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[Love Our Virgins] All 5 Days


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Love Our Virgins Week - Cover.jpg

To all the new 'virgins' in our community who haven't posted, reacted, or said hello, welcome to the start of "Love Our Virgins" -- a special week designed to help you understand how to use our community.  It'll be a five days of non-stop gang bang oops, I mean short and sweet tutorials to help you make the most of AdonisMale.  We promise we'll be gentle (wink wink 😉).

Our first day is Posting Tips & Tricks, which will help you write your first topic and learn some cool things with our editor.  

TIP 1: Start new topic

We're going to help you introduce yourself, and that means writing your first topic!  Make sure you're first on AdonisMale.com, and then navigate to the forums by going to Community > Forums in the menu.  Click on the button "Start new topic."  Choose Introductions.  

Start new topic.JPG

Start a new topic to Introduce yourself

You only need a title and some content.  For the title, go with something simple like "My Name is [yourname] from [location]."  Then tell us about yourself.  How did you find the website?  Who is your favorite pornstar?  What's the kinkiest place where you've had sex?  How did you come out as gay?  What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you during sex?  Remember, the more secrets you share, the more twisted mind games we can play on you.  Kidding.  We're a nice group of folks.  

Tip 2: Mentions

If you'd like to catch the attention of another member, you can use @mentions to refer to their username.  In the same topic that you created before, mention one of our ambassadors @wolfe, @doug, or @suzienudie to get them to respond to you.  (If you're female, then you especially want to mention @SuzieNudie who has a special invitation for you!).  


If the @mention doesn't work, try refreshing the page.

Tip 3: Image Attachments

We love hunks!  And we love it when you share your most favorite images, so I'm going to show you how to add image attachments to your post.  In the same topic that you created before, drag-and-drop an image of your most favorite hunk (or yourself if you're an exhibitionist!)  

There are two spots that you can drag-and-drop: anywhere in the editor OR in the attachment bar at the bottom.  

Drag images to editor.JPG

Drag-and-drop images anywhere to these two locations

You'll see the images start to upload after a second.  You can upload as many images as you want, and they'll display beautifully in your forum post.  

Tip 4: Add Some Love

Want to give your posts some extra fun by adding smiles, emojis, and more?  We have a special button for emojis.  In the same topic, click on the emoji button.  The entire list of emojis will show up.  To quickly find the emoji you want, use the searchbar at the bottom and search for 'heart.'  Click on the Red Heart icon to send some love into the world ❤️.  Feel free to also send some smiles, winks, or unicorns.  

Emoji box.JPG

Click on the emoji icon first.  Then search for heart

We hope you enjoyed the first day of "Love Our Virgins," and we hope to learn more about you in your Introductions topic.  See you on the website!  


With much love to all the virgins, non-virgins, and even those who are a tad sexually confused,

Joel R,

De-Virginized Webmaster Who Wants to Pop Your 🍒 

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Love Our Virgins Week - Cover (1).jpg

Welcome to Day 2 of "Love Our Virgins" Week which is all about helping new virgins and shy virgins get acquainted with our amazing website.  We have so much to share on AdonisMale from our unparalleled galleries to our incredible collection of free files.  

But what makes the community special is the forums -- the heartbeat of the community where we can discuss and share our love of hunks with others.  I've learned some fascinating things about my fellow AM members in the past 24 hours, from wanting to plan an art tour of Rome with @loran23 as my userguide to creating a fitness guide with our musclelover @Bakersman94!   It's that sense of community in the forums that makes AM such an amazing place to hang out and enjoy.  We love hunks, but above and beyond that, we love hunks together.  

Day 2 is all about legendary posts that have helped shape our community experience.  Take a look and feel free to comment on these posts to keep the legend going!  


The one where ... 

Bun01.jpg     redbum.thumb.jpg.65e30acfdd62a5d133f1e37006e54117.jpg     5001.thumb.jpg.06c9f42f8542804ab9b487b7669a6a29.jpg

>> BUN, BUNS, BUNNS ... where we go wild over double servings of perky joy.  The hottest topic of all time with over 2,000 replies by pretty much everyone (and especially @drewguy!)

20150512_Adonis_0035.thumb.jpg.82152e26fbc1cd2e669ef3127ac3f403.jpg     10085.thumb.jpg.f6c2df0fbe01c69dd108b484405fc8ec.jpg     2475.jpg.894682546884cefc287f77a28859c1ab.jpg

>> FACES OF BEAUTY ... where we swoon to dreamy faces, square-cut jaws, and handsome men.  The most viewed topic of all time with 50,000+ views and our longest running topic over  three years.  

>> DOUGS SECOND BLOG ... where we wait breathlessly for updates in the life of @Doug, a mildmannered gent from The Netherlands who traces his life story from a naive cocksucker in the park 🍆 to the nail-biting drama of his latest medical procedures.    

>>  MY JOURNEY OF UPLOADING PICTORIAL MAGAZINES .... a near-daily update by @maleart as he spends much too long jacking off to vintage gay magazines himself before sharing them with us 😆.  Be extra nice to him, and he'll fill special requests from his unparalleled porn collection of vintage magazines. 

These four topics are an introduction to the most stellar topics of all times on AdonisMale.com, and a way to get caught up on the topics that have shaped and defined much of the community.  I hope this is a start of discovering more amazing posts and people to follow, and perhaps a spark for you to participate.  😘

Do you know of a post on AM that you've found especially awesome?  Add a post to the topic to explain why (be sure to @mention me) and I'll feature it in next month's newsletter!  



Your Legendary Webmaster

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  • JoelR unlocked and pinned this topic

Love Our Virgins Week - Gallery Guide.jpg

Hey there virgins!  This post is all about introducing you to our awesome gallery!  

Our Gallery is an unparalleled collection of sizzling red-hot hunks 🔥.  There are hidden treats in there for EVERYONE.  With over 300,000 images spanning a range of personal albums to vintage erotica, from Playgirl centerfolds to male models, we're one of the largest free collections of gay photos anywhere on the web.  

Where do I go?

Gallery Index.JPG

When you first visit the Gallery by going to Community > Gallery in the menu, you can choose between 8 major galleries. (The ninth gallery is a boring one for the website, so skip it).  Each gallery focuses on something different:

  • Member Gallery - Want to share photos from your own life and be an exhibitionist?  Show off your naughty bits to other members by creating your own member album.
  • Main Gallery - The original gallery that started it all, the Main Gallery is divided into themes such as Black & White, Uniforms, and Body Parts. 
  • DC Playgirl Gallery - Our most famous gallery, the DC Playgirl Gallery is home to the world's largest gallery for Playgirl Magazine centerfolds and hunks
  • MaleSuperStars - Drool over famous male models in fashion and fitness like David Gandy and Sean O'Pry
  • MalePornStars - Go over to the wild side with our gallery for male porn stars, with both straight and gay 
  • The Archives - Travel back in time to when male erotica just started, with our gallery dedicated to vintage erotica.  The Archives includes one of the largest public collections of photos from Bob Mizer's American Model Guild (AMG).
  • The Waistline - Go below the waistline with The Waistline, a gallery dedicated to clothing brands like Calvin Klein and 2(x)ist
  • The Lens - Have a favorite photographer?  The Lens is dedicated to the talents of top photographers like Rick Day or Michael Stokes

Whether you love one favorite gallery or all, take the time to visit all 8 and see which one you like the most!  If you're new, start in the Main Gallery > Men Types.  You can't go wrong.  

How do I upload?

Excited about our treasure trove of images and can't wait to share your own own images?  That's awesome!  We make it as easy as possible to upload your own album.  To get started, simply go to the appropriate category like Member Gallery, and click on "Add Images" button.  

Add Images.JPG

Follow the prompts to enter in the name and description.  When you see the big jV60V.png, drag-and-drop your images or navigate to the images you want to add.  You can add multiple images.

Upload Images.JPG

Drag-and-drop into the big rectangle or click on +  to select your images.

When you're done adding images and the images have finished uploading, click Submit and you're done!  It's that easy.  


If you ever need help uploading your images, don't be afraid to shout for help on the website by sending me a PM.  I'm always happy to help 👍.  I hope you enjoyed this guided tour of our Gallery.  It's the most famous part of our website that attracts thousands of visitors every day, and we'd love to have you start sharing your own collection of hunks.  Don't have any images to share?  Don't feel bad -- we have plenty of images for everyone 😄.  Give some star ratings, add a stiffie, or write a little comment to the uploader on how much you enjoyed his photo.  Every uploader loves hearing how his photos got you hard! 



Your Gallery Guru 


P.S.  Want to find another major porn stash of images?  Go to Community > Clubs and request to join "Son of PicJim"! 

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Love Our Virgins Week - Meet the Members.jpg

Hey shy virgins, new virgins, in-the-closet virgins, and ready-to-come-out virgins, do you know why this community is so special?  We may be famous for our galleries.  You probably found us from our stellar collection of photos.  But it's not the photos. 

It's the members!

Our community has survived and grown over the years through the incredible and awe-inspiring contributions from some phenomenal members who were once virgins just like you! Even though I'd like to take credit for the amazing community that's grown up around me, I know I can't.  We're so fortunate to have amazing members who have graced our community, all of whom you can meet and chat with on a daily basis.  All of these folks are super friendly, love reading your comments on their images, and would love to hear from you!  So let's take a look at some of the key members to follow, stalk, and stiffie 😀.

Who to follow ...

The following individuals are 3 of the best people to follow.  Go to their profile, and click 'Follow' to not miss out.  

57a68128cfd99_SteveODonnell-1.jpg.ad49ce1ae2f43761192b77315144d591.thumb.jpg.df0eda5d329d5691ed36f89d926a967a.jpg Steve is a king among men.  Out of the special Champions group which is an honor given to only the most extraordinary contributors in the AdonisMale community, Steve is the king.  He's a mega-uploader of everything, active in the forums and gallery, a serial stalker of ballet dancer Mark MacKillop (we probably have more photos of Mark than his mother 😂), and his favorite pornstar is (guess who?) Steve O'Donnell.  


IMG_3113_(2).JPG.0be478e68f8343191e78cdf3addb590a.thumb.JPG.01c2448d6634457c52010a947b5b0b08.jpgMaleart is a long-time member of the AdonisMale community and one of our earliest members to join.  He's been hiding in the background, but decided to come out of retirement this year to share his epic collection.  Out of all the people I know who horde porn (and I've met quite a few), none quite match the stellar collection of erotica magazines by MaleArt who is kind enough to share Men Magazine, Inches, All American, Foxy Lady, Viva, BlueBuy and everything else.  He's just getting started, so follow his personal blog or say "hi" to him in his Introduction topic.


Colt31.thumb.jpg.d7816c908a495d116d2dd88a5e0d0ee1.jpg   ColtMann is our newest Champion to AdonisMale, but has quickly catapulted to be one of the most followed users and the leader of "Son of PicJim." I've been a long-time fan of him on Yahoo! Groups and he's slowly migrating his group over to our website where it's finding a new home with us.  From ColtMann's daily musings on life, elections, parental care, and pop culture references to his incredible collection of photos in "Son of PicJim," you can't help but become an instant friend of his.  We're so lucky to add him to our constellation of champions. 

Who to talk to ...

21319167_10212684045449848_6568526997638847705_o.thumb.jpg.746811aa3bf4f67d07280d4a98272937.jpg     Smooth-Russian-Jock-Sergey-Boytcov-Wet-Dreams-4.jpg.4ff0df9f3b32ce077a2e32980cf8e642.thumb.jpg.9839c7c0ae31b4e93214d9d605d0e677.jpg     4c001308e9bb1.thumb.jpg.733bdbe94e8ebf5c43001d93792c68e2.jpg

I want to give a special shout-out to our Ambaddasors Wolfe, Doug, and Suzienudie who are always willing to lend an ear if you need to talk to someone.  Wolfe enjoys singing in his regional choir, paints in his spare time, and loves to shake his cock at the world!  Doug is one of our friendliest members, loves blond gymnasts and motorbikes, and will write you epic PMs if you're up for chatting.  SuzieNudie is our self-described Georgia peach, a sexy vixen who can makes gay guys jealous with her bodacious bod and the point-of-contact for the females of AdonisMale in "The Oasis".   Be sure to say "hi" to any of these folks on the website with any questions - no matter how personal or private.  

Consider this an open invitation to finally de-virginize yourself.  We'd love to meet you, so come on over to AdonisMale and join the fun! 🎉



Be Sure to Meet Me Too!

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  • JoelR pinned and featured this topic

Love Our Virgins Week - Adventure.jpg

We've made it through the week!  You've gained a comprehensive overview of our community with tips and tricks on how to post; you read our legendary posts; you've been guided through our famous galleries; and you met some friendly faces.  With all this information though, you might still be a virgin who isn't comfortable actively participating in the community ... which is why today's post is talking about why you should contribute, why you shouldn't be shy, and why you should experience a grand adventure of friendship, romance, and lust at AdonisMale.  


Warning! Your adventure may involve lots of hot men

We're Safe -- We're a safe and non-judgmental community by design.  If you ever read about my personal story, I had a difficult time coming out as a young gay man.  Building an online community was a way to safely explore my sexuality, and it's empowered me to become my full and authentic self.  My mission is to provide that same safe experience to every member of the community, whether you're a young gay man looking to jack off to gay porn for the first time, a bored housewife looking for a sexual release, or a closeted professional fulfilling his sexual needs.  We will never judge where you came from, who you are, or what you choose.  We only ask that you consider our open invitation to journey together.  

We're Anonymous -- When you register for the website, you provide three pieces of information: your username, email, and password.  That's it.  Out of those 3 items, the only public data that's disclosed is your chosen username.  You should feel liberated to become the person you want to become in our community.  You control any personal information you decide to share beyond your username, which means you calibrate how much personal information you want to pass on to other members.  You can choose to share nothing or you can choose to share selected facts about yourself. You create the most authentic version of yourself to share with us, so take the time to update your profile the way you want.  

We're Reciprocal - Our community is one of mutual respect and understanding for others.  There are still many parts of America where being gay (and lusting after hot, naked men!) is frowned upon, and certainly in many parts of the world, being gay is still a crime.  The broader world is an uphill battle for tolerance and equality, so we're intentionally a community where you can enjoy naked men without censorship or fear, and you can find like-minded friends from all over the world who share the same passion.  

We're Ready - Most of all, we're ready for you to join us and share in our passion of hunks.  We're ready for you to write your own adventure through AdonisMale.com whether it's participating in the forums, starting a personal blog, or discovering one of our Champions' treasure trove of sizzling hot hunks.  We'd love for you to take the first step with us to admire the hunks together -- you'll be in good company.  

TT_ArtNude_X_0129.jpg     TT_ArtNude_X_0003.jpg     TT_ArtNude_X_0011.jpg

Discover your dream hunk, jack off to new eye candy every day, and find new friends.  Your adventure awaits. 

Joel R,

Your Fearless Webmaster


P.S.  And if you need a tour guide, I'm always here to help.  I read and respond to each and every message.  If you'd like to contact me, the best methods are to send me a message on the website or email me at [email protected].

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9 hours ago, JoelR said:


Be Sure to Meet Me Too!

Oh yeah do make an effort to meet the man of the site @JoelR! The backbone that keeps AdonisMale what it is & that is one hell of a caring & supportive member here, not to mention a really good looking cutie! 😍😂

9 hours ago, JoelR said:

So let's take a look at some of the key members to follow, stalk, and stiffie 😀.

Stalk? 🤔 Just as long it doesn't go into the creepy stalker mode, outside of the realm of AM! 😲

9 hours ago, JoelR said:

sexy vixen who can makes gay guys jealous with her bodacious bod

Oh quit it @JoelR😂 Gonna make me blush 😊 & get all embarrassed in front of everyone! 😂

All kidding aside, @JoelR is right about the members that he mentioned. All of us are here to make visiting AM comfortable & supportive. Though I am one of many women running around in this sea of men  ( I said sea OF men, not semen! 😂), my ears are open to all regardless of sexual orientation.

Much ❤️
(AM's resident GA 🍑)  😂

Edited by suzienudie
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35 minutes ago, suzienudie said:


Yeah, I should probably clarify that I mean stalk in the fun sense.  Not in the creepy sense.  😲  😄

38 minutes ago, suzienudie said:

Gonna make me blush 😊 & get all embarrassed in front of everyone! 😂


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • JoelR changed the title to [Love Our Virgins] All 5 Days
  • 1 year later...
On 10/9/2018 at 5:27 PM, JoelR said:

Love Our Virgins Week - Cover (1).jpg

Welcome to Day 2 of "Love Our Virgins" Week which is all about helping new virgins and shy virgins get acquainted with our amazing website.  We have so much to share on AdonisMale from our unparalleled galleries to our incredible collection of free files.  

But what makes the community special is the forums -- the heartbeat of the community where we can discuss and share our love of hunks with others.  I've learned some fascinating things about my fellow AM members in the past 24 hours, from wanting to plan an art tour of Rome with @loran23 as my userguide to creating a fitness guide with our musclelover @Bakersman94!   It's that sense of community in the forums that makes AM such an amazing place to hang out and enjoy.  We love hunks, but above and beyond that, we love hunks together.  

Day 2 is all about legendary posts that have helped shape our community experience.  Take a look and feel free to comment on these posts to keep the legend going!  


The one where ... 

Bun01.jpg     redbum.thumb.jpg.65e30acfdd62a5d133f1e37006e54117.jpg     5001.thumb.jpg.06c9f42f8542804ab9b487b7669a6a29.jpg

>> BUN, BUNS, BUNNS ... where we go wild over double servings of perky joy.  The hottest topic of all time with over 2,000 replies by pretty much everyone (and especially @drewguy!)

20150512_Adonis_0035.thumb.jpg.82152e26fbc1cd2e669ef3127ac3f403.jpg     10085.thumb.jpg.f6c2df0fbe01c69dd108b484405fc8ec.jpg     2475.jpg.894682546884cefc287f77a28859c1ab.jpg

>> FACES OF BEAUTY ... where we swoon to dreamy faces, square-cut jaws, and handsome men.  The most viewed topic of all time with 50,000+ views and our longest running topic over  three years.  

>> DOUGS SECOND BLOG ... where we wait breathlessly for updates in the life of @Doug, a mildmannered gent from The Netherlands who traces his life story from a naive cocksucker in the park 🍆 to the nail-biting drama of his latest medical procedures.    

>>  MY JOURNEY OF UPLOADING PICTORIAL MAGAZINES .... a near-daily update by @maleart as he spends much too long jacking off to vintage gay magazines himself before sharing them with us 😆.  Be extra nice to him, and he'll fill special requests from his unparalleled porn collection of vintage magazines. 

These four topics are an introduction to the most stellar topics of all times on AdonisMale.com, and a way to get caught up on the topics that have shaped and defined much of the community.  I hope this is a start of discovering more amazing posts and people to follow, and perhaps a spark for you to participate.  😘

Do you know of a post on AM that you've found especially awesome?  Add a post to the topic to explain why (be sure to @mention me) and I'll feature it in next month's newsletter!  



Your Legendary Webmaster

I can't find the thread @maleart started about his journey uploading male erotic magazines!!! I've been searching for hours now!!!

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16 hours ago, ss197820 said:

I can't find the thread @maleart started about his journey uploading male erotic magazines!!! I've been searching for hours now!!!

@maleart hasn't posted in awhile, but he used to do daily updates: 


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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for the advise. I appreciate this site and want to have it available to my andother's interests in male beauty.

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  • 1 year later...

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