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texts from the dead?



image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879ddoes not go around image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's dwelling carrying image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's phone

image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d seldom gets calls

and if anybody is likely to call image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879dit most likely is either someone who will use another number

that is not image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's but the family phone

or image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d is expecting the call


so - the other day - while image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879ddoing image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's daily housework

and listening to Randy Rhodes live online

(VERY highly recommended)

image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's laptop starts making a sound that annoyed image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d

it turns out someone was calling image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d

(image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d has received calls on image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's phone before - but it never set image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's laptop off)

image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d looked - saw it was a call

but image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d did not recognize the phone number


later - image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d looked at phone and a text was left

saying image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d had to call Dr. XXXXXXX (they spelled the doctor's name wrong) because image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's june 3rd eye appointment had to be rescheduled

because they would not be in the office


first - you don't know the proper spelling of the doctors there?

(her name starts with a G - not a K)

and image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d was certain image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's appointment was june 10th


so image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d called the doctor's office image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d made the appointment with to confirm image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d's june 10th appointment

turns out image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d did have to reschedule for the 4th

but that is ok. they told image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d they are taking every precaution to protect both patients and staff

but if image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d was still too anxious on june 4th - image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d could still reschedule


but what of the original phone call/text?

turns out that it was from the eye doctor image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d used to have

"used to have" because that doctor died

(that is why image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d made the other appointment)


the late doctor's offices have been closed since last august when he passed on unexpectedly


so - if the offices have essentially closed down for almost a year

who the hell actually was calling?

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I have no idea who called image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d

But image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d wrote his 100th blog entry. 

I would like to congratulate image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d for that. 


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2 hours ago, Tomster said:

I have no idea who called image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d

But image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d wrote his 100th blog entry. 

I would like to congratulate image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d for that. 


Someday, oh yes someday I will join these ranks with image.png.1dea0fb377a132fc8bb8342768879d🤭

Just only 52 more blog posts that's all!

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