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Riddle me this>


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What row of numbers comes next?

This is a tough one!










I'll post the answer in a couple of days.

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Oooh this is difficult, I have been wracking my brains and come up with nowt!


I thought it may be about adding or dividing the first numbers or something but every theory I came up with got busted


I love stuff like this (Even though I am crap at them)

Look forward to the solution....


Great stuff

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I guess this was a bit too hard for you guys. Here is the answer!










Each line tells the story about the next.


First line is: one one, hince 11

Second line is: two ones, hince 21

Third line is: one two one one, making it 1211

Forth: one one one two two ones

Fifth: three ones two twos one one

Sixth: one three one one two twos two ones


So the next line would be:


one one one three two ones three twos one one




I will see if I can find an easier question for you guys if you like.


Does anyone like these sorts of stuff??

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Yay, I figured that out last night, reading out loud really helps


Yes keep em coming I love this sorta stuff

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Hey with the holiday coming up in the USA next month, I was wondering Do they have a fourth of July in England?

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QUOTE(suncoastboi @ Jun 6 2006, 10:56 PM)
Hey with the holiday coming up in the USA next month, I was wondering Do they have a fourth of July in England?

No we go from the 3rd, and skip straight to the 5th.... ^_^

Seriously though, no we don't celebrate really, it passes without mention. I like to try to do my own little thing though, cos my bf (reg) is American, so I might buy a few beers and celebrate with him.
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Hehe, I know that England doesn't celebrate it, I just wanted to see if anyone would say no, but you caught on! Everyone has a July 4 hehe.

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Guest froggie

What is the english/british national day ? In france this is the 14th july the fête nationale (national party/celebration) that marks (I think) the anniversary of the taking of the bastille in the revolution of 1789... and then chopping off the kings head - HAHA! But what is this for england...?


By the way suncoast boi, I still dont understand you riddle... I am not so stupid

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The English national holiday is celebrated on the day Price Charles married the Rotweiler :D

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By the way suncoast boi, I still dont understand you riddle... I am not so stupid[/b]


The numbers one? :huh:

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