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Trump Reverses Rule Protecting Transgender Patients From Discrimination


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President Donald Trump’s administration finalized a new policy Friday that ends an Obama-era protection for transgender patients facing discrimination in the health care system.

The now-revoked provision of the Affordable Care Act had broadened bans on sex discrimination in health care to include transgender patients, ensuring they could receive services at all hospitals and be covered under all insurance plans.
It is one of many rules and regulations put forward by the Trump administration that defines "sex discrimination" as only applying when someone faces discrimination for being female or male, and does not protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.This is the latest effort by the Trump administration to narrowly define sex discrimination.

Supporters of the new rule said this is a necessary reversal of Obama-era executive overreach and will reduce confusion about the legal meaning of "sex discrimination." Critics argue the rule could further harm an already vulnerable group — transgender people — in the midst of a pandemic and historic unrest spurred by the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis.

The rule focuses on nondiscrimination protections laid out in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. That federal law established that it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of "race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in certain health programs and activities." In 2016, an Obama-era rule explained that protections regarding "sex" encompass those based on gender identity, which it defined as "male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female."

"We're going back to the plain meaning of those terms, which is based on biological sex." said Roger Severino, the head of  the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Health and Human Services. He also said the rule could save hospitals and insurers and others $2.9 billion over five years since they will be relieved of the requirement to print notices of nondiscrimination in several languages and include them with any "significant" mailings.

Under the new rule, a transgender person could, for example, be refused care for a checkup at a doctor's office. Other possible scenarios include a transgender man being denied treatment for ovarian cancer, or a hysterectomy not being covered by an insurer — or costing more when the procedure is related to someone's gender transition.

The Trump rule makes changes to gender-based discrimination protections beyond Section 1557 of the ACA; it affects regulations pertaining to access to health insurance, for example, including cost-sharing, health plan marketing and benefits. The rule could also mean that those seeking an abortion could be denied care if performing the procedure violates the provider's moral or religious beliefs.

Throughout his time in office, Trump has worked to severely narrow the legal definition of sex discrimination, leaving fewer people covered under civil rights protections across several industries. 


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The problem is, because of a lawsuit brought in a Texas federal court, the Obama era "protections" were never allowed to take effect in the first place so, in reality, Trump just removed a series of things that were just show and had no power anyway.  

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Guest lev_igor33

November is around the corner.  This man has ruined the United States standing in the world. If Obama was for something, he is against it. This is the most consequential election in my life and I am old. Hopefully, generations x,y, and z Bernie Bros. and any other group that failed to cast a ballot in 2016 will be moved to vote this November. 


The United States as we know it along with the LGQ community need this fool out 



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The person in the Oval Office of the White House calls everything he doesn't like "fake", every news item he doesn't like he calls "fake news", every poll that does not favor him, he calls a "fake poll", every person who stands against him, he denigrates and calls derogatory names.  Therefore,  since I do not like him, I will simplycall him the "Fake President".  He is a self centered, money grabbing bully and bigot businessman and does not act presidential in any sense of that definition, so therefore he is a "Fake President",  who is NOT making America great again.  He has made America has  the laughing stock of the World.  He has turned the Republican party into the party of Trump, aka the "Repugnicant Party".  He has installed unprofessional, unqualified individuals into his cabinet posts, left many needed governmental positions empty or filled with temporary "acting directors".  Trump is not even an actor in the sense that President Reagan was, but he IS acting like a big self centered baby, who, when he doesn't get his own way, rather than picking up his toys and going home, just stomps on all the "toys" to destroy them so no one else can play with them  He is trying to rewrite the United States of America into his own image.  He is acting more like the dictators of the world that he praises, like the leaders of Russia and North Korea.  For some reason, he has a strong hatred for President Obama, which may be deep seated racism, bigotry and jealousy.  He is the antithesis of what President Obama stood for.  And if he cannot ram his ideasand policies through Congress via his cronies there, he issues Executive Orders (aka Decrees from on High) to do so.  His world is starkly White and Black and he has no room for the variety of Rainbow Colors which really composes all of life on Earth.  If he doesn't like something or it stands in his way, or it doesn't make him more money, he tries to denigrate it, if he cannot  kill it or eradicate it. Transgender persons do not fit in his White and Black world, so therefore he must  relegated them to some dark corner of life, first by taking away their health care, and then, if he can, he would probably like to eventually deny their existence.  So, if we do not vote him and his cronies out of office, he and they will try to eventually eradicate all non-heterosexual people as well.

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