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  2. Bobsworld

    After Dark magazine*

    After Dark was an arts & entertainment magazine that was published from 1968 to 1983. With a definite slant towards gay men (ya think?), it featured dance, art, photography, fashion, movies, tv, stage/theatre, dining, travel, celebrities, Speedos, and the occasional male nude. Included are the sexy highlights plus some vintage camp/art/performing arts fun and info. Much of dance photographer (and long time After Dark contributor) Kenn Duncan's work is on display here. Same with the work of photographer/AD contributor Jack Mitchell, Roy Blakey, and others. *Note: If it does not say "After Dark" in the title, that photo may be SUPPLEMENTAL and may or may not have appeared in the magazine. Some related pics have been added from other sources. Photos have been cropped, corrected (and some colored) for clarity.
  3. daveku

    Pete Buttigieg

    I respect the guy. I'm not going to get political. That never ends well. As a gay independent, who, up until 3 years ago, never knew roads could be racist. I always thought, they were a compacted subbase, gravel and an asphalt top. (simplified of course) I've been designing them wrong for the past 30 years! Why didn't someone tell me sooner? I just can't do it. Nope.
  4. Alfonso74


  5. Alfonso74

    Daily Hunk

  6. PecsFan


    Sk8trDipity should receive a Community Service Award for this album. 🏆
  7. teddy0012

    Bed and Bath Time

  8. Alfonso74

    Black: The Color of Night

    Lovely hole
  9. handybiman

    Bed and Bath Time

  10. Some of the guys at my gym are using nipple pumps to plump up their nips. Do you ARE they sexy or weird?
  11. handybiman

    Jockstrap Jock Juice

  12. xlukguy

    fag Tomas exposed

    Fag Tomas, also known as "Xlukguy", you may know him. There are few Czech faggots, especially those who expose themselves naked with ID. Among these faggots Tomas belongs. Here's an album of photos of this loser. You have pictures or videos of this faggot, post them here.
  13. mrfafa

    Room with a View

  14. Alfonso74

    Naked in Bed

    Marvellous dicks
  15. mrfafa


  16. mrfafa

    Bed and Bath Time

  17. Alfonso74

    Speedo Hunks

    Lovely hunks
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