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About this blog

My daily message has been converted to blog, so expect announcements through this channel.

Entries in this blog

Monday - 28th

how time flies when having fun! went to my first physical therapy of the second round. funny thing is, Dr Christy never hurts me, however, later, one looks for the ben-gay. ah, me. I got to look a some lovelies whilst making up the post - a little lagniappe today, to finish up the Ryans. how to choose one playmate from the herd? Mark Rutherford would be best, done up in butterscotch syrup and whipped cream, and Mark Rutter would look best covered in hot fudge and whip, ah, cream. you choose your


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 27th

quite a quiet day around the ranchero. it would liven up no end to have four or five naked boys running round 😛 as tis, I am here binge-watching Elliott Ness and Superman alternately. a nice lineup of models for you, although heavily weighted toward blondes 😍 my feature will probably be Nick Russell, who, while handsome, is the most stable husband material, unlike Scott Russell who is more flamboyant, and likely to flame out with age 😝 welcome to our new clubmembers, and thanx go to those who ha


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 24th

a lotta loving among today's posts. I believe I have to feature Marco Rossi, who has the most fabulous tits other than Dolly Parton (not quite as large, but meatier) hope you enjoy the rest of the lineup! welcome to our newest clubmembers - note that album with <99 images also get a zip file posts. many thanx for the Likes & Stiffies awarded me. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27889-rosbo-gunnar/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27890-rose-ryan/ https://ww


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Saturday - 26th

even though more moderate weather has hit home, I am feeling a trifle sticky, or it may be my feature model, Daniel Rumfelt, who has the ability to make anyone a little moist. did a little light shopping this morning, and I understand from our governator that we are slowly returning to normal. whatever that may be. I think our membership numbers are at a plateau, so will again ask you to recommend the club to all on your buddy list, and I thank each one who has awarded Likes & Stiffies 🤗


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Friday - 25th

another day in paradise, avoiding doing anything! just loafing and thinking of how great it would be to have a pool with 300 of the best looking models adorning it. they could lay around on the chaise longues, getting laid, drinking margaritas and brandy alexanders. maybe working out, with emphasis on their squats, so to build up their bubble buttz. what a dream! back to reality and the collection, I think today's feature will be Brandon Routh - he really is almost too cute for words! had admire


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 23rd

hooray! completely avoided doing any work today - managed to loaf the entire afternoon! thinking about lovely lads and avoiding work entirely! big yawn! hoping you enjoy my lineup of models and that tomorrow will be a more prosperous day. what a lazy life! I decided to feature Peter Romero of the snapping black eyes and wish that you enjoy him as much as I! welcome to our new clubmembers and thanks to all who have awarded me likes and stiffies. such terrific models. https://www.adonismale.c


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 22nd

surgery follow up today - came back rather tired! so here I am with da boyz and what a lineup! Roger was one of the most pre-eminent superstars, and while theoretically not my type (they're all my type) he has a lot to offer, and I do mean a lot hope you enjoy him and have added a zip file for your convenience. a grand welcome to our newest clubmembers and a hearty thanx to those who awarded me Likes & Stiffies - it's what keeps me going on! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/278


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Sunday - 20th

the message for today is: oszczędzaj pieniądze, also said as «save your money». again I must apologize for a hiatus in posting. Friday morning, I had an operation on my shoulder, and when I came home, my right arm was completely numb. utility is returning slowly, and at last I can type a sensible message, so here we go again! I hope you will enjoy my lineup of models. to choose a feature, perhaps I would go with Eddie Robinson, probably only because he is blonde and buff 😍 butt I hope you will l


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Monday - 21st

and the news from sick bay is: progress slow and steady. all I really am doing is lolloping around, waiting to see my cute orthopædist on Tuesday, and getting rid of a little residual swelling. so I turn my attention to my picture collection. today's lineup certainly has something for everyone, with emphasis on the meat-lover's interest. I guess my feature will be Marcel Rodriguez, who is relatively new to my stable, and astonishingly handsome. with muscles. and bubble butt hope you all enjoy!


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Thursday - 17th

well, I've received my date with destiny - tomorrow morning I shall be under the knife, so those who wish, may light a candle. the outcome will be told in tomorrow's posting [or not]. in the mean time, I will be dreaming of aardvarking with Brian Robb in front of a roaring fire with hot cocoa, croissants, nutella, and lube. IMHO he really is a dreamboat! hope you enjoy the rest of my line up. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and note that when a model has >99 images, I also post a zip file


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 15th

well, as they say, things might get worse before they get better. I apologize for the hiatus during the upgrade of our platform, and hope we are back to normal 😛 I have a nice lineup of models for you, and I guess the feature will be Lukas Ridgeston. amazing lad. hope you like, and I give a big shout-out of welcome to our newest clubmembers! additionally, thanks must go to all who have awarded me Likes & Stiffies, and one hopes the trend will increase! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 16th

for a bit of humour, the orthopædist's office called this morning to enquire if I had called to cancel my operation on Friday! yeah, like I would! I want to get it over with!! so I went out to lunch as usual, my damn arm paining like crazy. came back and spent the afternoon hauling Lee Ryder's ashes around my computer, and finishing up the R's. so I have posted a few more Miscellaneous Male Model R's, and dearly wish I could get enough images to make an album for each guy therein. any assistance


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Wednesday - 9th

interesting day - lunch with the gang, and happy to have a local luncheon spot back in business! have a nice lineup of models for you to regard, and I suppose my feature would be Rob Riches. nothing to do with his great blondness and muscles 😁 we continue to accrue a few new clubmembers, to whom I say welcome, and give thanx for all who award those Likes & Stiffies which I crave so much. almost as much as blonde muscles https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27485-richard-christopher


ColtMann in Son of PicJim

Tuesday - 8th

another day in paradise! trying to decide whether to feature the blonde charms of Kevin Rice or the daddified charms of Ed Rhinehardt. can I have them both? anyway, I hope you like my lineup, and will be generous with Likes & Stiffies, for which I thank you, and welcome our newest clubmembers. L8R! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/22941-rhinehardt-ed/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/22942-ricci-markus/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27432-riccieri-gabriel/



Monday - 7th

Happy Labour Day to those who celebrate it.  I've been labouring long and hard over this post, the last of the catch-ups. cannot decide on a feature, so I guess it will be reader's choice. I sure hope you enjoy the lineup. we welcome some new clubmembers, and fwiw note that when I have an album with >99 images, I also post a zip file for your convenience. thank you for the Likes & Stiffies! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/27325-rehfus-zach/ https://www.adonismale.com/ga



Saturday - 5th

well, we are back. I have posted a double portion of exceedingly handsome and exceedingly talented models I hope you enjoy them. I will double up tomorrow as well, so that you are not done out of your portion of p0rn. as a feature, I have to declare Tim Rawlins as the most amazing man. who'd have even thought I would fall in love with the voluptuous thighs, buns, chest - I really can find no fault with the man, other than I cannot reach out an touch him 😁. here's hoping we can go forward with t



Thursday - 3rd

yes, we have no bananas. our computer died yesterday afternoon just after I did my posts, and I am not in a position to post today. hope to be back tomorrow; if not, Saturday for certain. in the mean time, I would like to provide some information about my posts. usually there is some drivel which may amuse or other, then five or more links to the albums I have posted. after that, there will be approximately four images of each of the models mentioned. as I explained to a newbie clubmember,



Friday - 4th

still no bananas! a note to keep all up to date. I have recovered all of my data, which means you will not miss out on drooling over manly models like Scott Manley, however, not tonight. I have to work on getting applications, programs, and utilities organized so I can make proper posts. I am only so relieved to be back to normal, or as normal as it ever gets around here 🤗



Wednesday - 2nd

whew - still full of onion rings from another neighborhood dive. workly slowly and agonizingly on the new computer, which is fighting me tooth and nail. ah me. so to the boyz: I expect that the featured fella must be Steve Rally. you won't believe it, but I worked for a guy who could easily body double for Steve and was so tantalizingly sexy, it was difficult not to just throw him on his desk and have my way with him. ah! those were the days. hope you like the lineup, including a zip file for bi



Tuesday - 17th

busy day around the ranch - at least I can say I got something done. now to the boys: I am told that life is like a roll of toilet paper; as you near the end, it goes faster! tomorrow will be the last of my named models. note well that I have put up a small album for Miscellaneous XYZ, even though there are no x's. these boys deserve greater exposure, and I would like your help in getting more images of them. the day after tomorrow, we will be going into category models, and I wish to announce s



Saturday - 29th

just another day in paradise - did the marketing and had a fun time - no I'm not going into it. suffice to say it took 50 minutes to get a package of cheese and a package of jello did a little better at Publix. now home and regarding the new computer a little bit. we had all sorts of updates which made it forget my wallpaper and screensaver. let us hope this will not be a regular occurence! now to the boyz: we have one of the most popular playgirls in Robert Proctor and a regular superstar in J



Tuesday - 1st

another mixed bag day! this morning, my eyes wouldn't focus properly, and made me wonder what was wrong. after some drops and relaxation, the problem has abated. had a nice visit from one of my neighbors, we shared coffee, and computer tips (rather than cosmetic tips) and he took an ugly office chair off my hands, so this place is starting to look more professional. when I get the new computer whipped and in place, I will be one crappy hamper! as to the boys - we have mooved into the Miscellaneo



Monday - 31st

what would I do without my computer calendar - it reminded me to go to physical therapy, and just now noticing that it is Monday, must put the trash out (big wip). I forgot I was going to do a big quip with alliterations, going Q Q Q, well, the prevagen didn't kick in. sorry. so I advise you of a little lagniappe, to get me through the Q's and let the readers choose the best. I would not turn any of these models out for eating crackers in bed, with the proviso of how did they get crackers in the



Sunday - 30th

to paraphrase the Queen, this is a day which I will not look back on with undiluted pleasure. it has rained on and off, which doesn't bother me, as I prefer rain to wildfires. I have been working on the new computer in a most desultory manner, trying to figure out how to get it to do what I want, rather than doing what it wants. with two monitors going, I am rewarded with seeing the screen savers - just saw Robert Redford from the Twilight Zone, suggesting that I hop in the sack with him 🤩 for t



Friday - 28th

mixed bag day. my baby brother turns 66, which I find annoying, and I am also annoyed by the lineup of supercute models, who defy my choosing a feature. I guess I will go with Paul Prince, only because he is a vintage model whom I have desired for years and envied his getting Danny Summers into compromising situations and taking advantage of him. should have been me (doesn't matter which actor). so I hope you like the lineup. note that I have finished the Miscellaneous Male Models P, and am prou



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