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Thursday - 3rd



yes, we have no bananas. our computer died yesterday afternoon just after I did my posts, and I am not in a position to post today. hope to be back tomorrow; if not, Saturday for certain.

in the mean time, I would like to provide some information about my posts. usually there is some drivel which may amuse or other, then five or more links to the albums I have posted. after that, there will be approximately four images of each of the models mentioned. as I explained to a newbie clubmember, one may click on the links to see the albums, or can click on the tab for Named Models, the most recent being the first one may stumble across. for this reason, it seems a tad silly for a clubmember to write, "who is that masked man," when hovering over the image gives the name of the image. if ever we should have an episode where there were five models named John, well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


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Guest lev_igor33


That's awful and frustrating when it happens. Your posts are great and appreciated 

Thank you and good luck getting back online. 

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I'm always full on banana when you post these. Recovering your data isn't fun or easy, don't worry we're here for you.

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