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About this blog

My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Wednesday - 26th

what a day! certainly giving up thoughts and prayers for any clubmembers in the region of the Sabine River. our meteorologist (not the cute one) said the storm surge could reach 40 miles inland. I'm only 43 miles from the gulf! ah, to more pleasant topics. lots of meat on offer today, and I hope you enjoy my lineup. I'm afraid I have to cave and feature Alec Powers who looks so divine in his sailor whites. wankers aweigh, my boys, wankers aweigh! welcome to new clubmembers - hope you all underst



Tuesday - 25th

things must be returning to normal - today is my baby sister's birthday and I called to wish her well - got my brother! Carol was out jogging! I forebore to say that I thought the point of cell phones was to have them with you at all times. whatever. I am still wrassling with my new computer, my old computer, the bank, and I don't know what else. keeps me occupied. today's lineup of boyz could keep me occupied for time immemorial. to break with tradition, I will feature Joe Porcelli, a model of



Monday - 24th

surprise! I got some things accomplished today, the new computer not being one of them. however, as they say, hope springs eternal and I look forward to many exciting events. I see that we have a couple new clubmembers, and wish them a warm welcome. as to the models, I will choose Hugh Plummer for a feature, not because his talent seems to be growing and growing as the fauxtoshop fiends work. he actually is pretty handsome! and I am a sucker for a stud in a suit 🥰 hope you enjoy him and the rest



Sunday - 23rd

my dalhag sent the following clip: might be of interest to anyone in the gulf area - https://youtu.be/TDItKWklaMw things around here are pretty quiet - just marking time until I get my new computer up and running. as usual, a real difficult time in selecting a model to feature; guess I have to go with Greg Plitt who had a spectacular physique as well as career. however short. hope you like my lineup - welcome to our newest clubmembers, and as always, thanx for the Likes & Stiffies which



Saturday - 22nd

well, the jury's out - I've set up my new computer and can't get it started. also can't get hold of tech support. wish me luck. in the mean time, I have a selection of studs for you, most of whom are not pitter-pat favourites, however, I choose Chris Pine to feature, as other people seem to be fascinated enough to morph his images through fauxtoshop. I will have the capability soon - I had a quick tutorial at our local photography studio, and so if I can get this freaking new computer off the gr



Friday - 21st

actually did some work today, as well as having the tree surgeons outside. am in the process of setting up my new computer and wondering where it will all end. thankfully has room for all of the handsome men in my collection. I'm afraid you are getting a bit of a short ration today, however with lots of meat. my fave rave in all of this is Jimmy Pike, whom I fantasize as looking like Clark Gable when they were both young. YUM! hope you like!! welcome to our newest clubmembers and thanks go to th



Thursday - 20th

this message will be brief; I am hurrying off to see my physical therapist in a few minutes. got shot up yesterday and feeling somewhat normal. agh! the lineup of models - they are all cute; I will pick Steve Phelps, only because I'm from a place not too far from Phelps NY. he is a cutie. how I wish I had dozens more pix of him to drool over. warmest welcomes to our new clubmembers, and thanx for the Likes & Stiffies. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26979-petsides-andreas/



Wednesday - 19th

a good day all 'round. my major candidate won yesterday, so that puts paid to any trouble for four years. now, we have to hunker down and listen to all the tripe regarding the November election, which cannot come too soon. if I were picking a slate of models, I think Jock Peterman would be the best qualified, and Paul Petersen would be the cutest. that's the best I can do. thanks to all the clubmembers who have been contributing to the improvement of my collection, and a special welcome to new c



Tuesday - 18th

STOP! if you live in Florida and haven't voted, drop that mouse and toodle right on down to your local polling place. it's the only way to make your voice heard! then come back and feast your eyes on Adam Perry, no relation to Rick Perry of Texas. a really mature stud. and blonde 🤩 I spy with my little eye that we have one or two new clubmembers, to whom I say Welcome. also thanx for the Likes & Stiffies afforded me. still suffering computer trouble, and hoping against hope that everything w



Monday - 17th

no footing around today, my feature is the ever wonderful, ever beautiful Jeremy Penn, resplendent in all his blonde-ness. an unremarkable day, except that I think my video card is going out, so I am now at the point of being forced to upgrade my system. tomorrow. as Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day. and with it more lovely lads for you to view, so long as the computer does not crap out completely. welcome to our newest clubmembers. note that when I have an album of >99 images, I also p



Sunday - 16th

another pleasant valley sunday, or should I say central floorda sunday. raining on and off, nothing on TV. think I'll have a cuppa coffee and try to finish one of the books I am reading. in my lineup today, Gregory Peck is the crème de la crème of the dad-de-la-dad and Caleb Pegram is the crème de la crème of the cute-de-la-cute, so I guess I will leave it up to you clubmembers to pick a fave rave. welcome to our newest clubmembers - note that there is a zip file for albums with >99 images, a



Saturday - 15th

raatz! I got my posts together, and again am stumped to choose a feature. today, I guess will be reader's choice. in the interim, I had lunch out, my weekly treat, and went downtown to find the entire place in disarray. apparently they had some sort of street fair got together. nutz! I did a little light antiquing, then finally found a parking space for the restaurant. I had forgotten that in their New Orleans style cuisine, they also went in for bijoux portions. no matter, I am fat enough. and



Friday - 14th

how I looked forward to posting today, as a top MVP (most valued p0rnstar) is featured, Clint Peak. he just looks so wholesome and hunky, I could eat him up. other blondes of note in my lineup, which I hope you all enjoy. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and as always, thanx for the Likes and Stiffies https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26892-pavelka-jessie/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26894-payne-bruce/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/22271-payne-george/



Thursday - 13th

what a day for a daydream - dreaming 'bout my bundle of joy. the question is, which of today's lineup shall I focus on? all of them inspire a tongue-on, although I give a slight edge to Brice Patton and his five o'clock shadow - I don't know if he's tall, but he's sure dark and handsome 🤩 no tittle-tattle to impart; it has been a thoroughly quiet day and the biggest stress is deciding whether to give myself a pedicure or to go see the little Vietnamese ladies for a spa pedi. I wish our clubmembe



Wednesday - 12th

huh! hard getting going with the messages du jour: several delectable models for your review, and it's difficult to choose between Michael Parks' dick and Jerrod Parks' butt. I'll leave it up to you. I know we have at least one new clubmember, however the number went up, then down - does that mean another green bottle fell off the wall?? damn phone is ringing every five minutes! when will they get the notion that I am screening!? ah me. back to the boyz. welcome to our newest clubmember, and not



Tuesday - 11th

the highlight of retired life in a mobile home park is the day the rubbish collectors come and we eagerly await bringing in the barrells. isn't that sad? nothing like playing baccarat in Monte Carlo with a martini in hand  🤩 today, for variety, I am memorializing my old friend Peter (Nosey) Parker with all the Parker models. quite a variety, although Jameson and Tod are the blondest 😛 it doesn't look like we've acquired any new clubmembers since yesterday, so I must abjure you all to beat the bu



Monday - 10th

hustling around to get ready for physical therapy - I have started Miscellaneous Male Models P, and want to comment about how sad I am that I do not have better albums for these guys. Marty Palmer is a handsome blonde whom I adore, and Dan Petersen has temptation eyes I have reason to believe he was in playgirl, and how they let him and his harry chess get away without dozens, nay, hundreds, more snaps, one cannot imagine. must be tough to be so cute! no other news; my neighbor buddy has return



Sunday - 9th

I woke up to a very pleasant mash note from @techman, whose avatar is Pat Larkin, a fave rave, and it set me up for a rather pleasant day. I still have a boatload of memorabilia to scan, and I promise to get on it, tomorrow. in the mean time, I would like to offer up Rock Pamplin as my feature du jour. every image of him exudes sexiness and a ready to please attitude. oddly, I would never pick him out of a book of boyfriends, however, if I get a chance to show him how much I admire and adore him



Saturday - 8th

oh, I shouldn't complain - got a good night's rest, which has been an iffy subject of late. the shoulder is acting better 🤗 the only fly in the ointment is, I forgot to get something for my weekend dinner, so to avoid going out again, I guess it will be chili and rice for din-din. been working on my pictures a little and scanning in the very last of my photos from yore. found a pic of me in front of a bar in New Orleans, and sent it to @JackFTwist, who recognized the site immediately. I think th



Friday - 7th

the cyrkle about taped this: It's a turn down day, nothin' on my mind; It's a turn down day and I dig it; There's nothing easier I can do; Than lyin' around doing nothing. and that's about what I have been doing. got oriented to make my posts and cheered up no end by the appearance of Anthony Page's rear end. hope you like my choices. a hearty welcome to new clubmembers; please note some models are posted in zip files for your convenience. thanks for the Likes & Stiffies which keep me going



Thursday - 6th

if you knew David like I know David, Owe, Owe, Owe what a lad. unfortunately, I don't know him personally, and just admire from afar. big news today, I went antiquing for the first time in, well, nearly forever. fortunately, the shoppe I visited suffered delusions that their merchandise was worth a lot more than I did. so I left empty-handed, and have one less thing to dust. have a nice lineup of lads for you to view. a hearty welcome to our new clubmembers, and thank you to everyone who left Li



Wednesday - 5th

lunch out today with a couple of my most favoured hags. I found out why I couldn't find Philly Cheesesteak on the menu; they call it Kosta's special - note to anyone in Philadelphia - this was not that good 😞 so now to the boyz - my feature, I guess will be David Ortega, a good-looking man, though in several images, he appears to be suffering intestinal woe. mee too, and its an excuse to fix a brandy and water 🙂 hope you enjoy the lineup for today. a hearty welcome to our newest clubmembers, and



Tuesday - 4th

a thoroughly unexceptional day, other than my getting nothing accomplished. so I turn to my collection, and think on the charms of Jasper Olthoff. he makes me want to be a football - hold me tight 🥰 and so the beat [off] goes on. I see we have new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome, and thank all who have afforded Likes & Stiffies on my posts. I can see some very handsome models on the horizon, so watch this space! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26768-olthoff-jasper/ http



Monday - 3rd

sitting here, a little downcast - several items of work have not worked out - mostly, not getting a refund on a vacation I am not taking. a bit depressing. also hard to choose a model to feature - I suppose Gustaf Olsen is the blondest, and he does exhibit a lovely butt 😛 hope you enjoy the lineup. I see we have a couple of new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome. want to let you know what when you select Like or Stiffy, it gives me a boost. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/26754-oli



Sunday - 2nd

peaceful day around the ranchero. the big excitement is, my kitchen clock fell off the wall, and my brother called. not that the events are connected. I have been doing a little work on the picture collection, featuring today Mike O'Hearn, who is simply cuter than the law allows. also note that he seems to be ageing well. I hate that. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and note that, on big albums, I also include a zip file for your convenience. I was a little dismayed that we didn't get more Li



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