of his precious offering to me.

We both rolled over onto our backs and sighed heavily.

"Holy shit, that was fucking awesome." I said.

Tom twisted around and laid his head on my chest.

"The fucking hasn't even started yet, but yeah it was awesome!"

He looked up into my eyes, winked and gave me a huge kiss.  I could taste
my cum in his mouth and I know he could taste his.  He put his head down on
my chest and sighed.

What a way to start a weekend!


Tom at the beach


Edited by JoelR
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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/2/2016 at 10:15 PM, james said:

I've got beach weekend part 2 and 3... ;)

but how do I load them up to this forum???



I'm sorry I didn't see this post until now.  You can either attach the files as a PDF, or you can simply copy and paste the text in full.  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/21/2015 at 8:44 PM, JoelR said:

Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:49:13 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Beach Weekend, Part 1


It started out like any weekend.  A few of us rented a place on the beach
for the weekend for a "boys" weekend away.  Away from wives or girlfriends,
no real cares, just a bunch of us old college friends hanging out, maybe
getting a little drunk, and having some fun in the sand and surf.  There
were six of us, from all over the country, but it had become a bit of a
tradition since we graduated that for one long weekend over the summer we
would all get together and head for the beach.  College seemed so long ago,
but it was only four years ago.  Now three of the six were married, two
were dating steadily and then there was me.  At 26 years old, I was a
little unsure of who or what I wanted in my life.  I had dated a lot of
girls through high school and college, and even had messed around with guys
some, you know, get drunk and have a circle jerk, trade hand jobs, just
harmless guy stuff, but I found myself very intrigued by these guys I was
with.  Of course none of them knew about my escapades in college, I kind of
kept that to myself, not for any real reason than the possible fear I might
get involved with one of these guys and start down a road I was unsure of.

Thursday afternoon when I had arrived, my oldest friend Tom was already at
the beach house, sitting out on the deck when I arrived.  At 26 as well,
Tom had started dating a really nice girl, lived close to me at home, and
we frequently hung out on the weekends.  I thought to myself years ago,
that if I was ever going to do something with one of these guys, it would
be Tom.  He was 6'2", about 200 lbs., and solidly built.  We all were
actually, no one had headed into that post college weight gain yet, and we
all kept ourselves in good shape.  The house was really nice.  Right on the
beach, somewhat secluded by the dunes, and far away from the strip housing
built in later years.  It had a big deck off the back on the ground floor
with a hot tub and a gas fire pit, and smaller decks off the bedrooms on
the second and third floors.  There was a big living area and kitchen, then
on the second floor were 4 bedrooms, each two were connected by the
bathroom, sort of a Jack and Jill suite.  The rooms were large and
spacious, and as I noted, each had its own little deck with a couple of
chairs and a table.  On the third floor were the twin master suites.  Large
rooms with their own baths and slightly larger decks as well.  Tom had
already claimed one of the second floor rooms, and I took the other
adjoining our shared bath.  We had left the two master suites for the guys
who set all this weekend up, they did all the leg work on the place, so we
figured they deserved it.

The others weren't arriving until early Friday morning, so Tom and I had
the place to ourselves for the night.  I unpacked my stuff, brought in my
share of groceries and booze and put everything away in the kitchen.  Tom
came into the kitchen to help me put away groceries and see what I had
brought in the way of food.  He chastised me some for bringing fruits and
vegetables instead of junk food, but it was all in good fun, and soon
groceries were put away, and we were sitting on the deck, beers in hand,
chatting and enjoying the late afternoon sun.  There was a gentle breeze
coming off the water, and we talked about nothing at all as we sat and
sipped our beers.  I decided that a dip in the ocean was in order, and Tom
agreed.  We went up to our rooms and I dug out my board shorts and started
to change.  From my room, I could look right through the shared bathroom
into Tom's room.  Both sides of the bathroom had sliding pocket doors, and
they were both open.  The two rooms were similar in their layout, and my
dresser was against the wall about six feet from the bathroom door.  As I
my shirt standing at the dresser, Tom's image caught my peripheral vision.
He too was standing in front of his dresser, pulling out a pair of board
shorts as well.  He had already stripped off to his boxer briefs, and I
surreptitiously glanced at his body as he dug the swim trunks out of his
dresser.  He had very powerful legs.  He should, he ran like 15 miles every
damn day!  He was toned and tanned and in really good shape.  I continued
to undress, all the while stealing glances at him as we both undressed
without "really" looking at each other, but I could occasionally see him
glancing my way as well.  I figured what the hell, and stripped off my
boxers, taking extra time while standing there to fold them neatly and
place them on the dresser before reaching for my trunks to pull them up.
Now I am no slouch in the shape department either, I am 6'3", 210 lbs., and
I work out at the gym a few days a week to keep my shape.  I would say that
I have an average size cut cock, it is about 7" when hard, and no one has
ever complained.  Soft it is about 4", and hangs over a nice sized set of
balls nestled in a nice patch of pubic hair that I keep trimmed.  I have
always been fine with being nude, and have no issues with anyone else
around me being that way as well.  As I started to pull on my trunks, I
glanced over towards Tom's room and saw him standing there looking directly
at me.  He too was naked, and I will say this, my jaw nearly dropped.
There he stood, in all his glory, and nice soft 6" cock hanging over a
beautiful set of egg sized low hanging balls.  He was holding his trunks in
his hand and just looking at me.

"Like what you see?" I joked.

"You know, we have been friends for a long time," he said, "I just realized
we have never seen each other naked."

"Well, now we have." I responded.

"Yeah", was his one word response.

I had just finished stepping into my trunks and had started to slowly pull
them up as Tom continued to stand there watching me.  I felt a little odd,
sort of putting on a show of pulling up my trunks, but I figured since we
had already dropped the barrier of nudity, what was the big deal?  Tom
watched as eventually the trunks covered my package, but I did pull them up
slowly and let them catch just under my balls, lifting my cock and balls up
and out.  God I can be such an exhibitionist sometimes, but now I was
having a little fun with Tom and wondered if maybe we could have some kind
of different fun later this evening.  After I finished pulling up my
trunks, I looked over at Tom.  His cock had started to inflate just a
little, and was thickening and standing up just a little bit.  He had a
really sexy tan line that accented his waist, and his treasure trail came
down from his belly and into a mound of dark pubes that stood out against
the paleness of his untanned skin.  He smiled, and started to put on his
board shorts as well.  All pretense of sneaking peeks at each other cast
aside as I turned and looked directly at him.

"You going to get dressed, or are you going to the beach naked?" I asked
with a grin.

He slowly stepped into his trunks and made a point of sliding them slowly
up his legs just as I had done for him.  When they were about halfway up
his legs, he stumbled slightly, and had to take a step to maintain his
balance.  As he did this, he turned and I saw his ass.  And what an ass it
was!  Two perfectly sculpted mounds of tight flesh, smooth, white, and very
firm from all the running he did.  I felt myself start to chub up at the
sight of those two beautiful cheeks, and wondered what was hiding inside
them.  He laughed as he regained his balance, and finished pulling up his
shorts and tying them off.  As he turned around, I could just make out the
outline of a stiffening cock inside his shorts.  There was quite an air of
sexual tension in the rooms, but neither of us was going to make the first
move.  I think both of us feared what the other might think.

"Ready?" He asked, startling me back to reality.

"Yeah, let's go" I answered.

We grabbed our towels and made our way down to the beach.  The water was
fantastic, and we swam and dove through the waves, played a little dunk
with each other and tossed a Nerf football around for a while.  No mention
of the little show we had given each other was made, but I am sure it was
in the back of both of our minds that we would repeat this performance
again later when we changed out of our trunks.  After playing around in the
water for what felt like at least an hour, we both agreed we were hungry
and thirsty, so we headed back up to the deck and decided to figure out
what to do for dinner, will sipping on a cold beer and sitting on the deck.

"I brought a bunch of dogs, burgers and steaks," Tom said, "why don't we
just grill something easy since it is just us two."

"Sounds good," I said, "I brought some salads and stuff, and we have chips,
so I think we can make do for this evening."

Tom got the burgers from the fridge as well as a couple more beers, while I
uncovered the gas grill and fired it up.  We weren't world class chefs by
any means, but the dinner was nice and we chatted about nothing at all as
we ate our fill of burgers, salads and chips, all washed down with several
cold ones.  It was a beautiful night out, with the breeze continuing to
come off the water, and as the evening grew later, it get even a bit chilly
for the two of us who had just stayed in our swim trunks without shirts or
any other type of cover up.  We moved over to the fire pit and turned it on
and enjoyed the fire and the heat it was giving off.  The beers had done
their work, and despite our eating dinner, I could tell we were both
feeling pretty good.

"I think I am going to jump in the hot tub for a bit then call it a night."
Tom said.

"Sounds good to me, the others are arriving tomorrow and we will be busy
catching up with them." I said.

We turned off the fire pit and walked over to the hot tub.  We uncovered
it, and steam rose into the night air.  Tom turned on the jets and walked
around to the steps.

"I am just going to lose these since they are already dry," he said,
untying his trunks.

"Sounds good to me, I don't want to put on damp chilly trunks to swim
tomorrow." I replied as I did the same with mine.

We both shucked our shorts and started to climb into the tub.  I was behind
Tom and had another good look at his ass as he climbed the steps and
stepped over the side into the tub, his dick swinging freely as he swung
one leg, then the other over the edge. Boy, what a view!  I climbed in
close behind him and immediately sat down to hide my semi that had grown.
It felt wonderful.  The jets were nice and soothing and the water was just
the right temperature to enjoy.  We sat across from one another and chatted
about nothing while our heads were leaned back and the sounds of the waves
coming ashore punctuated our conversation.  Every so often, I would look
over at Tom and see some movement in his arm under the bubbling water.  I
guessed he was just adjusting himself, but I wasn't really sure.  He did
this as we continued to talk, rather absent-mindedly, as though he didn't
even notice he was doing it.  Every so often one of us would shift in our
seats, and our feet would touch as we moved.  This would send an electric
shock through me every time it happened.  I am a sucker for playing
footsie, and Tom was trying to be very nonchalant about it.  It began
happening with more and more frequency, and my cock began to stir in
response.  I would look over at Tom, and he would be sitting there with his
eyes closed, head back just talking, but every so often moving just
slightly so our feet would touch.  The motions of his arm, I noticed, began
to be more obvious.  Was Tom actually masturbating in the hot tub with me?

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"You don't want to know," was his reply.

"No really, you can tell me anything." I told him.

"Lackanookie flu." Was his answer.

"I beg your pardon?  I have never heard of that." I said to him.

"Let me make it easier for you Jim," he said.  "Lack of nookie flu."  He
repeated, enunciating each word clearly so I could understand.

"Ohhhhh, got it!" The light came on in my brain finally!  "Sorry to hear
that, how long?"

"Weeks." Was his one word answer.

"Ouch!"  Even I had hooked up with a girl just last week, but it wasn't
going to go anywhere.

"Tell me about it.  Susan is nice and all, but she just isn't into sex all
that much.  Lately it has been me and my hand getting together an awful

"Geez, I am sorry to hear that." I told him honestly.

"It isn't so bad, but every once in a while I think about my cock in a nice
warm mouth or tight warm pussy, and, well, you know."

I did know.  I knew how he felt, and I knew what I was feeling right now,
and my mind and my cock were both responding to his conversation.  Tom was
now actively stroking himself in the tub and making no bones about being
discrete about it.  He stretched out in the tub and his foot brushed up
against my ankle, but rather than pulling it back, he let it linger there,
moving it ever so slightly along my ankle as he pleasured himself in front
of me.  His actions were not lost on me, and I began to work my own cock
slowly under the water as he began to be bolder in his rubbing of my ankle.
His foot started to rub over the top of my foot and up my calf as we both
silently jerked off together in the hot tub.

"I hope you I'm not offending you," he said.

"Hell no, feels nice," I answered.

"I just need to get off, and this seemed like as good a place as any to do

"Fine with me, perhaps we can both get off, hell, it is just us guys, so
who cares?"

"To be honest, I did this a few times back in college." He said.

"Really? You?  Since we are being honest, I was in a circle jerk or two
back in college as well, but it was never something I shared."  I replied.

"Me neither, not exactly something you post on your social media page!" He

"Agreed!" I answered.

"So you are ok with this?" He sat up and looked directly across the tub at

"Tom, I am more than ok with it, in fact it feels really nice to have your
foot rubbing against me."

"Cool, I just don't want you to think any less of me."

"How could I?  You are one of my closest friends and we share a lot.
Whatever happens, I will always be your friend."  I told him.

"Then I hope you won't mind if I do this then," and I felt his foot start
to caress the back of my calf and up my leg.

When he got to the back of my knee, his foot came over the top and
continued along the inside of my leg.  I knew where this was going, and I
wasn't about to stop it.  I wanted to see just how far it would go in our
relaxed, slightly alcohol induced state.  Tom's foot seemed to have a radar
built into it.  Here we were rubbing our cocks in the hot tub, his foot
climbing my leg, and then suddenly just before he made contact with my hand
or my sack, his foot started back down my inner thigh.  I was loving this.
Plain and simple, loving it!  His foot would come up my leg, then back to
my knee, up and down for several minutes, as we continued to pleasure
ourselves.  Finally on one of its journeys up my leg, his toes brushed my
ball sack, and he started to rub my balls with his foot.  The line was
crossed now, there was no going back.  I took my hand off my cock and
grabbed the top of his foot and pulled his foot against my now fully erect
cock, rubbing it up and down the length of it so he could feel all of it.

"Is this what you were looking for?" I inquired.

"Nice, very nice," he hissed.

"I am getting all pruned up in here," I said.  "Shall we go inside?"

I knew I wouldn't have to ask that question twice.  Tom took his foot out
of my crotch and sat up on the edge of the tub.  There he sat, his cock
hard, easily 8-9 inches long and thick, the head engorged with blood,
sitting out there for me to see, and he could have cared less.  I sat up on
the side myself, my own 7 inches jutting proudly from my mid-section.  I
looked at him...no, actually I just stared at his cock for a minute or two.

"Like what you see?" He joked.

"Isn't that where this all started several hours ago?" I chuckled.  "Let's
go inside."

We climbed out, turned off the jets and grabbed our towels and toweled off,
leaving the towels over the railing to dry and headed for the door.  Two
boners leading the way.  We walked into the large family room and sat down
on the sofa next to each other close together, but not touching each other.
I watched as Tom started to fist his long shaft up and down as though no
one else was there with him.  I started to stroke my own cock as well, and
both of us sat there, slowly stroking our cocks, not saying anything, but
occasionally looking over at each other to watch as the other masturbated.
Tom would occasionally reach down and cup his balls with his free hand,
lift them a little, roll them around, then release them and place his hand
back on his thigh, slowly stroking up and down the length of his muscular
thigh.  He spread his legs some and his leg came into contact with mine.
It felt as though little tiny jolts of lightning were running up my legs as
his legs stayed in contact with mine.  I spread my legs more as I fisted my
own cock to get even greater contact with him, and at one point after
cupping his balls, his hand landed not on his own thigh, but on mine, and
began to stroke up and down my thigh, higher and higher it went, closer to
my balls with each upstroke.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity,
his hand made contact with my balls.  He cupped them, then slowly lifted
them as if to inspect them, then let them down and pushed my own hand away
from my rigid cock.  He gently grabbed my shaft and began to stroke us both
in unison.  I groaned in appreciation, and let me head fall back on the
sofa as my friend continued to stroke my hard cock.  His grip was firm, but
soft and loving.  He didn't just want to jerk me off, he was caressing my
cock, almost lovingly.  This went on for several minutes and I was using
every tool in my arsenal to keep from blowing my load.  I was concentrating
so hard on not cumming, that I didn't even notice Tom's movements on the
sofa.  Suddenly I felt something warm and wet engulf my cock head.  My
friend, my buddy Tom, was going down on me!  I opened my eyes and looked
down to see my cock slowly disappear into his mouth as he looked up at me.
It felt amazing...no other word for it, amazing!  He took my cock all the
way to the base without the slightest bit of gag, and held it there for a
moment, before slowly going back to the top, then licking the tip of my now
incredibly rock hard cock.

Tom climbed off the sofa and crawled between my knees and began to give me
one of the most unbelievable blow jobs I had ever gotten.  He played with
my nutsack as he went up and down on my cock at a nice leisurely pace, all
the while continuing to fist his own cock.  My moans and groans, and his
slurping and humming sounds were all that filled the living room. After
several minutes, I needed a break or I was going to burst.  I pulled him
off my cock and he sat back on his heels with a questioning look on his

"I was getting close," I said.  "I didn't want to blow my load yet."

I pulled him towards me and did something I never did when I played around
with the other guys in college, I kissed him.  Not just a little peck, but
a full on open mouthed tongue duel.  I could taste myself in his mouth, and
it turned me on even more.  We continued to kiss for several more minutes,
then I joined him on the floor.  We laid there on the carpet holding each
other as I reached down and took his cock in my hand and began to stroke
him as we continued to kiss again.  His cock felt so nice in my hand, firm,
fleshy, strong and I could almost feel his heartbeat as the blood engorged
member pulsed in my hand.  I stroked him up and down and saw the tiny beads
of pre-cum forming on the tip of the head.  I swiped them with my finger
and massaged them around the head.

"Oh my God that feels good," he cooed.

I brought my hand to my mouth and tasted his offering.  It was nectar,
sweet, juicy nectar of the Gods.  Well of this God I had here before me on
the floor.  I wanted more.  I reached down and stroked him again, and was
rewarded with another bead, a little bigger this time.  I picked it up with
my finger and brought it to my mouth.  Heaven on earth, I thought.  I was
hooked, I had to have more of this.  I had never done anything like this
before, but I had been on the receiving end of a blow job or two in my day,
and now even one from another man, so I slid down his body, kissing his
nipples, his chest, his tummy and all along his treasure trail towards my

"You don't have to do this," he said, "I am ok with just getting you off."

"I know I don't have to, I want to." I told him.

He laid back and closed his eyes and I continued my journey southward until
the head of his penis hit my cheek.  A trail of his pre-cum ran across my
cheek as I continued towards his cock head.  I kissed the tip and was
rewarded with another taste of his wonderful pre-cum.  I licked at the
head, licking up all I could.  Tom's head was rolling from side to side as
I slowly took the cock head in my mouth and began to give my first blow
job.  I thought quickly of what I liked when someone blew me, so I covered
my teeth with my lips, and created some good suction as my mouth slid over
his cock head and down the shaft.  He moaned and groaned above me, and I
sucked and hummed as inch after inch slid into my mouth, and the spit
started flowing inside my mouth, giving Tom's cock a warm, wet spot to
reside for now.  I couldn't take all of him, and when his cock hit the back
of my mouth, I gagged a little and pulled back some, but I must have had at
least 7 inches of my friend's cock in my mouth, and I loved it!  I tried to
remember what Tom had done to me as well, so I began letting his cock slide
out of my mouth until just the tip was there in my mouth.  A quick grope of
his balls sent forth a nice stream of his pre-cum which I happily
swallowed.  I continued in this fashion for several more minutes, slowly
going up and down on his cock, my tongue swiping at the head on the
upstroke and feeling out every vein on the down stroke.  Here I was with no
experience at giving blow jobs, and I was going at his cock like a seasoned
veteran.  I could sense Tom was getting close, so I slowed my ministrations
on his cock and released some of the suction.  Tom pulled me up to him and
kissed me again.

"Fucking unbelievable!" He said. "You've never done this before?"

"Nope." I replied.  "Guess you could say I am a natural!"

"And a damn good one at that!" He said as we kissed.

We continued to grind our bodies and our cocks together for a few minutes,
when Tom sat up and twisted his body so we were in the classic 69.  Lying
there on our side, we each began to suckle on each other's cocks.  It was
amazing.  I loved having Tom's cock in my mouth, and I loved mine in his.
I wasn't sure what was going to happen when we climaxed, but I was too
focused on what I was doing at the time to worry about it.  I worked his
cock, and I worked it good.  Giving him all I had to try to get him the
release he was looking for.  He had amazing stamina for someone who hadn't
had sex in quite a while.  I could feel the cum start to boil deep within
me and I knew it wouldn't be long before I went over the edge, but I was
determined to take Tom with me.  As we continued to suck on each other, I
was getting nearer and nearer to the point of no return, and I felt
obligated to warn Tom.

"I'm getting close." I groaned around his cock.

"Me too." He choked out.

Tom kept up a steady attack on my cock, and now that he knew my orgasm was
near, he seemed to re-double his efforts on my cock, sucking harder and
faster than before.  It happened in an instant.  I felt the cum fire out of
my balls and into and up my shaft into Tom's mouth.

"Oh shiiiiit," I groaned as my cock fired volley after volley into Tom's

Three, four, five jets shot out of my cock and filled Tom's mouth, I could
feel him swallowing around my cock as more and more of my seed burst forth
to fill the void created by his swallowing. Six, seven, eight and Tom was
still swallowing.  I thought I was going to pass out from the barrage I was
firing into my friend's throat!  Finally the shots slowed to a slow trickle
and Tom laid there nursing on my cock as I regained my composure and
continued to try to get Tom to the same place I had just been.  I went at
his cock like a man possessed, and after about thirty or forty seconds, I
felt his cock twitch and thicken in my mouth.  Jet after jet of steaming
hot cum bathed the inside of my mouth and washed my tonsils.  There was a
lot of cum, and I swallowed as fast as I could as Tom kept pumping his load
of baby makers into my mouth and throat.  A little trickled out and down my
cheek as I swallowed for all I was worth.  I lost track after I think eight
jets, but I knew in my mind that I loved cock and I loved cum.  As his jets
slowed to an ooze, I kept his now softening cock in my mouth and sucked it
clean, not wanting to lose a single drop of his precious offering to me.

We both rolled over onto our backs and sighed heavily.

"Holy shit, that was fucking awesome." I said.

Tom twisted around and laid his head on my chest.

"The fucking hasn't even started yet, but yeah it was awesome!"

He looked up into my eyes, winked and gave me a huge kiss.  I could taste
my cum in his mouth and I know he could taste his.  He put his head down on
my chest and sighed.

What a way to start a weekend!


Tom at the beach


This has made me so fuckin hard

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