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Kawika's World

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About this blog

This is a slice of another blog I write that's pretty much SFW so I'll try to spice things up a bit for adonis.male.com.

It's a little portal into my world and some of the things I've seen and learned on the way to where I am now.


Entries in this blog

14 Weddings And A Bar Mitzvah

The last year I was in college I was busy with all the things I needed to do to finish my degree and join the real world after graduating... several people that I knew were putting more concentration and effort into their upcoming weddings... yes the title of this says it all... the year after I graduated I attended fourteen weddings...to be fair I was only a guest at eleven of them and was a singer at the other three. It was a very interesting year and I learned a lot about myself and human nat


Kawika in Blog

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