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In Awe of Malik Delgaty's Stripper Pole Artistry




When I used to live in Miami a while back, male strip clubs were legal and I would often frequent several favorites on different nights of the week.   Over the years I've seen my fair share of performers who were fully committed to putting on a good set every time they go on stage and I've also seen lackluster performances by dancers who were new and just testing the water.

In a beach city like Miami that is full of fitness models and beach bodies, you have to be in excellent shape to able to stand out.  If you work in a strip club, you also have to be a talented performer and oozing with charisma and sex appeal. 



Malik Delgaty is an extraordinar dancer.   His routines are extremely difficult yet he executes each move effortlessly using explosive power and at times using fluid and graceful expressions.  With all the physical exertion, dancers usually lose their erection as blood is needed by their massive muscles.  Malik seems to defy physiology and somehow maintains his erection without the use of a cock ring or rubber bands which is common practice and visible.  




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Malik is a young god of beauty, sensuality and eroticism, he has me in love and I have been ecstatic with pleasure watching his performance in stock bar. Thank you, Malik, for existing. I am definitely in love with him.


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