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  1. "Hey dick wad what are you doing after school?" I heard as a notebook slapped against the back of my head as I stood at my locker pulling out some books to get ready for my next class.   "Working on that fucking paper for Mrs. Clark same as you man," I said touching the back of my head in mock hurt as I looked at my best friend Jerry.   "Hey man sorry about that hope I didn’t hurt you. Do you need me to kiss it for you," Jerry said laughing his husky infectious laugh as we stood there in the hallway between classes.   My name is Mark Johnson and Jerry Stevens had been my best friend for about 10 years since I had moved to Weaverville, North Carolina. We were in our last year of high school and had both turned 18 years old the previous October. It was now March and soon we would be graduating and going off to Appalachian State University in Boone NC, where we would be roommates, but first we had to pass English with the hardest teacher in school, Mrs. Clark. In all fairness she was a really good teacher and she demanded a lot from each of her students.   Both Jerry and I were smart as well as athletic which is sometimes an odd combination and we had each gotten full ride scholarships to college in the fall. Me for my brains and Jerry for soccer and lacrosse. Jerry was the "Big Man on Campus" but I wasn’t all that far behind him. He was the captain of our championship soccer team as well as the captain of our championship swim team and would be the captain of our championship lacrosse team later in the spring. Our high school had some awesome athletic teams in almost every sport both girls and boys. I was on the soccer team as well as swim team along with Jerry but I played tennis in the spring.   Jerry and I were what I guess you would call typical jocks but the fact that we were also smart sort of set us apart from all the other jocks at school. We were in a class by ourselves and both of us knew it and took advantage of it every chance we got. Well why not was our motto. We both had girlfriends and double dated almost every weekend.   Our lives were on track and we seemed to have everything we could ever want. Respect and admiration from our peers as well as all the adults around us. It was a pretty good life I had thought to myself on more than one occasion and our senior year had been pretty awesome so far. In fact I had to admit life was sweet!     "Meet me in the parking lot after school and we can drive to my house to start working on this frickin’ paper," I said as I slammed my locker shut.   "Will do man. Say what the hell are we going to do this weekend with Susie and Karen both out of town at that cheerleading conference?" Jerry asked as we walked down the hall.   "Why don’t we just chill together man and watch some movies, work out and sleep late. Maybe go for a hike or something on Saturday. Say, we could ride our bikes out to Townsend Park and ride some of their off road bike trails," I suggested.   "Cool beans," he replied. "Your house or mine?"   "Well....my ‘rents are away this weekend and they are always cool with us staying by ourselves. I think they know us well enough by now to know we won’t be having any big parties or anything." I replied.   "Hey man it sounds like a perfect plan," Jerry said as he bumped my hand and walked into his class room.   The rest of the day went by in a blur and then we were both outside in the parking lot getting into my car. It was an old and very beat up Jeep with about 175,000 miles on it. But it was mine and it got me where I wanted to go. Jerry didn’t have a car as he had totaled his car about a month earlier when a drunk mother had run into him about 8 AM in the morning on his way to school. He was actually really lucky to be alive and had just come out of it with a few minor scratches. The lady was pretty bad off with 2 broken legs and a broken arm but her insurance hadn’t come through yet to buy him something new. At least she had insurance and I was just glad he was still around.   I drove to my house and parked out back and we walked inside. Both my parents worked and would not be home till about 6 PM so we had a few hours to study by ourselves. I got us each a big glass of OJ our drink of choice and some tortilla chips, carrot sticks and cheese slices to snack on and then we went up to my room.   I guess I had a typical teenage male room. A double bed with a nondescript bedcover. Posters on the walls of Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie and David Beckham and Michael Phelps. A bookshelf, computer desk with computer, closet filled with clothes and shoes and a dresser. There was this neat pull out trundle bed that rolled under my bed and I could pull it out when guys slept over sometimes. It was pretty ingenious and very handy and saved a lot of space. I was lucky that in our small house I had my own bathroom which was so convenient.   I didn’t have a TV in my room but we had a big wide screen downstairs in the basement family room along with some gym equipment, a washer and dryer and full bathroom. I was pretty much a neat freak but not obsessively so. Jerry was like me in that respect which was a good thing. Some of our friends were out and out pigs and I could not see how they or their parents stood the mess in their rooms not to mention the god awful smells.   "I got to take a leak bad man," Jerry said as he threw his laptop and book bag on my bed and headed for bathroom where he stood in front of my toilet spread his legs and peed. I didn’t really pay much attention as I hooked up my laptop and pulled up my iTunes and hit one of the many play lists I had created. I had some pretty good tunes on file and always had something going when I was in my room. Jerry had been in my house and my room so many times he knew where everything was and we both felt comfortable in each others houses.   "Great sounds man," Jerry said coming out of the bathroom and flopping on the bed. He picked up his computer and we both started in on our papers. All you could hear was my music playing and the tap tap tapping of our fingers as we wrote and wrote. We were so comfortable in each others presence we could just sit there and work and not talk.   Finally after an hour and a half straight I was done and I hit the save button and threw up my hands and said, "Damn I am done and it’s a damn good paper even if I must say so myself." I turned around in my seat and watched as Jerry finished his paper and hit his save button. He smiled at me and I smiled back.   "Shit that was amazing we both finished at almost the same time man," He stood up and stretched his arms out over his head. "Damn I am so fucking glad that paper is out of the way Mark. Now our weekend is free and we can have some fun. Say you want to work out a bit to loosen up. I feel so damned cramped."   "Yeah that would be just what I need," I said pulling my shirt off over my head and tossing it in my dirty clothes basket.   Jerry had his own drawer in my chest where he kept a few changes of clothes and some work out shit. Soon his shirt was on my bed and he was reaching down to take off his socks and then we both stripped off our pants and undershorts. I wore boxers and he wore boxer briefs. We were both prime AAA young studs. We each had rock hard six packs, great long legs and big calf muscles from working out, swimming and running all the time. We were both in the prime of our young lives.   My soft cock was bigger than Jerry’s by about an inch but he had lower hanging balls than I did by about the same amount. His pubes were blond and mine were black and while I had no upper body hair to speak of Jerry had a light trail and some blond hair in the center of his well developed pecs. We were both athletes and were both great looking guys. Jerry and I kept our hair about the same length. Not short but not hippy long either. Just right in our estimation.   I slipped on my work out shorts and Jerry followed suit and we left my room to walk down to the basement work out room carrying our dirty dishes to leave in the kitchen on the way. My parents wouldn’t be home for another 45 minutes or so. We would have plenty of time to do a short work out together. I turned on the lights in the stairwell and we jumped down the stairs to the basement.   "So what should we do?" Jerry asked.   "Let’s start with a couple of sets of pushups, then a few sit ups and then some pull ups," I suggested.   "Cool," Jerry replied as we dropped to the floor and began our sets of 50 each and then followed with 2 more sets of 50 of push ups, sit ups and pull ups.   We were sweating by the end but this was an easy work out compared to some we had done where we would just push each other to our extreme limits. We walked upstairs to the kitchen and I took the bottle of OJ out of the fridge and took off the cap and handed it to Jerry. He took a big swig and then another and then he handed me the bottle and I took a few swigs. We didn’t mind drinking after each other at all.   "I am so glad we didn’t have swim practice today or tomorrow," Jerry said.   "Yeah and no meet this weekend which is so unusual," I replied putting the cap back on the bottle and putting it back in the fridge.   We walked upstairs to my room and I said, "Hey man you can take a shower first." "Thanks Mark," he said as he stripped off his shorts and walked into my bathroom and turned on the water in my shower and after a few minutes he stepped in. I followed him into the bathroom and stripped off my gym shorts and then stood over my toilet and took a long leak. It felt good to pee. I then looked in the mirror and checked out my face to see if I had any hints of a pimple. I was lucky to have clear skin and always felt so sorry for guys who always had pimples or had bad acne. That would be awful I thought to myself. Jerry pulled the shower curtain back and grabbed a towel off the rack as we switched places in the shower.   I washed quickly and turned off the water and stepped out on the bath mat grabbing another towel and drying off. Jerry had already left the bathroom and he was putting on his boxer briefs as I came into my bedroom. I pulled out a fresh pair of boxers and pulled them on along with some shorts and a shirt.   Jerry sat on my bed to put on his socks and shoes. He then grabbed his computer and said, "Well I’ll be off. I can walk home Mark. Thanks for the ride and the great workout. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at my house for school and then we will have the whole weekend ahead of us. Just us man. Can you believe that shit?"   "Great I can’t wait man," I said as we walked to the front door. I waved to him as he walked out the door and down the walk towards his house which was only 10 houses away down the block and around 1 corner. It was great being neighbors.   Just then my parents drove up and we talked while my mom fixed dinner. My dad and I helped her. As a family we really tried to work together to cook, clean and do what needed to be done in a busy house with 2 working parents and a kid in school. We talked about school and sports and the weekend while we ate. They were cool with Jerry coming over. I helped my dad wash and dry the dishes and then went up to my room to do some other school work and check my Facebook and e-mails. I was asleep by about 10:30 PM.   The alarm clock rang about 6 AM and I was up and out of bed in a flash pulling on my gym shorts. I never wasted much time laying around in bed and wanted some time to have a work out before a quick shower, shave, breakfast and then off to pick up Jerry for school.   I went downstairs as quietly as I could and began my work out. Soon I was lost in my zone as I pumped some iron, did some pull ups, used the stair master, did some sit-ups and push-ups. I was feeling great and looking forward to a terrific day and a great weekend chillin’ out with my best bud. I was sorry that our girls wouldn’t be around this weekend but thought it would be nice to spend some time with Jerry ‘cause after all he was my best friend. I ran upstairs and stripped off my sweaty gym shorts and threw them in the laundry basket and then stepped into the bathroom. I turned on my shower and while I waited for the hot water to come up the pipes I peed. Damn that felt good as I stood over the bowl and just let that stream of piss hit the water. I looked down at my cock and was pretty proud of what I had hanging there between my legs.   I shook off my dick and stepped into the wonderful hot stream of water as I grabbed my bar of soap and began to wash off. I washed every inch of my body feeling each muscle as I made sure I was clean, from my toes and feet, up my legs, ass and crack, balls and cock, abs, pecs, pits, arms, face and neck and finally my head and hair. I thought about Susie while I washed and our relationship over the past year. We had known each other for awhile but just began to get serious in the past six months since I turned 18 in October.   I had never been serious with any of the girls I had dated before but had just played the field and had a lot of fun hanging out with our mixed crowd of guys and girls. With Susie I had taken it a bit further and really felt like I was in love with her. Maybe she would be the one I thought but how could you tell?   We made out like crazy people sometimes and we had sex about 5 times not that I was counting or anything. I just loved that feeling after kissing her and touching her breasts and fingering her clitoris for as long as I could stand it I would slip on my rubber and then push my throbbing rock hard cock in between her legs. Damn it felt so good and I tried to keep from exploding as long as I could but my cock was no match her Susie’s soft mushy vagina and I would just cum and cum and cum filling up the rubber. Damn it felt so good to cum with her.   I did wonder why she never commented on my cock and balls or even try to touch me and maybe help me out with my rubber or help guide my cock into her sweet vagina or maybe even give me a quick hand job sometime or even a blow job. But she wasn’t interested at all. She seemed to like it when we fucked but then that was it. I knew she liked me but she just never told me what a good looking body I had or anything like that. Like most guys I supposed I was pretty proud of my manhood and I wanted her to be proud of it and it sort of bothered me but I didn’t know how to talk with her about it or what to do about it. One thing was for sure I could never ask any of the other guys about it. I wondered if Jerry and Kathy had the same problem but how did you talk to another guy about something so personal?   I wondered if most of the other girls were like Susie. I did want to ask Jerry but was sort of scared to ask him about stuff like that. Maybe this weekend I could get the nerve up and ask him.   I then went back to washing my soft cock which was maybe 5 inches or so with a set of balls about ½ an inch shorter. As I washed my dick and my balls and ass crack again just to make sure they were clean I continued to think about sex and Susie and I got hard. I thought briefly about jacking off but decided against it for some reason or another. I usually liked to jack off in the shower as I could shoot my wad against the wall and then wash it down the drain. Sometimes I liked to lean up against the tile wall at the last moment and press my hard cock up against the wall and shoot my wad as I rubbed up and down. When I jacked it in bed I had to shoot in a Kleenex and then get rid of the evidence by flushing it down the drain so my mom wouldn’t have to see it. Damn I loved to shoot my wad and sometimes could jack off 3 or 4 times a day if I was feeling ripe and ready!   When I was hard my dick was about 8 inches long and I had this huge amazing vein which ran all across the top of my shaft and then smaller ones that wrapped all around the circumference of my tool. Sometimes when I was really hard and I would lock my fingers around the base of my cock the veins would stand out and pulsate in time to my heartbeat. My knob was pretty large compared to others I had seen in the locker room and shower at school. It was really a purple blue color. It was gorgeous and got really sensitive when I was hard and rubbing it with my finger or the inside of my palm. I sometimes wondered what Jerry’s cock was like hard and erect and how we would match up together but that was so gay I would try and banish it from my mind on the rare occasions it came to the surface. Shit guys in our group didn’t think like that. That was so queer and faggy. We weren’t like that at all.   I rinsed off and then turned off the water and reached out to grab a towel as my hard cock slowly deflated and returned to its normal wrinkled size. After drying I quickly shaved, flossed and brushed my teeth and then quickly dressed, grabbed my stuff and headed to the kitchen where my mom was already fixing dad some breakfast. I usually just got my own.   Cheerio’s, yogurt, fresh fruit, a glass of OJ and maybe some black coffee. It was what I liked. Sometimes for something special I might have some eggs, bacon, toast or a biscuit or maybe even French Toast or pancakes but most of the time it was just my usual.   I kissed my mom and told them both to have a great trip and that I would see them on Sunday evening. They in turn told me to have a good time with Jerry and to help ourselves to whatever food was in the fridge. Dad even left me $60 in case we wanted to go out and do something. He was pretty cool for an old man.   I got in my Jeep and drove over to Jerry’s house. I didn’t even have time to tap my horn when he bounded out of the house looking cool as usual as he ran across the lawn and jumped in my car.   "Hey man how’s it hanging? Let’s rock and roll my main man," he said as we bumped hands and I put it in gear and drove off. "Damn man only about 8 more hours and we will be free for the weekend. Just us two bro’s chillin’ out and having fun. SWEEEEEET"   "Yeah I am so looking forward to just hanging out man. It’s been like forever since we have just been like free you know to do nothing or what ever we want." I replied with enthusiasm.   To tell the truth school was sort of a big blur for me. We turned in our papers to Mrs. Clark and I had a great feeling about mine. I wanted to keep my grades at straight A’s for the rest of my senior year. If I could do that I would be the first jock in our high school to have ever have straight A’s for all four years of high school. That was a record I was trying to set not only for myself but for the school.   Jerry and I and the guys in our set ate lunch with Susie and Karen and their girlfriends. We joked and laughed and copped a few feels when we could as we told them good bye and gave them a few wet sloppy kisses outside the dining room. They were leaving school on the bus right after lunch to drive to Chapel Hill for the annual State wide cheerleading conference. Susie was amazingly good looking and Karen was pretty hot as well and they were really good at cheerleading. Very positive and great smiles. Jerry and I were pretty lucky guys I thought as I watched them walking off shaking those cute butts.   "Damn they are hot aren’t they?" Jerry said as we watched them walk off.   "Yeah we are two fucking lucky assed dudes man," I said throwing my arm around his shoulder and rubbing his head.   "Yeah shit man 3 o’clock can’t come early enough for me. I’ll meet you in the parking lot as soon as school is out." Jerry said as we bumped fists and then he walked away to go to his afternoon classes which were all different than mine.   The afternoon of classes sped by pretty quickly and soon I was closing my locker and heading out to the parking lot to meet Jerry. He had brought a small duffle with him this morning so we wouldn’t have to stop at his house for anything on the way home I thought to myself.   As I walked to the parking lot with a few friends I could see Jerry leaning against my Jeep talking to some of our buds. He smiled as he looked over and saw me walking towards him. I joined the group and we all chatted for a few minutes before saying our goodbyes and bumping fists with the group. We got into my Jeep.   "Holy shit man I am so ready for this weekend. Just the two of us and no worries. I don’t have anything due on Monday and no reading to do so it is just us man," Jerry yelled out to me.   "Yeah it is going to be totally cool man," I said back.   "Hey we had better stop for a minute at my house so I can pick up my bike in case we go for a ride tomorrow. Is that OK?" He asked as I drove out of the parking lot.   "Yeah no problem man," I said turning up the music to an ear splitting level. We sang and laughed as we drove along and I pulled into his driveway and around to his garage. He jumped out and got his bike out of the open garage and put it on my bike rack and locked it down tight.   I drove home and pulled around back to our garage and we got out with our bags and laptops and Jerry’s duffle and headed inside. We left his bike on the back of my Jeep where it would be ready tomorrow when we headed out to the park for a ride.   "Hey man let’s throw our shit in my room and get out of these school clothes and then grab a snack. I am FAMISHED!" I said as we both ran upstairs to my room where we dumped all our shit on my bed.   "I got to take a wicked leak man," Jerry said as he walked into my bathroom shaking his leg while he walked. I heard him pull his zipper down and then heard his stream of piss as it hit the water. He jumped up and down to shake as he said, "Damn that felt soooo good. I really had to go."   He walked out of the bathroom with his soft cock flopping out of the open hole of his pants and this big grin on his face. I had taken off my polo shirt and kicked off my shoes and socks and was flexing my biceps.   "Shit man you are getting pumped up," Jerry said as he threw off his shirt and pumped his bicep next to mine. We were about equal but Jerry had a few more distinct veins than I had. "Let me feel man." he said as he felt my muscle. "Damn man that is rock hard. Feel mine."   I felt his and it was hard as a rock. We were two teenage studs I had to admit and it felt good. I knew we got special attention because we were jocks and smart jocks as well and well I didn’t mind the extra favors we got because of our status in high school. Better than being a dorky geek I thought.   "Look man since it is just the two of us do we need to wear any clothes?" Jerry asked as he unbuckled his belt and undid the top button on his jeans and began to push them down over his hips and legs. He had already kicked off his shoes and socks.   "No reason than I can think of man. It will be cool," I replied putting my pants and shorts on a chair. Jerry threw his on top of mine and we stood there naked, young and hung. What was that I had heard about that. "Hey," I said looking at Jerry, "We are two twinks man, young, hung and definitely full of cum." I said swishing my hips back and forth making my cock swing.   "Hey man careful what you say that is a Queer saying thing you know. Those old trolls call young guys like us twinks. They make me sick to my stomach man. That is just so freaking gross. How anyone can get off on that shit is way beyond me man," Jerry said as he rocking his hips in time to mine.   "Yeah I know but hell man we aren’t queer and we fit all the other requirements don’t we?" I said.   "Well yeah I guess we do but let’s keep that shit between just us man OK. We don’t want anyone talking or anything," he said as we headed naked to the kitchen for a snack.   Opening the door and looking in I said. "So what do you want man? A sandwich, chips and some OJ?"   Jerry came over and leaned over next to me to look in the fridge. I was aware our bodies were touching but really didn’t think much about it. We took out some sliced ham, cheese, lettuce, mayo, mustard and the OJ. I got some bread while Jerry got some glasses, plates, a big bag of chips and some ice. He poured the OJ over the ice while I made us some big bruiser sandwiches. Two fisted monsters. A man’s sandwich. I put all the extra stuff back in the fridge and then we took everything down stairs where we spread it out on the coffee table and then flopped down together on the couch sitting almost cheek to cheek and thigh to thigh.   "Damn man this looks like a great sandwich," Jerry said as he turned on the TV and switched to a basketball game.     We ate and drank and watched the game cheering and yelling with each other and jumping around on the couch until our legs and thighs were pressed against each other. The game ended and Jerry leaned back against the couch and threw his arm across the back behind my neck.   "So man what are our plans for the weekend?" he finally asked as he absent mindedly rubbed his hand in my hair on the back of my head.   "Well for today I thought we could just chill and later on maybe order a pizza or two. My dad left me some bucks. Then watch a movie or two or three and then hit the sack and just get up when we get up and maybe work out, have some breakfast, pack a lunch and go out to the park for a bike ride. How does that sound?" I said.   "Perfect just perfect," Jerry said as he continued to run his fingers through my hair.   "Hey let me put on some tunes man and we can just chill and watch the TV with the sound down," I said jumping up and going over to the stereo and putting 5 CD’s in the automatic changer and pressing shuffle.   "Oh man I love this one," Jerry said jumping up and starting to dance. He had some good moves and I did as well. I loved to dance and thought I was pretty good. It was cool just dancing naked in my family room with my best friend. No cares or worries just the two of us.   "It’s so weird man dancing with no clothes on. My cock keeps flopping back and forth. It’s kind of distracting in a way but cool too. I am just glad when we go to the bars we have our clothes on," he said laughing.   It was weird I thought to be dancing naked and Jerry was right that it was much better dancing with clothes on. We then walked over to the work out section of the basement and did some push-ups, sit-ups, bend-overs and pull-ups together. When we were thoroughly winded we went back over and flopped on the couch with our legs spread out and our chests heaving and sweaty.   "Damn that felt so good man," I said looking over at Jerry and his chest pumping up and down. He ran his large hand over his pecs and across his small nipples and then down over his rock hard abs stopping at the top of his pubes where he idly scratched his fingers in the top of his curly blond pubic hairs.   "Yeah working out is such a drug for me Mark. It makes me so high and feel so damn good. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t work out. I just need it you know?" he said still running his fingers through his pubes.   "Yeah I know what you mean and it’s great having a best friend to work out with. It makes it so much better than just being by myself." I said as I ran my hand down my chest like Jerry was doing stopping in my dark pubes. "Hey man what do you think is the best part of your body if you had to choose?" I asked. Damn I was not sure where that came from but hell I had said it so there was no taking it back.   "Hmmm oh hell man hands down it’s my belt," He replied with a big grin on his face as he shifted his fingers to follow the deep well muscled V at the base of his chest.   "Your belt what the hell is that man?" I asked stupidly.   He jumped up and stood there in front of me tracing that V in front of my eyes. "Oh man it’s this part of my body. It’s called an Apollo’s Belt cause it looks like those big belts the Greeks and Romans wore to cover this part of their body from arrows and spears. I can’t believe you of all people never knew that. Shit man you are like the smartest guy I know and you don’t know that?" he said laughing.   "So that is what it’s called. I never heard it before but it makes sense not that I can see yours. Damn I have to admit it bro yours is really nice," I said standing up and looking down at mine which was nice but not as pronounced as Jerry’s was. As I traced mine I said, "well they say it’s always good to learn something new everyday and today I learned Apollo’s Belt."   "Hey Mark can I ask you a weird really off the wall question," Jerry asked in a quiet voice. "I mean I don’t mean to be gay or anything but do you ever wonder how you compare with the other guys at school? I mean in the cock department when it’s like all hard you know? Shit that sounds so fucking queer. I am so sorry man," he said flopping back down on the couch.   "Naw it’s not queer Jerry and yeah sometimes I think about it but hell what can you do your cock is like it is and you can’t really change it but hell yeah I wonder when I look at guys like Steve and Pete with those huge horse cocks of their’s. I mean mine is respectable and all but I wonder do theirs stay the same size hard as they are soft or do they get even bigger." I said.   "Shit man can you imagine having a hard on the size of Pete’s when he is just soft man? I think that would scare the chicks away man and damn man how does it stand up and all," he said lifting his cock up and laughing. "Jeeze that would be like to much man. Can you imagine the size of that thing? " he said holding one hand off his own cock about 12 inches away.   "So how big do you think his cock is anyway man? 10 inches?" I asked.   "Hell man no way I would say closer to 12 inches but well I never asked him to put it to a ruler or anything," Jerry said laughing as he let his cock go and it fell back between his legs. "Look I know this kind of talk is sort of queer and all but hey man it’s just us two and we aren’t saying anything to anyone are we? No tape recorders going in here or spy cams are there?"   "No man never," I exclaimed. "You know me well enough to know what is between us is between us I hope."   "Well you can’t be to careful these days you know," he said. "OK then so while we are on the subject Mark I know your cock is bigger than mine is when we are soft and all but like....ummm...like....umm... how big are you when you are hard." Jerry said with a quiver in his voice as he looked towards my crotch and my soft cock.   "Well, sure man no problem I don’t care." I picked up my soft cock and held it up. "It’s like 5 inches soft and 8 inches if it is fully hard. How about yours?"   Jerry stretched his out as well and said, "Mine is 4 inches soft and 6 ½ inches hard but my balls hang lower than yours most of the time."   "Yeah I noticed that. It’s cool how they swing when you walk man," I said.   "Do you think they are to big man? Sometimes I just don’t know. I do know I like it when they start swinging back and forth when I fuck Kathy," Jerry said.   "Hell no man I think they are awesome they way they hang down like that but shit man all this talk about cocks and hard ons and balls...and...well look don’t think me weird or queer but shit I really, really, really want to show you mine. No one but Susie has ever seen it hard and she acts like she doesn’t even care what it looks like. She has no idea how proud I am of my cock man. It’s so frustrating sometimes."   "Well OK man as long as it stays between just us," Jerry replied as he began to squeeze his cock.   I followed suit and for a few minutes we matched each other squeeze for squeeze as we made ourselves hard and erect. I looked at mine and then at his and then back to mine and I was proud of my cock.   "Damn Mark that thing is a real beauty. Damn it’s so big next to mine. Shit I can’t believe Susie doesn’t just love it. All those veins and things and the head is really big man," Jerry said obviously admiring my hard cock.   "Thanks man I appreciate that. You know I wish sometimes we could like show off in the shower at school just to you know like see what other guys have. Not queer or gay or anything just so we could compare and all. And....well.... you know yours is nice too. It’s fatter than mine is and the lip around the head is so much deeper than mine. It’s cool man to finally be able to show you what I have." I said truthfully.   "Yeah man....look.....um... hey let’s stand up," Jerry said standing up. I stood up as we both continued to squeeze our cocks keeping them hard.   Jerry’s was about 6 ½ inches like he said ,even without a ruler to measure, and I liked the way his balls hung down so low maybe about 5 inches or so. Damn they were cool the way they swung back and forth between his legs. His were sort of like an oversized chicken egg inside that fleshy ball sac and mine were more like maybe a pigeon egg.   I looked down at my 8 inches and swelled with pride. My rod had a very slight curve upward and was so hard it looked like it might burst out of the skin. The huge vein running along the top was cool as well as all the feeder veins running around the shaft and my balls were swinging low today about 3 inches. I loved my huge purple blue head and I even thought how much I liked to rub my hand over its sensitive surface when I was jacking off which made me harder than I already was.   Neither of us had any hair on our thighs but I could see golden hairs on Jerry’s balls and that patch of really curly blond brown pubic hairs and then that trail of golden hairs running up to his navel and then that small patch of hair between his pecs. He has some golden blond hair peaking out of his pits. My pubes were not as curly as Jerry’s were and seemed to be more shiny and were black and dark. I had light black hairs on my lower legs and in my pits.     This was so gay I thought to myself but I sort of liked it and wondered why we had never compared ourselves before today. It seemed like a natural thing to want to do with your best friend but why were we doing it and why was I thinking these thoughts?   "Damn your cock is just amazing Mark. It really is. Shit man that is so freaking gay and I can’t believe I am saying that about another guys cock but...well...this is the first hard one I have ever seen before up close like this. I like the way it sort of points up a bit and damn man it looks so hard it might burst out of your skin. That is so sweet. Damn man that is awesome." Jerry said squeezing his cock as he looked intently at mine. "And I really I like that huge vein on the top of your shaft man and all those other veins are pretty amazing. You can’t see them when it is all wrinkled up and soft you know."   "Yeah it is really pronounced when I am hard and....well....thanks man that is nice of you to tell me that. Shit man I know it’s queer and all but I just needed to hear it from someone ‘cause Susie won’t even hardly look at me naked and I am well like so proud on my cock you know. I really liked how yours is so fat and damn man your balls are just amazing. They are so rad man so fucking big man. I think we are both pretty much hunks don’t you?" I said.   "Yeah guess we are a couple of twinks man,"he said laughing.   "YOUNG, HUNG AND FULL OF CUM," we both yelled out at the top of our lungs in unison laughing as we yelled.   "Hey man can you do this with your cock," I said as I began to make mine move up and down as I clenched my abdominal muscles. I liked to practice this exercise when I was alone and naked and in front of my full length mirror admiring my young, trim, fit body.   "Holy fuck man how the fuck do you do that?" Jerry yelled as he watched my cock going up and down.   "Hell man I am not really sure I just sort of clench my muscles and it dances. I sort of like to do it in front of a mirror sometimes." I said shyly. "Do you think that is weird and shit man?" "Naw man I wish I could do it but who is going to know? It’s not like I can ever show anyone but you can I?" he said trying to clench his muscles with no success. "But shit man this is so fucking gay man. Sometime you are going to have to teach me how you do that. Hey man what time is it anyway? I am hungry again."   I looked at the clock and was surprised to see it was already 6:30 PM. Where did the afternoon go I thought?   "Let’s order some pizza man." I said letting go of my cock and heading upstairs to the kitchen. Jerry ran up the stairs after me and we both burst into the kitchen laughing as our once hard erect cocks began to deflate and wrinkle up. I liked the way we looked half hard. Hell I liked the way we looked all the time, hard, half hard and everywhere in between.   I took the phone and punched in the number for the pizza place I knew by heart. It was called Mellow Mushroom and their crust was the best in the area. "So you want pepperoni, mushrooms, green olives man?" I asked as I heard the number ringing.   "Yeah man that’s cool," Jerry replied.   I gave the order and got two big pies. I knew we would get hungry later on and I loved cold pizza. We had plenty to drink in the house. We talked about school and girls a bit as we stood there in the kitchen while we waited to the pizza.   "Holy shit man are you going to the door looking like that man," Jerry laughed and giggled as he pointed at me and then outside at the delivery car driving up the drive.   "Ah shit man hold on," I said as I raced up the stairs and found my gym shorts pulled them on quickly and then raced back down stairs to grab the money I had left on the kitchen counter and then back to the front door. Jerry was hiding behind the kitchen door laughing hysterically. I was out of breath and my shorts were hanging a bit low and a few stray pubes hung over the top of my shorts as I answered the doorbell on the fourth ring.   I opened the door and this good looking guy was standing there with my pizzas. I saw his eyes travel up and down my young 18 year old trim athletic body and stop on my boxer shorts and the dark black pubes spilling over the top. "Oh sorry man I was in the john when I heard the doorbell," I said turning a few shades of red as I pulled by shorts up to cover my pubes.   "Hey no problem man. You are in great shape. Wish all my customers looked like you do when they came to the door," he said winking and smiling at me.   Hell I thought what is going on here? Is this guy a fruit or what? Is he coming on to me? No way I thought. Ugh. No way. That was just to gross I thought.   "Ahhh....that will be $27.50," he said looking at the bill stuck to the top of the pizza box as he pulled them out of the hot bag.   "Yeah....ummmm... sure. Thanks man. Here’s $35.00," I stammered as I handed him the correct change.   "Hey thanks man. That is awesome. I appreciate it. I am working my way through college and every little bit helps," he said taking my money and handing me the pizzas.   "Look maybe sometime you might want to get together and hang out or something. Just call for my last delivery at 9:30 PM and ask for Chuck," he said looking me over up and down again and winking again as he licked his lips ands smiled at me.   "Ah...well...thanks Chuck," I stammered still bright red at his obvious come on. I had never actually been propositioned before and had never met one of those "gays" before. Damn I wondered if Jerry had heard everything as Chuck ran back to his car and I closed the front door.   "Holy shit man he like practically undressed you right there man. You are so fucking gay man," Jerry yelled as he danced around me laughing and grinning and acting the fool..   "Ah come on man you know that is not true. What the fuck could I do anyway man? It wasn’t my fault. Cut it out," I said getting sort of mad at Jerry and almost at the point of tears that Jerry might think I was gay and had encourage the pizza guy. I placed the pizzas on the island in our kitchen.   "Hey man look I am sorry man Really Mark I was just kidding man. You know me man always the fool." Jerry said holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Is that the first time a guy has come on to you Mark? Shit I get it all the time and I have to admit he was kind of good looking don’t you think?"   "You have other guys come on to you man?????" I said incredulously in a loud voice.   "Shit yeah man. I just ignore the queer fucks man but it means they are checking me out and like what they see so what the hell. A little show never hurt anyone did it?" Jerry said opening one of the pizza boxes and taking out a slice and handing it to me. "Here man. Truce OK. Forgive me OK?"   I looked at him as he stood there on the other side of the island smiling his gorgeous goofy smile at me. Shit how could I stay mad at my best friend anyway? Before taking the offered slice of pizza I slipped off my shorts and tossed them on the counter with my foot.   "Thanks man," I said as I took the peace offering and took a huge bite. Sauce ran down my chin and it was hot but tasted so good.   We stood there eating and drinking our juice standing across the island from each other. We were sort of leaning against the island which was crotch high so although we could not see each other cocks we could see our pubes sticking over the top sort of like mine had over my boxers.   After eating 3 slices each I said, "Damn that is good pizza man."   "Yeah they do a great job at Mellow Mushroom. I love their whole wheat crust," Jerry said wiping his mouth with a paper towel I handed him. Jerry rubbed his belly with a satisfied look on his face and I was glad we were best friends.   "So look man since we started on this shit can we talk a bit more about some personal shit?" I asked.   "Sure man why not. I think the door is open and we can say anything at this point," Jerry said seriously.   "Well...I.....mean....like....well...you jack right?" I asked nervously. I mean guys just didn’t talk about this shit at least our friends didn’t except to talk about how much they fucked and how they never jacked. I was curious but could never ask in an open locker room bull session. That would be to gay.   "Sure man. Hell we all jack. I know the guys say they don’t but hell they are so fucked up they wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the eyes. Everyone jacks man. I even saw my dad once but he didn’t see me so yeah I guess I have seen another hard on before just not up close and personal like yours downstairs. But it was just that one time and I didn’t watch him cum or anything and shit he has been married for like ever you know." Jerry said.   "Yeah now that you mention it I did see my dad once with a morning wood but he hid it real fast when he saw I was looking and that was just a month ago when we went to visit my grandparents and had to share a motel room!" I laughed at the memory of my dad trying to hide his hard on from me.   "Shit man jacking is so awesome and feels so great. I love it when I am all hard and shit and thinking about Kathy’s sweet juicy pussy you know and then like I press my hard cock down between my legs and sort of pull on it and all that clear slimy juice comes out....."   "You mean your precum" I interrupted.   "Yeah yeah that shit is the best lube around man. My hand starts slipping and sliding all over my cock man and I rub the tip and damn man that feels the best you know," he said looking at me. I nodded that I knew what he was talking about as I felt my cock getting hard against the cabinet. I wondered if Jerry was getting hard as well but we couldn’t see each other cocks.   "And..... like.... well..... you.... know since we are all like being truthful and shit here I also like to watch myself shoot that cum all over my chest. It is so cool how it explodes out of my piss slit with so much force man and then it sort of curls at the end and like twists in the air before it splats on my chest. Hell I like to see if I can shoot to my nipples man and once I even hit my chin. I like always have a wet wash cloth handy so I can wipe that shit off but it is cool to watch." he said with this kind of dreamy look on his face as he remembered his jack off sessions.   "Damn man that sounds cool. I will have to try that. I never even thought of doing that man I just usually lean over at the last minute and shoot my wad into a Kleenex or something. I have never watched myself cum but I am going to try that shit next time I jack man. Thanks for the tip," I said. We were silent for a few minutes before I said, "you know Jerry it so fucked up that guys can’t talk about this shit with each other without being called gay or queer and all. I mean we are all curious I think and it can’t be gay to be curious can it?"   Jerry backed away from the island and his hard cock slapped up and hit his chest with a big wapping sound, "yeah it is stupid I totally agree man but it is just not done. I mean can you imagine the guys standing around the locker room all hard and shit and spilling their guts about how they jack and all?"   I stepped back as well and my hard cock slapped my chest as well. I laughed as I looked at it standing there proud and tall and dripping a bit of precum out the tip. I reached down and touched my finger to it and rubbed it lightly around the tip.   "OK OK man now I think that may be a bit much for me man. No jacking here in the kitchen. Let’s go watch a movie." Jerry said even though I could see some precum leaking out of his cock head. As he turned he reached down and quickly wiped it away.   "Sure OK man. Should I pop some popcorn or wait a bit?" I asked. I wanted desperately to jack for him and for the life of me I could not tell you why. I had never wanted to do that before or even thought about it. Shit what was happening to me I thought? Was I queer? Damn no I thought. I was just curious and I wanted to show off for my best friend that was it.   "Let’s wait and let that pizza settle a bit," Jerry said walking towards the basement door with his now deflating cock leading the way. I grabbed our drinks and followed him down the stairs.   He picked out an action movie and we both settled in on the couch sitting close together but not touching like we had before. I could hardly even remember what we watched my mind was swirling with so many thoughts of all that had happened between us this afternoon. I did get up to pop some popcorn at one point and get some more juice and bring down the left over pizzas.   We then watched another movie and finally it was over about 12:30 in the morning. I wasn’t really tired as Jerry hit the channel changer and put on MTV.   "Hey man can you turn that thing down a bit so we can talk some more," I asked after we had watched a few songs.   "Sure no problem man. What now more about sex or something new," Jerry said grinning. He held up a hand, "hey man it’s really OK I like talking about it too." "Well it’s just I have always wondered about some of this shit man but have never had the nerve to ask you or anyone else and as you said we opened the door and all...." I said looking Jerry in the eyes.   "Shit man go ahead let’s talk," he said lightly punching my arm in a very playful way.   "Well I told you that Susie won’t really look at my cock or anything when I am naked. I mean we have only been all the way about 5 or 6 times so far and it’s all been good...but well...I just thought she might be interested in my cock and all and maybe even give me a hand job occasionally or hell I have even dreamed of a blow job. But she won’t have anything to so with that she says. Good girls don’t do that kind of thing," I told him.   Jerry leaned back against the couch and sort of spread his legs apart and I could see his cock sort of shivering and shaking as if it was coming alive and I knew he was letting himself get hard again. I was fascinated watching him. I spread my legs and let mine start its dance as well. It was amazing how a cock could start our all small and wrinkled up like a slinky and then as it filled with blood it got harder and hard until it stood straight and hard. Amazing that it could do that.   "Shit man I will never ever as long as I live understand women. I mean I haven’t gone all the way that many times in fact Kathy was my first and we did it on my birthday last October and maybe once a week since then. God man I just love that incredible feeling when my hard cock slides into her wet moist pussy. Shit it feels so good I want to just explode and scream out loud but I try to think about something else so I don’t cum right away." Jerry cock was getting harder and harder as it swelled up with blood as he thought sexy thoughts about Kathy. His cock was sort of pulsing and he wasn’t even touching it.   I looked down at mine and it felt so good as it became hard and stiff. Damn it felt so good.   "Yeah I know that feeling. You just want it to last and last but you also want it to be over. The first time I shot right away as soon as my cock hit that hole man and then well I tried to fake it and keep pumping but Susie knew I had cum and she wasn’t happy. But what the hell could I do at that point," I said remembering the look of disappointment on her face ‘cause I had shot so quickly.   Both our young dicks were now hard and stiff and both were pulsing. I pushed mine down between my spread out legs and held it down for a few minutes and then pulled on the shaft as I brought it back up. A large pearl of precum appeared at the tip. I could hear Jerry breathing hard next to me and when I looked over I saw him looking at my cock as he mimicked my actions.   He spread his drop of precum over his cock head with his thumb and gasped out loud as the skin of his thumb met that sensitive skin of his knob. I followed him movement for movement and I gasped as well as we rubbed the tips of our cocks slowly together.   "So does Kathy ever give you a hand job or blow job?" I asked softly not wanting to break the spell of whatever was happening. And what the hell was happening I thought to myself. "From what we hear from the other guys in the locker room they are getting blown all the time."   "Shit man you can’t believe anything those guys are saying half the time I told you that. They just want to make themselves look big man. Kathy told me when I asked her for a hand job once that nice girls didn’t do that kind of thing. It was one thing to have sex with your boyfriend and all but that was it and I could forget anything else. She told me the other girls knew some of the boys were saying stuff like that but it was not true. Shit man all I asked for was a simple hand job and she practically bit my head off so I backed off." Jerry said ruefully.   Jerry had begun to slowly stroke the shaft of his hard cock with his fist and I matched him stroke for stroke. Our breathing became more and more labored and I watched his abs rising and falling. I could imagine he was feeling as good as I was.   "So what is the longest you have ever been able to stroke before you have to cum," Jerry asked still watching my cock. In fact he hadn’t taken his eyes off my rod since I came to full attention.   I pushed my cock back down between my legs as far as I could touching the couch pillow. Jerry did the same. "Oh shit usually I just want to cum but a few times when I have taken my time I could stretch it out for maybe 15 or 20 minutes." I said.   "Yeah me too. Fucking hell man this feels so good," he said as he brought his cock back up and began to once again slowly stroke the shaft up and down but this time he reached down and took his balls in his hands and began to squeeze them and kneed them. "Holy shit man that is good," he said lifting himself off the couch a bit.   I grabbed my balls to and began to squeeze them. "Oh damn man it’s does feel good. They are so fucking sensitive aren’t they? Sometimes it almost hurts but that is OK." I said watching Jerry get off on kneading his rather large set of balls.   "Yeah I love it at that point right before it hurts. Damn the pleasure and pain," Jerry said as he squeezed those balls of his.   We watched each other for awhile and then I let go of my balls and traced my finger tips up and into my pubes and played with my pubes for awhile and then trailed them up and around my navel and then up my wash board abs to my right nipple. I arched my back as I played with my nipple squeezing it as hard as I could and rolling it tight between my finger tips until it was red and raw and had gotten hard. I moaned a few times before moving over to the left nipple and working it.   Jerry had matched me and his nips were hard. Damn I thought as I watched him I wanted to touch them. Oh God what was wrong with me I thought? But it just seemed like the thing to do. Shit I was so hot and feeling so sexy and so freaking horny. Why was I thinking this shit? Hell I was just curious was all and there was nothing wrong with being curious I thought to myself.   "Shit Jerry please don’t hate me man but I really want to touch your nip man," I told him almost at the point of tears I was so freaking scared of what he might say when he heard those words spilling out of my mouth.   "Oh fuck me man that is so weird man I was just thinking the same thing. We are a bunch of fucked up queers aren’t we? Shit what the hell," and he took his hand as I took mine and I turned and touched his nip as he turned and touched mine.   We both cried out when each others fingers touched each others hard sensitive nips. It felt so good to have his nipple between my fingers and I twisted it and played with it as I moaned out loud from feeling his fingers twist mine. Before I could even stop myself I raised up a bit and twisted on the couch and then leaned over and took his nip between my teeth while I massaged his other nip with my fingers. He had leaned back against the couch and let me have my way with his rock hard nipples. He rubbed the back of my head as he moaned and breathed hard.   I nibbled gently and then harder and then sucked and then nibbled again. I had to let go of my cock to use my arm to support myself as I leaned over farther to suck on his other nipple. My hard cock ran over his side. It was all slimly and wet from so much precum. I almost jumped out of my skin as I suddenly felt his fist wrap itself around my hard shaft and squeeze. Oh damn this was heaven and I was in it and I didn’t freaking care who was queer or who was straight. I had to come up for air and I looked at Jerry in the eyes and then I bent my head to look between us at his hand working on my hard cock. I looked back in his eyes and I knew then we were going all the way with this as I lowered myself to his waiting lips with mine. I had been told I was a great kisser and loved to kiss for hours and when our lips met I knew I had met another truly great kisser as our lips and tongues and hot breath met.   We both moaned through the kiss as we explored each others mouths and tongues and groaned and moaned as we kissed and he squeezed my hard cock so hard. I was able to shift and with my now free hand I found his waiting pulsing cock and began to squeeze it slowly but as hard as I could. Damn as soon as my hand touched that piece of man muscle I knew I loved cock almost as much as I loved pussy and maybe even more. I felt like he swallowed me whole through his kiss out mouths were so tight together as we explored and tasted each other.   I started to laugh while kissing and then Jerry started to laugh as well and we broke our kiss and smiled at each other and laughed as we continued to squeeze our cocks.   "Damn Mark I think I am in love," he said at last.   "FUCKING HELL Jerry I know I am in love and shit man I want....no man I NEED to kiss your cock. I want you all. Damn man I want you so much and before today I never even knew it or thought about this shit," I said kissing his face and chin and then his pecs and nips again and I kissed that little patch of blond hair in the center of his chest and then down the center of those rock hard abs and into his deep navel.   "Hell man take me. Take whatever you want from me man. I am so ready. I am yours Mark," Jerry said as I kissed his taut fit body and tasted his skin and sweat.   Then I slowly ever so slowly followed that golden trail down to his equally golden pubes. Jerry had arched his back and placed his feet against the floor and raised himself up off the couch and was moaning and in between moans he was crying out how much he loved what I was doing to him. Finally a lover who appreciated what I was doing and told me how much they liked it.   I sort of knew without being told that he wasn’t going to last very long once I had his cock in my mouth so I quickly thought about what I could do to prolong this experience as long as possible for both of us. I explored his pubes and then took his huge balls in my hand as I shifted down off the couch so I could kiss them. I didn’t think there was anyway I could get them in my mouth but I wanted to try if possible. The smell was sweet. A combination of sweat and musk and sex. A man’s sweet perfume I thought. The smell of his crotch and his body was overwhelming but not in a bad way. It was just strong and musky and so freaking manly. I began to squeeze and kneed his balls while kissing them and thinking about how I was going to get one of them in my mouth they were each so huge. I reached one of my fingers deep under his fleshy ball sac and then on into that damp dark area below a guys balls and at the start of his ass crack. It felt so furry and sweaty down there as my finger pushed and touched and made Jerry squirm and it found its way deep and deeper into that tunnel between his ass cheeks. He spread his legs as far apart as he could to help me out with my explorations.   Damn it how did I even know what I was doing I thought to myself as I pushed my finger deeper and deeper into that golden furry tunnel heading for his waiting man hole. That forbidden hole that would soon be mine but what the hell would I do with it I thought. Jerry was moaning louder now and urging me on in my explorations as my finger tip found that puckery skin that surrounded the hole and I traced around it sending shivers up and down Jerry’s body making him thrust his hips into the air as my finger found the hole and pushed lightly inside. I played with his hole as I continued to kiss his balls finally opening my jaw and mouth so far apart one of his balls suddenly slipped inside as he groaned this deep guttural prehistoric sounding groan as I closed my mouth around the hairy ball sac sucking and squeezing as hard as I could with my lips and mouth.   "Oh man Mark I love it but man it’s too much to much man. Too much," Jerry finally moaned. I took that as a cue to spit out his ball and remove my finger from his sweet hole. "Holy shit man I have dreamed about feeling this good but never thought I would actually get to feel like this."   "Shit Jerry I keep thinking how the fuck do I know what to do man? I can’t figure it out." I said as I stroked his huge fat hard cock.   "Guess we both know what we wanted deep down inside and it took us awhile to figure it out. But I do know that I need to cum man. Make me cum Mark. I want you to see me cum," Jerry said happily in this dreamy sort of voice.   I leaned forward and began to kiss and lick his fat shaft up and down on top and on the bottom and on the sides. Jerry liked it so much he urged me on as I squeezed and stroked his shaft up and down with my fists.   "Take the head man please take it," Jerry said as he put my head between his hands and guided my open mouth to that gorgeous head of his. My rough tongue hit the tip and Jerry screamed out loudly as I explored the tip and the deep distinct lip with my tongue getting it as wet and slimy as I could.   I then took the head in the palm of my hand and began to rub it as I squeezed and worked the shaft up and down at the same time. This was fun I thought to myself but it was also hard work. I felt myself sweating as I worked Jerry cock. I wanted it to feel good for him. The best he had ever had but I also wanted to take him to the very edge of pleasure where it was almost pain but was more pleasure.   He was bucking his hips up and down and screaming my name and telling me he loved me and telling me to stop and then telling not to not stop over and over again. He couldn’t make up his mind.   "Oh man it’s so close Mark," He finally yelled and could feel his balls begin to tighten just before they were going to shoot their load. I continued to work his cock and at the last possible moment I took my mouth off the tip and began to jerk the shaft as fast and furious as I possibly could. He was watching and I saw he was crying as I felt him begin to shoot an explosion of pure sweet creamy man love out the tip of his cock.   It shot out with such force that it hit his chin and then another shot hit his left nipple and then another and another and another until his chest was heaving and covered with the sticky essence of his manhood. He was right about the ropes of cum and they way they twisted and turned and curled on themselves as they shot out of his cock and flew through the air. Damn it was a miracle and I loved every moment of it.   He was finished shooting but I wasn’t done with him yet and I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth again taking about 3 inches inside as I continued to pump and squeeze his cum out taking it into my throat and swallowing it as fast as I could. Damn I was a queer wasn’t I? I was a damn cum sucker queer now. Holy shit I loved it!   I finished with his cock and then looked at his cum covered chest and before I knew what I was doing I had moved up and was licking every precious drop of his sweet cum into my mouth and eating it all. I couldn’t seem to get enough.   "Hey man save some for me OK don’t be so greedy," Jerry moaned. What was I hearing? Holy shit I was in heaven.   I took a big mouthful and leaned over and we kissed and he took his cum from my mouth with his tongue and then I got him some more and some more until I had licked his chin and body clean of cum. We looked at each other and both of us had these huge satisfied grins on our young faces. We came together again kissing and kissing as I lay on top of him celebrating our new found love.   "HOLY FUCKING SHIT MAN what is going on here?" Jerry yelled at the top of his lungs when we finally came up for air and broke apart. "Shit man why the fuck have we never done this before. Damn man you made me feel so special and sex felt like I always knew it should feel man. I mean what the hell man I love to lay with the women and all but this was ooooohhhh so much freaking better than anything I have ever tried with Kathy."   "I am glad you feel that way Jerry ‘cause I feel like that too," I replied. "I mean never before have I even thought about this and then all of a sudden I was sucking your cock and somehow I knew what to do. How the shit did I know that man? I want to love you forever and ever man."   "I don’t know the answer to that my friend but as soon as I get some liquid in me I want to find out if I know how to suck cock too. But to tell the truth I am a bit scared of your big one man." He said reaching out and touching my half hard precum dripping cock. It made me shiver when his fingers touched the skin of my shaft. It is amazing how good it feel when someone else touches your cock I thought. This is so simple and it was all I had asked Susie to do but hell in some ways I was sort of glad she hadn’t or I wouldn’t be having the best sex in my life with my best friend Jerry.   "Damn man you will learn just like I did. Shit I only got about half yours down my throat it’s so damn fat and your balls man are HUGE. When your nut finally popped into my mouth I thought it was like...um...well.... it was sort of like this huge freaking marshmallow. Damn it just filled up my entire mouth and I loved just squishing in inside my mouth and hearing you moan." I said excitedly.   "Oh God man when it slipped inside your wet mouth and you squeezed down on it I thought I was going to pass out or something. I have never felt anything so damn intense before in my life man. It was so wonderful I just wanted it to go on and on and on forever," Jerry said sitting up and giving me a quick kiss on the mouth.   We both got off the couch and I ran up the stairs behind him to get some OJ so we could re-hydrate before he worked on me. I liked watching his legs and calf muscles work on the stairs and his butt was pretty cute as well. Damn I looked forward to some more explorations in that area later on after he had sucked me off. We stood there in the kitchen changed men forever. Nothing would ever be the same for either of us ever again I thought as I watched him chug some OJ and his cute sexy Adam’s Apple moved up and down with each chug he took. Damn I had never looked at another man like this. I was truly in love and had no idea how it had happened but I knew I liked what I was seeing and what I was feeling inside. Damn how were we going to hide our love from the other guys and what about Susie and Kathy I thought to myself as I watched Jerry drink. Hell I wasn’t going to think about that now. We had plenty of time to do all the thinking in the world later on.   I took the bottle of OJ from him and started to drink and he startled me by reaching out and taking my half hard cock in his hands and he began to rub it and squeeze it and rub my man juice all over its surface. Oh it felt good. His hands were amazing. So powerful. I put the now empty carton of OJ on the counter and looked down as Jerry’s hands worked on my cock and my ball sac bringing my cock back up to full attention.   "Damn your cock feels so sweet man," Jerry said. "It is so damn hard but yet so damn soft at the same time and it is so damn big man. God I love your cock man. Can you believe that shit? It’s a fucking thing of beauty my man. A thing of beauty."   "Thanks man. Jesus I have wanted to hear that from someone for so long so now drop down to your knees and worship my cock Jerry." I told him as I grabbed my hard cock around the base with my hand and squeezed it tight making it swell. The tip got even bigger than normal as I squeezed tight.   Jerry didn’t hesitate a second before he dropped to his knees on the kitchen floor and just looked at my hard cock in front of his face smiling at what he saw. And how could he not smile at my gorgeous hunk of man meat. He reached out his hands and stroked my thighs very gently going up and down and up and down and then he took my balls in both hands and started to kneed and squeeze them. I threw my head back and told him I loved what he was doing.   He would squeeze really hard until I moaned and then he backed off a bit and then would squeeze gain and I would moan and he would back off. I looked down and watched as he put one of his fingers in his mouth and sucked on it getting it all wet and slippery. He then slid it under my balls into the furry dark hairy black tunnel of my ass crack as he pushed his finger towards my man hole. I shivered with his touch.   "Hey man jump up on the island and spread those beautiful legs of your apart Mark. I want to have a look down here." Jerry said looking up at me smiling.   I quickly jumped up on the island and lay back still clutching my cock to keep it hard for Jerry. He spread my legs apart and just looked at my ass crack for a minute before reaching out with both hands and spreading my butt cheeks apart so he could see my rosy red puckerd hole.   "Oh shit that is beautiful man and damn if I ever thought I would hear myself say those words," Jerry said with this wicked grin on his face. "Makes me hard just thinking about pushing my fat cock up there a bit later Mark. I hope you are ready for little Jerry."   I moaned and said, "Yeah I am ready but I think little Jerry is not so little man. Touch it man and finger me. Finger me man."   First he spent some time just tracing his finger tips around and around the puckery surface surrounding my hole until I was hot and horny and ready for what would come next. I wanted it all. I wanted him to suck me and I wanted him to fuck me but which would come first?   He took his finger and sucked on it a bit to get some saliva on it and then gently ever so gently he pushed it into my very tight hole. I tried to loosen up as much as I could and I could feel everything as his finger pushed in and in and in until it was all the way up to the end. He pulled his finger out a bit and then pushed it in a bit and he increased his speed until once again I was moaning and telling him how much I loved it. The cold marble of the island made a contrast to my hot cock and red hot asshole.   I felt him push two fingers up my waiting hole and then three and he would twist them around as he shoved them in and pulled them out over and over again until I almost passed out and then he pulled them out all the way and went over to the sink where he washed them off as quickly as he could as he knew I was waiting on that cold marble counter for him to begin on my throbbing cock. I hated the shit he was having to wash off and wondered how guys got around that but figured out we would explore that world a bit later.   "Now for the main course ladies and gentlemen," Jerry said in a stage voice as he came over and lifted me up and slid me back on the island so my feet were flat on the surface. He spread my legs and said, "OK Mark thanks for keeping this beauty warm and primed for me but I think I can take over from here."   I let go of my cock and felt Jerry take it in his two hands. He slid his cupped hands up and down my shaft making me feel so good. Damn I had never felt this good before in any jack off session I had ever had. I could hardly describe the intense feelings I was enjoying as his hands slid over the skin of my penis. I lay back on that cold marble counter and just enjoyed having my rock hard dick rubbed and squeezed by Jerry.   "Damn your cock is so beautiful Mark," Jerry said as he began to pull my dick towards him and then down towards the island with one hand while he traced the big assed vein that ran along the top of the shaft. "This vein is so amazing man can you feel this when I do this?"   "Oh yeah I can feel it Jerry. It is so intense. Just take your time and make it last," I moaned as he kept pulling and bending my cock further and further down between my legs. He ran his finger tips all the way along the vein to the base of my cock where he began to scratch the skin in my pubes driving me nuts with pleasure. I arched my back and held on to the sides of the island with my hands which just increased the pleasure I was feeling.   Finally the red hot head of my cock touched the cold marble and I screamed out, "Oh holy shit Jerry that is so intense. I love it man."   "I’m not hurting you am I?" he asked as he wrapped his fist around my shaft and squeezed and then pulled on my shaft sliding all the way to the tip and then back and then back. "Oh shit I am milking this thing man. It is so cool I wish you could see this precum shooting out of your piss slit man. It is so freaking cool. So sweet man. Look at this man."   I raised my head and looked at him. He was holding my cock tightly with one fist and he was holding up his other hand with his palm cupped. He tilted it to the side so I could see that sweet liquid lube filling his cupped palm.   He then held his palm over my shaft and tilted it to the side and began to drizzle my precum all over my hard cock from base to tip. Damn I was feeling so good as I lay my head back down on the island and arched my back again as Jerry began to stroke my cock with both hands up and down and up and down faster and faster using the pre-cum to ease his fists.   "Suck the head man. Please put my cock in your mouth Jerry," I whimpered. "I need to feel it in your mouth."   I felt the head of my cock pass his open lips and then his rough tongue started to rub itself across the very sensitive tip making me writhe and moan and buck with pleasure I was feeling. It was so intense and so pleasureful.   "Damn it man suck it and make it hurt so good." I begged him and Jerry did as I had asked and began to move his mouth and tongue all over my cock head as I slowly tried to push my shaft into his waiting mouth. He took about 3 inches before he started to gag and backed off and then he tried again and again and again and it was all so great. If I had not been holding onto the counter with my hands I probably would have fallen off I was bucking and twisting and writhing so much as he then began to pump my cock as he rubbed the tip in the palm of his rough hand sending me almost to the edge of heaven and back again.   "Holy mother fucking shit," I yelled as I knew I was almost at the point of shooting my wad. "Pump it faster man and shoot my cannon Jerry." I cried out as he shifted around to my side and began to pump my cock as fast as he could until the sweat broke out on his face. I leaned up as far as I could so I could watch my explosion of cum and it finally happened as a rope of cum exploded from the tip curling back on itself like a candy cane as it twisted and twirled through the air hitting me smack on the chin.   "Yes, yes, oh yes man make me cum man," I yelled with each explosion of sweet creamy white cum and finally after 6 shots Jerry took my still pulsing cock in his mouth again as I continued to shoot and dribble more cum into his throat as he pumped the shaft. He was swallowing as fast as he could as he continued to work my now very, very sensitive cock. I continued to moan and cry out and tell Jerry how much I love him. I couldn’t help myself I was in love like I had never been before.   I placed my hand on Jerry’s broad back and rubbed it as he continued to work my now deflating cock. He had about 4-5 inches in his mouth and I could see his lips were stretched wide to accommodate my large cock. Finally he backed off and squeezed one last drop of sweet cum which he took on the tip of his tongue and the moved up beside me as he leaned over and we kissed and I took that drop of cum into my mouth and tasted my sweet wonderful cum. Damn I couldn’t believe I had never tasted my cum before this night. It was so good.   Jerry then began to clean me off and sometimes he swallowed and sometimes he took a mouthful and gave me some of my own cum. Finally he was finished and he stood there looking at me with this wonderful sexy sweet smile on his face.   "Damn man we are a couple of queers aren’t we?" he said.   "And damn proud of it," I said reaching up and stroking his face with my fingers. "I am so in love with you Jerry Stevens."   "And I am so in love with you Mark Johnson," he said as we kissed again and he ran his hand up and down my lean taut spent body.   "Damn man what shall we do next?" he said at last smiling a smile I knew was love pure love.   "Oh I think we both know the answer to that my best friend and now my lover," I replied...........
  2. My boyfriend Jack’s ex Luca was in town and staying in our guest bedroom for a week. Although I had seen photos of Luca, I had never met him before. Let me tell you, the photos didn’t do him justice. Luca is a swarthy Italian stud with luscious olive skin and a muscular physique that was apparent even when he’s fully clothed. He has one of those butts that defies gravity, pressing the seat of his jeans outward and upwards; I understand why a big-dicked top stud like Jack would be attracted to this beautiful specimen of a man! Luca oozed an easy-going sexuality that made my mouth water and my dick harden. Jack and I had taken Luca out to some of the local bars where we partied together until closing time. Now back at our apartment, we were sitting around the living room chatting, drinking, laughing. We were all feeling good, the energy between us was definitely positive. Actually, we were all kind of wasted and extremely horny, testosterone raging all around us. The smell of three men in heat, musky pheromones shooting out of every pore, overwhelmed the senses. Expressing his heightened state of arousal, Luca broke through the surrounding sexual fog by directing a question to me with his seductively deep masculine voice. “Max, I have no idea how much Jack has told you about me. Sexually, I am a total bottom who loved getting my hot manhole fucked by your boyfriend’s monster cock as often as possible when we lived together. I have a needy, deep, wet manhole that can open up and swallow the biggest, hardest dick around. It is pure ecstasy for me to give up my hole to a top man who wants to breed me and dump his seed inside me. So Max, tell me what a beautiful man like you likes sexually. Stop me if I’m being too pushy, but I sure would like to know what turns you on sexually?” “I’m not shy, Luca, so be as pushy as you like. To be honest, you are a smoldering hot hyper-masculine man who makes my heart race just being in the same room with you. Sexually, I’m a bottom/versatile guy. Like you, I love getting my hot hole fucked hard and deep by Jack’s awesome cock as often as possible. But I also love sucking cock, and I’m an expert deepthroat cocksucker.” Jack added his own commentary: “Imagine this, Luca: Max can take every inch of my hard dick deep down his throat and then torture me by massaging the base of my thick dick with his lips while he flexes his throat muscles over and over again along my shaft!” Luca added: “Fuck, Max, I can’t even imagine that, Jack’s dick is not only long but so fucking thick. No way I could ever get it in my throat! But I sure would get off seeing you swallow that monster shaft to the base. Woof! I’d be happy to sit on one of my huge dildos, fucking myself, while watching you deepthroat Jack’s meat! That would be awesome to have a muscular hunk of a man like you showing off your deepthroat cocksucking skills just for my pleasure! Talk about a racing heart: mine is pumping blood straight to my dick just imagining that deepthroat action!” I could tell from the smoldering hot look on Jack’s face that he was intrigued. So I encouraged Luca to entertain Jack and me. “Luca, why don’t you turn us on first with your own sex show, by stripping and inserting a buttplug in that gravity defying ass of yours?” “As I said, hot man, I am a total bottom. The fucking truth is that I have had a good sized buttplug up inside me all evening, grinding on it and working my prostate as we partied and drank.” Jack jumped right in: “Of course I’m not surprised, Luca, that you’ve been grinding your hole on a buttplug all evening. That’s just what I would expect from a fucking hungry manhole like yours, you pig. But you need to fucking strip now and show Max your beautiful butt and talented asshole. Now, boy! It’s showtime!” Luca stood up and took off his shirt, revealing a perfectly hairy muscular chest and belly. He walked into the guest bedroom and came back with a black bag he placed on the cocktail table. He lifted one booted foot and placed it on my straining crotch. “Would you take my boot off for me, Max?” I took it off and threw it to the side. He placed his other foot on Jack’s crotch and he removed Luca’s second boot. Luca turned around in front of the two of us and lowered his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. His upturned muscular butt was perfectly framed by the straps of his jockstrap. Luca’s ass was a work of art, strong glutes that looked like a marble sculpture. Luca stripped off his jockstrap and turned around. He laid his back down on the cocktail table and pulled his legs up revealing the base of a black buttplug firmly pressed into his hairy hyper-masculine hole. He started flexing his ass muscles so that the buttplug was fucking his asshole, in and out, over and over. What an awesome ass! What amazing control! Too fucking hot! Jack and I looked at each other like happy pigs in heat. Our tongues were hanging hungrily out of our mouths. Jack worked his hard cock out of the fly of his jeans while I stripped out of my clothes quickly and sat back down for more of Luca’s show. "Come over here and join me, Max." Luca wanted me to participate in his show so that Jack would have two naked bottom studs ready to please him any fuckin way he wanted. “Max, why don’t you play with my asshole, work that buttplug fully in and out of me for a while, open me up?” I scooted forward and took a hold of the base of the buttplug and pulled it out in one move with a sexy slurping ass sound. Luca’s asshole was dripping wet. Jack was stroking his rock hard cock as he told me “Fuck that hot hole, Max.” I pushed that buttplug easily back in and then out again repeatedly. What a fuck hole! Luca handed his black bag to Jack “Max has me primed and ready, Jack. Pick a bigger toy for your boyfriend to fuck me with next. You know what I like, man. And Jack, pick a buttplug for Max’s ass. I want you to start pleasuring your boyfriend’s man hole. Get him open, wet and primed.” Jack excitedly started rummaging around in Luca’s toy bag. He smiled broadly as he found the toys that he wanted to see fucking some hot butts. As he handed me a big black dildo for fucking Luca’s asshole, Jack held up in front of me the fat 7” by 5” metal buttplug he picked for my hole. “I know your hole is gonna love this cool metal buttplug, Max. The smooth thickness is gonna spread your rosebud open while it’s length will be enough to reach your inner sphincter, prodding and teasing, over and over. You’re gonna love it, don’t you think, Max?” “Fuck me, Jack. It’s huge and mean, you horny fucker. You know I’m gonna love you fucking me with it! But first, I’m fuckin hungry to explore Luca’s awesome manhole some more.” Luca changed his position on the table, getting up on his hands and knees with his hot hole up high and ready for action. After removing the smaller buttplug from Luca’s hole, I leaned over and pressed my hungry mouth and tongue into Luca’s wet open fuck hole. Jack pressed my head forcefully into Luca’s crack and told me to “Get into that hot hole, Max, show me how hungry you are for that sloppy asshole, man. Get your whole face into it.” I aggressively dove into that hairy manhole with my whole face, just like Jack wanted. Luca chimed in “”Eat that wet hole, eat me out, Max, get up inside me, my ass is open for you! Show Jack just how hungry you are for his ex's wet hole, Max, you fuckin ass eating pig!” After feasting on that amazing sloppy wet hole with my tongue, my mouth and my face, I backed up to take a look at that rosy red stretched rosebud. Luca had the most exciting rosebud I had ever eaten, for fuckin sure. Jack said “Your handsome face looks so hot covered in Luca's ass slime, Max. I’ve never seen you attack a hole with so much force. You got my dick hard watching you. Now I want to see you fuck Luca’s hole with that big black dildo while I lube up your hot hole. Give Luca a ride, he fuckin loves it, Max!” Luca’s manhole was absolutely mesmerizing, and I wanted more. I lubed it up and inserted the huge black dildo up into Luca’s welcoming hole. Actually his hole was more than welcoming, it pulled the big dildo inside with a suctioning power until the base was pressed against his crack. Wow, what a fucking asshole! While I focused on fucking Luca who was moaning and pushing back on the dildo attacking his hot hole, Jack had been lubing up my asshole with three of his fingers. When Jack removed his fingers, my rosebud felt stretched and open, ready for more. I felt the cold metal of the fucking thick buttplug against my hot rosebud. As I worked Luca’s manhole vigorously, Jack pushed the metal buttplug into me in one swift move and held it there with his big hand. I had to re-focus for a minute to adapt my hole to it’s size, but the cool metal quickly felt perfectly at home in my shit chute. Quickly I got back to the dildo buried deep inside Luca and began to fuck him with it again. When I could tell that he had fully adjusted to it’s size, I pulled it out to see it’s full nine inch length and six inch width. “Luca, your manhole is fucking unbelievable!” “Fuck me Max. Take my fucking unbelievable manhole. I’m loving every inch of that fucking huge dildo. Give it to me, Max!” So I fucked him with passion and sexual energy as Jack worked the fat buttplug in my own hole with intensity. My ass muscles sucked that buttplug back in me to the base every time Jack puled it out. It was fucking awesome. Luca and I were both lost in the split open sensations of fucking full holes. Jack and I were both lost in the intense action of fucking a man and filling him up. All three of us had throbbing hard, dripping dicks. Being the top man in this trio, Jack redirected the action. “Max, I’m ready for you to fuck your face on my cock, man. Luca said before that he’d be happy to sit on one of his huge dildos, fucking himself, while watching you deepthroat my huge hard dick. Let’s give our guest the show he wants. I’ve picked this huge dildo for Luca to sit his ass on while you show him how you deepthroat my monster dick.” After removal of the big black dildo from his dripping hot asshole, Luca turned around and saw that Jack was waving an enormous dildo at him. This thing was absolutely massive with a head bigger than a man’s fist and a shaft so thick that I thought it would be impossible for Luca to take. But Jack knew Luca much better than me, so I guess I was going to see just how wide Luca could stretch his asshole. This gargantuan elephant sized dildo had a huge flat base. Jack stuck it on the cocktail table and told me to hold it steady while Luca fucked his hole down on it to the base. Then Jack turned to Luca and said: “This black cock is for you Luca, you fucking hot pig! Show Max what an awesome fuck hole you have. Give him a show and sit down on this massive tool to the base, man. I want to see every inch of this animal dildo up inside you!” I held the dildo steady while Luca pressed his hole against the absurdly huge head of the dildo. Jack gave Luca a couple of hits of poppers. It was amazing to me, but Luca worked the dildo’s head into his manhole. I kept the shaft slick with lube while Jack kept Luca poppered up. Unbelievably, Luca sat down ever so slowly on the thick black shaft until he had it all inside him. “Un-fucking-believable!” is all I said. Luca sitting on that elephant dildo to the base was my cue. I repositioned myself so that I was right in front of Luca and Jack was standing right in front of me. I leaned over, my buttplugged ass high up in the air, and took the enormous head of Jack’s monster cock into my mouth. Ever so sensuously, I slowly descended to the base until I had every inch of that enormous shaft inside me. “Un-fucking-believable!” is all Luca said. Jack added: “Luca, you’ve got a front row seat to watch my fucking hot pig cocksucker boyfriend deep throat my thick hard cock to the base and work my thick shaft until he makes me explode. It’s showtime Max, show Luca what an awesome deepthroat cocksucker pig you are, man!” Jack was showing off for his ex Luca, fucking my face hard and deep, putting on a show. Not to be outdone, I not only held my face in the perfect position to get my deep throat fucked, I met every one of Jack’s thrusts with an equal and opposite thrust of my own onto his massive hard dick. I could feel the outside of my muscular throat getting stretched wide, bulging out, giving Luca all the show he wanted. I was gonna work Jack’s dick until he unloaded inside me. I wanted his cum. I needed his seed. Jack directed a comment to Luca: “And this man-sex show has audience participation, Luca. You get to fuck Max’s hot hole with that thick metal buttplug while he fucks his own face on my huge hard dick. Let’s do it pigs! Let’s take a ride and shoot our loads!” As he worked that thick metal buttplug in and out of my hot hole as directed, Luca simply replied “Too fucking hot, Jack. Let’s fuck your man Max here from both ends until we can’t help but explode. The two of you are Un-fucking-believable!”
  3. I was just 18 and fresh from school and my passionate interest was cycling, at least I thought it was! I guess I used to like it because I liked the feeling of being out in the fresh air and keeping fit. To smell the scent of summer and feel the rush of air past my body was what excited me. If it was at all warm and sunny, in fact any excuse, I would take off my shirt and I was often only clad in very brief shorts. I would plan weekend trips starting Saturday morning and getting home Sunday evening. The trick was to find a good half way point to set up my little tent for the overnight stop. There were plenty of places where you could camp but it was best if there were some facilities like a wash house etc. There were recognized sites in guide books but they were few and far between. On the occasion I'm going to tell you about - and it was some occasion! - I had set off on Friday evening just after getting back from work. This journey was to be a longer one, at least that was the plan! The first night stop was a place I had known about some time as it was a sort of sports club with playing fields. Someone had told me you could camp and make use of the facilities. It was late September - the fall as you Transatlantic guys would say - the weather was really warm and when I got there was a rugby practice game in progress on one of the pitches. I was in no real hurry so stood watching (just in shorts) for a while from the touch line before putting up my tent. Presently there was a brief pause in the game and one of the players came over and greeted me with a big smile saying it was nice to have a spectator. "You're the crowd" he said. "Give us a cheer now and again!". I asked about who to see about camping and he just said I could set up anywhere and as he ran off to rejoin the game shouted back. "See you later in the shack!" I went and set up tent and returned to watch the game. I was a bit hungry but these big guys fascinated me. At school none of my peers were as big and muscular. I had wondered a bit about what the 'shack' was but assumed it to be the clubhouse, which did look as if it could do with a lick of paint. I was having a great time cheering everyone on regardless of which team and this lead to a few jovial reproaches from opposing sides and a lot of good-humoured banter. There was one guy who scored at least three tries who I have not the slightest difficulty remembering. He had very powerful legs and could outrun most of the others. If he got hold of the ball he was very difficult to stop because if anyone tried to tackle him he seemed to have a way of hurling them aside with one thrust of his massive left arm. Then finally the referee's whistle went and they all seemed to converge towards me. What was my name; why was I on my own; what was I doing later on, etc. "Hey we're off to the showers! Why not come and join us?" I just followed them in without thinking. Once inside everyone stripped off completely naked. There were two teams of fifteen players two linesmen two extras and the Referee. 35 big hulking guys all around soaping themselves in this communal shower. I was naked too of course and it was very hot and steamy. I couldn't help noticing that their cocks were getting bigger and stiffer and there was no doubt that I was the centre of attraction. One of them had found an excuse to start soaping the lower part of my back saying that he thought there was an oil mark on me. It caused a lot a of laughter as others pointed out it was just my brown skin above my very white buttocks. Others were not slow to join in the attempt to `help' me. A couple of other players came over from another shower. "Wow what have we got here! not an orgy I hope!" It was Brian team captain trying to call the situation to order. He started apologizing to me and said he hoped I wasn't offended. "No not at all" I said. Then he said the trouble was that as well as being a good sport I had a 'fucking nice ass'. Someone else added that it was at least as good as any chick's. There was a lot of laughter and good humour about the whole exchange. I suppose most young lads of my age would have been extremely embarrassed by the whole situation. I cannot recall feeling that way at all. On the contrary I felt hugely flattered by all this attention. I was not sure how things were going to develop (It was before AIDS had become an epidemic). I wasn't really concerned but then this big guy who had scored all the tries came over and said something like. "Strikes me there's a lot of talking over here and not much action!". His manner was very direct and a little bit aggressive. Ian was staring me in the eyes and I couldn't help noticing his massive cock sticking out almost horizontal but slightly up. His huge thigh muscles gave him speed. His massive broad shoulders strong arms made him a formidable rugby forward. All the players had been all covered in mud but now they were clean, soapy and superbly nude. Looking around me it was like being in an art gallery containing the most beautiful bodies you could imagine. Brian the team captain suggested Ian was being a bit presumptive and maybe I didn't want his attentions. But I remember Ian saying in flash: "It's not a matter of what he wants, it's what he needs, and that's what he's going to get!" As he said this he was soaping my ass and working his fingers into my anus. Suddenly I felt him grab my arms from behind. "Now you beauty! I'm going to fuck that lovely big smooth baby bum of yours. Wow don't you need it!!" As he said this his big hands restrained my elbows and all I could see of him was his hairy forearms. I should never have been surprised when it happened specially after what he just said, but I was so young and innocent I still didn't really expect it. Even the pressure on my anus didn't alert me to what was really happening. Until now I had only been fingered and I was enjoying what I thought was more of the same forgetting that his hands were elsewhere! Then I felt a sharp but quick pain as my sphincter yielded to his powerful cockhead as his huge dick gained entry into my virgin ass. Everyone was standing around me watching me being penetrated. Suddenly I felt the full force of his cock right up inside me. As he drove it in to the hilt I felt the furry mass of his pubic hairs against my buttocks. He was ramming his powerful prick into every recess of my rectum. I was completely overwhelmed. I felt like my ass was on fire and stretched beyond limits. I couldn't think of anything else. He had taken charge of me. I wanted to submit to his strong body and I was bending right down as he pumped his shiny shaft in and out of my ass. I don't know how long it went on before he started exploding. I could feel and hear the sound as this huge hot piston surged in and out. Then when he started to cum it was massive! I suddenly felt his cock pulsate wildly in me as he began to spew his hot cum fluids in huge, hot spurts up my bottom. He had scored again shouting `Yes! Yes!' as he filled my rectum with his hot jizz. Eventually, as he shot the last of his last cumropes up my ass, he let out a deep groan and withdrew the whole length of his thick slimy dick. Briefly I felt lonely as I felt my sphincter twitched as it began slowly closing. Not for long though!! Everybody wanted get to work on me after that! "Hey, hang on!! He can't take all of us. For fucks sake his ass will be red hot!!" Brian was genuinely concerned for me as obviously, looking back (it didn't seem so at the time), it is hard to imagine inviting so many randy sex-crazed guys up your ass. But all I wanted at the time to feel the next hot cock coming up my back passage. What Brian didn't know was that, although I was genuine virgin when it came to sex with other guys, I had a huge collection of dildos at home and used them to masturbate my prostate sometimes for hours. I was well experienced in working them inside my ass and getting multiple orgasms. But Brian's remonstrations fell on deaf ears and I could find no inclination to resist. All 35 guys fucked me up my bottom in the space of about half an hour!, or that's what it seemed. The more I got fucked the more slimy and juicy my ass felt and these hard rigid cocks just slipped inside me so easily. As each pumped his load up me I was sucking the next beautiful hard cock as these big massive rugby boys queued up to fuck my ass. I was very careful not to overdo it just gently licking their hoods and giving each pink knob a gentle suck leaving some saliva on their tips. Immediately after one guy pulled out the next thick rock- hard pole would be up me shafting my ass with so much vigour you wouldn't have thought they had just played a hard match. They were each so excited after watching my ass taking the previous guy, few managed more than two or three strokes until they lost control and shot their load up me, flooding my bottom with more hot sperm laden spunk. These big guys were amazingly virile and each wave of hot cum felt like the force of a flowing tide! All I could see around were powerful hairy muscular thighs over which towered powerful bodies and massive hard cocks. They were so close to my face sometimes I was sucking two guys at once and I got close up views of each smooth rounded pink hood glistening in the moist light. It seemed the tiny holes in the centre had dilated slightly in readiness to screw me and spunk my boy bum. At the end of the session in the changing rooms I reckon I had a well over 200 mls (almost half a pint) of their beautiful thick virile semen up my rectum. In the background I could see the guys who had just finished fucking me going over to shower, their thick meaty cocks dripping spunk and dangling like fire hoses after a hard day's work. After that I was invited to join them in the bar. "Hey where's your shirt?" someone said amid laughter as I was just wearing only shorts. More laughter as I was read the club rule about dress in the bar. At the same time as someone put a shirt on me another guy removed my shorts and pants. "No mention about these in the rules!" I had just been presented with a beer and was very aware of the cool air on my naked buttocks and genitals as all eyes turned to admire my nude body. I was leaning over the bar taking my first sip as Ian came over and ran his fingers into my crack: "How does it feel to have an ass full of rugby men's fuck!?" I was having difficulty at this stage in keeping control of my ass. I just couldn't stop it relaxing as Ian's deep masculine voice came close to my ear. Semen started oozing out between my buttocks and running down the inside of my thighs. Ian could feel it and exclaimed as everyone crowded round to see. "Seems like he's having a period or something. Anyone got a tampon for him?" They all started laughing then another guy called Daren produced a big long dildo. It was like a huge red sausage rounded at each end and flexible. Then I felt it as he started pushing it up my ass hole. Everyone was crowding round to see as Daren got it really far up inside me. I knew I was getting even more sticky as I just couldn't stop the slimy cum oozing out between my cleavage. Then they carried me off to a sofa and laid me down on some plastic to protect the upholstery. I was on my back now with one leg over the back and other being held up by onlookers. "Right let's get down to some serious fucking" Ian said. He seemed to be taking charge. I later discovered he was a medical student which explains why he went on about how to massage my prostate. He was taking the lead now. He was brilliant because he let the others go first and supervised every penetration to make sure they got it right and didn't hurt me. I knew nothing much then about sexual anatomy then but I was soon getting multiple orgasms as they pressed their pricks into my gland as Ian massaged my penis. After a while, I couldn't ejaculate however much my prostate vainly tried to pump out my juice. There was also a lot of competition over who could jack off with the most force. So, as each guy drove his dick into my ass, everyone watched closely for the first signs of spasm in their groins. When it happened, they cheered and counted many spurts each guy managed. Ian finally came up me as another guy called Gary had started sucking my cock. Then just as Ian was releasing his second load of cum up my ass he made me jack off into Gary's mouth. I can't find words to describe the intensity of that orgasm. My whole body was writhing and my ass and cock began spasming together. There was cum everywhere under me as each guy withdrew his cock a blob of semen would come out before my hole closed back. That night and all the weekend I didn't do a lot of cycling. When I wasn't bending down I was on my back with my legs in the air. Ian took charge of the sanitation side of things. He gave advice about peeing after fucking, kept my ass at the ready, and gave me enemas in front of anyone who wanted to watch, which turned out to be everyone!
  4. He kissed me passionately for a few moments before pressing a condom into the palm of my hand. He shocked me by kneeling in front of me, putting his moist lips against my growing erection. I could feel his breath on my cock through the thin layer of cloth of my Speedos. The warmth of his breath made my cock throb and jerk as I felt a drop of pre-cum forming and begin to slide from the eye of the head of my cock down my shaft… With his firm but gentle hands Brian removed my blue Speedos making my cock slap back against my stomach when it was finally released from its holdings. Brian took my cock in his hand and gently applied the condom to my rigid tool. He immediately closed his mouth over my cock, his tongue teasing me and he succeeded in making my balls tingle from the sensational pleasures. I looked down admiring his succulent features as he nuzzled my gonads and sucked on my throbbing knob like a true professional. With my heart racing and my cock throbbing I wanted to return the favour, but with his mouth suctioned over my private regions, I knew Brian was in a hurry, but I was persistent finally managing to drag him off my body. I had him stand before me... It took but only a second to slide his swimming trunks down over his hips to his ankles allowing me to look closely at the manhood I was about to enjoy. Wow, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I came face to face with a monster cock. His cock was huge, his balls hung down between his legs. When I took his cock in my hands it was longer than two hands. With it in my hands I wondered what I had got myself into, but it was too late to back out. I was horny as hell and my cock was tingling in anticipation of what I was about to do. I licked my lips and began concentrating on sliding as much of the rubber protection as I could manage down over his cock. I looked at it admiring the beauty of such a fine organ before closing my mouth over the massive head. I licked and licked as I lowered my hand down the shaft, my mouth followed taking as much of Brian's organ down my throat as possible. I surprised myself when I buried my nose in his short and curly pubic hairs. I felt I was living in a dream for a moment, my mouth found his hairy balls suckling them with a deep passion. Brian pulled me up off his cock and led me over to the bed, not a word was said as he pushed me back so I was comfortable, my cock standing tall and erect ready for the attention I was about to receive. Brian knelt over me, his legs straddling my head and as he leant forward his cock slipped into my mouth. His warm moist mouth sucked my cock deep down his throat at the same time. I found swallowing his thick shaft right down to the end of the condom was easier this way, my mouth was open and relaxed with this hot cock sucking session, but even with me taking as much as I could, there was still a few inches unattended so I wrapped my hand around his cock stroking him in order to give Brian's massive cock full stimulation in our heated session. We sucked for what seemed like an eternity giving each other thoroughly satisfying and enjoyable blowjobs along with cock pumping and some very nice ass play action. Brian stopped sucking long enough to ask me if I wanted to be fucked…. Now how could I turn down such an offer? My ideal position, I'm a natural bottom and I needed to feel Brian's massive cock in my ass. I took my mouth from Brian's cock and whispered… "Yeah Brian, I want you to fuck my ass!" "Are you sure you can take my prick? Not many have allowed my thick cock anywhere near their puckered holes," he said. "Let's try!! Come on I want to feel your big fucker in my tight hole and then we'll find out, ok?" Brian moved off the bed and grabbed the tube of lube. I rose to my hands and knees and really pleased with myself, I presented him with my tight puckered asshole. Not a word was spoken again as he lubed up my rectum, pushing one and then two slippery fingers deep inside me. The sensations were wonderful, shooting from my anus through to my balls, I couldn't help moaning as my pleasure centers were throbbing with excitement… I wanted his cock now!!! "Damn Brian, I need to feel your cock now… Fuck my ass now!" I demanded softly. I could feel Brian move behind me, he pushed the massive rubbery head of his massive slick organ against my slightly open anus. I pushed back against the head, I could feely my ass being stretched wide, but I didn't care, I wanted to be fucked so bad by Brian… I took a couple of second's breather, before pushing back against him again sinking several thick inches of his shaft on that first thrust. He held ever so still until I caught my breath and overcame the pain momentarily… the pain was incredible and it took me a few moments to overcome the few seconds of that pain knowing that the pleasure will follow… I talked myself into relaxing my muscles and the thought went through my mind… Hot damn he's so BIG!!! But on the other hand he was so gentle and waited until I gave him the ok to begin fucking me. Slowly he began feeding his cock in before withdrawing a little and then pushing it in further and further. Finally the full length of his massive cock slid slowly into me and his balls were banging against my ass. Brian put his hands on my hips with his thumbs just touching my ass cheeks. He pulled me to him sinking the last few inched of his whopper with one quick thrust of his hips. He only paused for a moment and half lay over me kissing my back and neck. I could tell he was enjoying the feeling of my tight ass wrapped around his huge cock when he reach under me, his hand stroking my cock, the feeling was exquisite. Ever so softly and slowly he gently pulled his hips back a little at a time, his thickness rubbed against my tightly stretched ass, the pleasure and pain was incredible. I was living in ecstasy and then I felt him slide back into me, fully, faster and harder. Without warning he withdrew quicker before sliding his cock in with force this time, the pleasure was mind-boggling. His hands gripped my ass slamming into my horny hot ass time and time again. The pleasure was too much. It felt like his cock was buried deep inside me and my ass was on fire. I went crazy then, I needed to come… My balls were throbbing from the intense pleasure and I could feel Brian's cock pulsating deep within my hot ass…I pushed back meeting his thrusts, my tight ass squeezing his thick piece of meat as he fucked me harder and harder. It was incredible two men grunting as one hot hunk sunk his cock into the asshole of the other over and over again, it worked, and his thrusting sent me over the top… I felt my cream flood my condom adding to the sensations with my body throbbing as Brian buried his long thick prick deep in my bowels, hitting against my prostrate. I knew he was shooting his load with every thrust. His cock pulsated deep inside my rectum. Brian held my hips pulling me back roughly against his pelvis… every time his cock throbbed I felt another jolt of pleasure and the great satisfaction knowing he had a mind blowing orgasm because of me… We lay together for a few moments enjoying the after glow… Brian's limp cock slipped out of my ass, he rolled off me… I turned and faced him, Brian pulled me to him and we kissed tenderly as we stroked each other's slick bodies….
  5. briangood

    Let's become human right fighters

    Thank you for posting that comment. If you want to know the fact, check it out the following, which is taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Games#Criticism or you can check it out elsewhere. Other than many European and North American countries, why can most of countries in Middle East, Asia, South America, Africa never be rich, powerful, civilized, educated, politically stable, or simply good enough to host the games? A rich-men games? Why? They always say that they are going to bring help, peace, food, education, stability and hope to them. But, what have they brought to them? What happened? Object what? They didn't invent the torch relay. Of course, they had the same intention of it as a political show of power and influence, as most of the European and North American govenments had when they hosted the event. Unfortunately, we all have to play the same game that's been dominated only by the European and North American. As I said before, the people and the government, or those who don't know, should take it as a life time lesson. Is Olympics about peace, equal rights, sportmenship...... all the good things in life? Though it's not gonna be what you'd like it to be, check it out more and think about it.
  6. "Coach?" Karl stared, mouth open, at the hairy muscled man spread on a lounge chair next to the pool. It was a pretty hot day and not only was the man covered with a sheen of sweat, in spots it was pooled enough to mat down some of the thick black curly hairs covering much of the man's body. "Is that you, Karl?" asked Dave Colletti, sitting up slightly, causing his six-pack to pop up as he shielded his eyes from the bright early afternoon sun. "Yes, it sure is". "God! It's such a great surprise to see you here," stammered Karl as he reached out his right hand to his former college swimming coach, taking note of the rivulets of sweat now running off the curves of his coach's six pack and racing off his body. Karl's nuts started churning. Coach Colletti! His ultimate fantasy man, laid out in front of him, clad only in a black form fitting swimsuit. For his part, Dave Colletti drank in the sight of the 22 year old blond muscle boy, water running off him since he just climbed out of the pool, his white and red striped Speedo sucked tight against his body, leaving little to the imagination of the prize inside. "Lemme look at you, Karl!" said Dave as he quickly sat up and swung both legs to his left so that Karl found himself standing between them. Dave grabbed Karl's outstretched hand and his left paw locked onto the outside of Karl's right leg. Dave gave a wide smile of pleasure at the feel of the boy's strongly muscled leg. Embarrassed at how quickly he was starting to harden, Karl went into a squat that left his head level with Dave's chest. Dave moved his left hand to the hard ball of muscle that formed Karl's right shoulder as his eyes first followed the kid's dick on its journey downward, then back up to his face. The two men stared at each other, realizing that the gazes were filled with nothing more than animal lust. The look acknowledged and welcomed the attraction that had been there since they had first met 6 years before when Karl was a 16 year old high school junior visiting colleges. This past year had gone by without their having seen each other. It allowed each to reach this point where all that mattered was giving in to the desire to have the other man. They were ready. Dave broke the spell with a chuckle and a squeeze of Karl's shoulder. "We won state again this year and the school board gave me and the wife a weekend at this hotel..the honeymoon suite! We planned this for weeks and then her sister had emergency surgery three days ago and Carol went there to watch the kids. Reservation couldn't be changed. So here I am, a 39 year old man staying in a honeymoon suite--alone!" Dave started massaging Karl's shoulder and Karl visibly relaxed, remembering how he had always trust his coach implicitly. "Karl, come up to the suite," Dave said, continuing to caress the blond boy's smooth bulging shoulder. Dave's eyes dropped back to Karl's crotch, noticed the straining rod...and he smiled again. Karl wrapped a towel around his waist and stumbled after Dave, his eyes boring into the coach's massive back, his dick pulsed almost uncontrollably as he drank in the sight of the shiny skin covered with a thin film of hair. He would do anything for his coach. Karl remembered how he and his teammates so passionately believed that Coach Colletti would do anything for them. Now Karl knew that doing anything for coach meant doing everything his coach wanted. "I've put on a few pounds," Karl admitted in the elevator, his head hanging down. "You just need a bit of training to take care of that," Dave said, pulling Karl closer to him. Truth was Dave was more attracted to Karl than ever before. Yes, he'd put on a few pounds, just a few, and the effect was that all the swimmer's muscles just seemed to bulge out a bit more than they did when he had been on the college team. Karl's muscles, all of them, were bigger and rounder than they had been in college. Coach ran the tips of his free hand up and down Karl's defined abs, as if he were filing them on the lumps of tightened muscle, "Nice", he whispered as the elevator shot upward. Once inside the room, Dave led Karl to the middle of the living room, yanked the towel off the young swimmer, and said, "Let me judge what kind of shape you're in." His eyes brightened as they raped the almost naked blond pup. Karl's dick throbbed inside his Speedo, belching out precum, as his coach's hands roamed his body. "Oh, this is nice, Karl, real nice!" Dave hissed as his large hands rolled up and down over Karl's firm abs. Dave grabbed Karl's hips and turned the kid around. Karl moved, dazed. As Dave's hands roamed over the map of muscles on Karl's back, Karl gave into the sexual bliss that enveloped him so quickly, leaning back into the familiar touch of his coach's hands. He now remembered the feel of those hands so many times in college, touching him in encouraging ways during swim practices and meets, treating him more roughly as they guided him through workout sessions with weights. Dave moved his hands down to the blond's hairless legs, pleased that Karl had chosen to continue shaving off what little body hair he had. Dave ran his hands up and down the back of Karl's thighs. "Your legs are still in great shape, kid, really great shape." "Thanks, coach..thanks," Karl grunted as his passion rose. Dave's hands moved up the firm legs slipping underneath the Speedos and made their way up the curve of the muscle boy's firm glutes. As he caressed the twin mounds of muscle, Dave leaned his head down bringing his mouth to the kid's ear, whispering, "Let go, Karl, let go. Coach is here. Coach wants you to feel good. Let go, Karl, let go, let go, make coach happy." Karl tensed, grunted, and let go. Dave held his grip on the swimmer's ass, feeling the muscles dimple rhythmically as the kid pumped out shot after shot of cum into the confines of his damp Speedo. Before the blond muscle pup could recover, Dave urged him into the huge bedroom where they ended up standing in front of the full length mirrored doors of one of the closets. Coming out of his sexual fog, Karl's eyes gradually focused forward. He let out a long deep groan as he stared at his own wet muscled body, now covered with an even mix of the remnants of chlorinated water from the pool, and his own sweat. He could feel his rock hard cock churning in the film of warm cum. What really turned him on of course was seeing Coach Colletti's 6' 4' body behind him, towering over him by a half foot, coach's hairy legs spread out even further than Karl's own smooth legs, already stretched outward. Coach Colletti's sinewy arms, matted with dark hair, really stood out visually as they stretched out from underneath Karl's armpits, roaming over the swimmer's chest and stomach. Karl hit that special sexual mark again, gave into it, and leaned back against his coach, trusting that he'd be held up and was rewarded by the feel of the thick damp mat of hair on Dave's chest moving like a swamp over his own smooth skinned back. Karl felt the coach's rough hands roaming over his chest and stomach and listened to the whisper at his ear. "Fuck, you are one hot son of a bitch, Karl! You've taken good care of yourself, kid. I've wanted to fuck around with you forever. Watching you back then straining on the weight machines, making yourself bigger and harder, and all for me, you did it all for me, didn't you?" Dave flicked his tongue in and out of Karl's ear every once in a while as he kept up the flow of praise into the panting swimmer's ear. Though he'd never see it in the flesh, Karl knew that Coach Colletti had a huge dick, really huge. He could feel coach pressing his crotch against the small of his back. He wanted that dick. He needed that dick. Karl reached back as well as he could and started pulling at the black lycra material covering Dave's tubesteak. "That's it, son, pull those down. Free my fuckin' meat!" Both men squatted to finish the project. When they stood back up, Dave kicked the balled up suit across the room and pressed his weighty hanging horsedick and balls against the smooth skin of Karl's lower back. "Here, Karl, say hi to your new roommate," said Dave as he worked the tip of his dick into the waistband of Karl's Speedos and then quickly jammed his dick downward. Karl yelped at the shock of suddenly feeling that hot tube of manflesh along his ass trench. Even soft, the fucker had to be nine inches! It felt like a huge hot bratwurst between Karl's buns. "Kiss it, Karl, squeeze it with your ass and kiss it," Dave whispered into Karl's ear as he slowly fucked his meat up and down Karl's trench. Karl squeezed his ass cheeks and was rewarded with a moan from coach. Though Dave prided himself on his sexual control, he felt his meat firming up much faster than normal. But how could he not? This beautifully muscled fuckpup was his for the taking. Dave's brain started having little explosions as the nerve reports shot from his roaming hands and forearms journeying over the swimmer's chest and stomach muscles, and from his dick held captive by the Speedo as it traveled up and down the kid's wet hot ass crack. Dave Colletti did not want to get to the finish line just yet. He wanted his boy to cross it a few more times on his own. Pulling his dick out of the Speedo with a jerk, Dave spun Karl around and dropped to his knees in a flash. Karl didn't know what was going on till he suddenly felt new warmth on his precum spewing rocket. "Oh fuck, coach! fuck! fuuuucccckkkkk," croaked Karl as he felt his coach's open mouth running along the length of his cock and locked his hands onto Dave's head, pleased to have the sensation of touching the soft curly black hair added to his race of pleasure. "Coach wants another load, Karl. C'mon, cock this monster and shoot. I can taste your cum. I want more. Give me more juice, son, give me more!" Dave was talking directly to Karl's cock. As he ran his open drooling mouth along Karl's steel hard length, completely dampening the Speedo mixing his thick saliva with the sweat, cum and precum inside, he started gently chewing on the stalk, as he continued his monologue. Each of Dave's arms instinctively wrapped around Karl's legs, frantically rubbing them and pulling the kid toward him. Dave knew the kid was close and he let Karl take control. Karl's hands tightened their hold on his coach's head, his fingers dug into the tangled mass of the soft curly black hair. He pulled and pulled on Dave's head as if he wanted to jam it far inside his crotch. Karl bellowed as he pumped out another nice load of muscle cum while holding his coach's hairy warm head against his firing tool. Dave's left cheek was pressed right at the underside of Karl's dickhead and he moaned in pleasure as he felt the warm spurts of the boy's cum run along his cheek. Even through the Speedo's material, it felt like a warm caress on his skin. Staying on his knees, Dave reluctantly pulled his head away from the warmth of Karl's firm young body and reached up to the waist of the Speedos above the kid's sculpted ass cheeks. Locking his fingertips inside the tiny waistband, Dave started to remove the red and white Speedo, moving slowly, scraping his fingernails lightly along the tender flesh of the swimmer's butt. In front, his eyes remained locked on the bulging still hard sex pistol. As the tip of Karl's dick popped into view, the first thing it did was burp out a tiny bubble of cum. Dave moved forward, kissed the dick tip gently, and pulled back looking up the young man's body. Sweat rolled down Karl's body in streams. As Coach Colletti's eyes moved up the swimmer's body he watched the liquid streaming down the hills and valleys made by the defined muscles on the kid's smooth skin. Karl looked down and met his coach's gaze, smiling as he saw the micro thin string of sticky liquid gently swaying along the six inch gap between coach's puffy wet lips and his own cockhead. Animalistic grunts came out of Dave's throat as his face locked onto Karl's crotch like a magnet. He had stopped pulling down the kid's Speedos and instead again went into the now seemingly familiar stance of wrapping his sinewy arms around Karl's smooth hard legs. Dave was enjoying the challenge of working his face and mouth into Karl's crotch, sucking up the sweat and double load of cum spread out all over the place. Lumps of steamy cum matted down Karl's pubic hair and hung all over the inside of the Speedo, Dave hungrily and noisily sucked and sucked and sucked. Karl stood, as relaxed as possible without falling over, his oversized arms hanging like slabs of meat at his side, and looked down at the head bobbing below. Once Dave had worked the 'Speedo down far enough to allow his vacuuming mouth to get underneath Karl's nuts, the kid's dick, for the first time since he squatted in front of his coach about an hour before, lost a bit of its hardness. But just a bit. Karl stared at his turgid dick, barely relaxing on the bed of black curls of his coach's head. As Coach Colletti worked the underside of Karl's nuts feverishly, the swimmer watched his stalk being gently massaged by the mass of moving hair. His dick was still slathered with sticky remnants of his own cum and his coach's saliva and he watched as some of it ran off into the forest of hair while at the same time some other hairs seemed to almost jump toward the kid's uncut length to lock onto the smooth skin for nourishment. With his thought only being to please himself, Karl wrapped a fist around his cock and let out a sigh. Coach Colletti pulled his head out from under Karl's jewels, looked up and ordered, "Let go of that, boy! It's mine." Karl looked into his coach's eyes, immediately gave in to his superior, and dropped his fist back to his side. With eyes still locked on each other, Dave brought his mouth to the tip of Karl's rapidly re-hardening dick, pursed his lips, hit the dick tip, tightened his lips even more and sucked forcefully and noisily causing an intensely arousing vibration on and around the slit at the end of the swimmer's dick. "Oh, God! Coach! Oh, God! it almost hurts...please!" Dave opened his mouth, sucked in the head of Karl's dick and gently teased the underside of the dickhead with his tongue. Karl's words turned into panting squeals of delight. Dave steadied himself by holding onto Karl's calves, gently massaging them. Dave Colletti was a master cocksucker. He began bobbing up and down about half the length of Karl's dick, a slight noise coming from his throat causing a vibration as he welcomed the hard warmth into his mouth, and then sucking tightly as he pulled back threatening to release his prey but then starting all over again before his lips could release from the cock. Karl joined the effort by pumping in and out of the wet chamber. Dave would have none of that. He signaled his displeasure to Karl by firmly squeezing the kid's calves. Karl again surrendered to the older man's control. Though neither man was counting, about every ten trips along the tube of hardened meat, Dave would pull the whole length into his mouth. Karl was well endowed and a less experienced cocksucker would start gagging. Dave knew how to relax his throat muscles and allow the kid's length and girth through a ring of throat muscles. He'd hold it there, working the dick tip and end length with a version of swallowing which had the effect of massaging the tender skin of the swimmer's dick end. He knew these were having the desired effect as he felt the underside of Karl's dick pumping frantically along his tongue. Sensing Karl's closeness, Dave pulled off the kid's dick, and it popped straight up. Its veiny hard pulsing surface stood there as if angry. Karl looked down at his coach, confused and almost in pain. Dave looked back at Karl, the look saying, "I own you, boy. You listen to me. You please me. I decide when you get pleasure." Once the message had been silently delivered, Coach Colletti jammed Karl's dick back into his mouth to bring him across the finish line. Karl crossed it, his mouth open in a silent scream as he forced out three shots of his thinning juice. Coach Colletti stood up, walked over to the huge round honeymoon bed in the middle of the room, flopped backwards onto it and laid there, panting, arms and legs spread wide. Karl stumbled over to the bed, stood so that he was closest to Dave's head, and furthest from his coach's feet. Dave tilted his head up, rolled his eyes upward till he could see his blond boy, standing there, sweating and breathing deeply. All the sexual activity had blood coursing through Karl's body which in addition to filling up his cum shooter; it now caused veins usually hidden to pop out on his body. "Come to papa, Karl," said Dave, almost pleadingly. Karl obeyed and moved closer to the bed, his eyes racing over the naked body of his dream man. He couldn't believe how in person it was even more perfect than it had been in his imagination these past years. And the dick. The dick. THE dick. The first image that flashed into Karl's mind as he gazed on it was a little league baseball bat. It was huge and got fatter toward the head. Then he drank in the hair covering this man's body. Karl's blondness did not lend itself to being hairy and he had always been fascinated by hair on a man's body. And the one he had always been most fascinated by was now spread out in front of him like a sandwich begging for a piece of bread to complete the picture. And Karl knew he was that piece of sweet, warm whole wheat that would do the job. Karl crawled onto the bed and started moving over his coach's body on all fours. Dave had his own plan of course and when Karl's head was above his hairy chest, Dave reached up, put his hands on the kid's sweaty back, and yanked their bodies together. Karl's face slammed into the hairy flesh between Dave's pecs. Though momentarily stunned, Karl flashed back to reality as he felt Dave's hot tongue working its way around his abs. Karl responded by opening his mouth and sucking lazily on the mass of hair. The swimmer slid slowly forward, working his tongue over his coach's equally hairy and bumpy abs. He kissed each bulge while Dave's mouth busied itself with the kid's dick and balls. Karl lifted his head and saw Coach Colletti's dick laying there. He wrapped his fists around the huge cock, surprised that though enormous, it was somewhat pliable and warm and soft. He scooted forward as he lifted the man tool in the air trying to decide what to do. The scoot forward pulled Karl's cock away from Dave's mouth but brought the swimmer's baby smooth rounded butt into view. Dave smiled at its freshness, knowing that soon its tiny winking opening would be stretched wide and given a pounding. Karl started kissing and sucking on Dave's length while continuing to clutch it with both hands. Instead of moving the loose outer skin up and down in the usual stroking method, Karl started gently squeezing it as he covered it with kisses and saliva. Meanwhile, Dave worked on that beautiful ass, each hand grabbing a cheek, playfully slapping the flesh, gradually pulling the cheeks apart with more and more force, staring greedily at the puckered opening. Dave started spitting wads of saliva at the closed flower and then ran his fingers up and down the trench working the saliva in, pressing harder and harder. All this was not lost on Karl's cock. It quickly regained its full hardness and began pumping out precum, turning the mat of chest hair on the coach into a slimy mass of warm liquid for the kid's eager dick to play in. Their movements became quicker and more heated. Dave's cock started to harden and Karl was delighted to see that this also caused the base to inflate so the girth of the tool was more evenly distributed. He was also fucking his coach's chest with a fury. Dave had to work harder to control the young ass in front of him as it moved back and forth more and more quickly, clenching open and closed with each thrust. Again, Dave sensed that Karl was close and he knew he had to time things well. Karl had stopped kissing Dave's dick and was now just rubbing his open drooling mouth anywhere along the telephone pole of a dick. His grunts came quicker together. Dave sensed it was time and jammed his right index finger into the kid's virgin ass up to the second knuckle. He felt Karl's muscles clamp on his digit with a force that almost hurt. Having no idea what just happened, Karl's neck snapped up, pulling his mouth off Dave's throbbing dick and a hoarse scream came out of his throat as he pumped out yet another load, this time onto his coach's chest. Pulling his finger out of the swimmer's ass, Dave reached forward, pulling and twisting Karl around, almost like a rag doll, and brought the kid's mouth to his, smothering him in a kiss. His tongue moved around Karl's mouth like an anteater's tongue searching for food. Dave pulled Karl's lips off of his, suspending the boy's head in the air. '"You're doing a good job, Karl. You're making me feel really good. I hope I'm doing the same to you, son." Then he planted kisses around Karl's face. He pushed Karl's head, sliding the kid's body down his own, until Karl's mouth was again at his coach's chest. Karl knew what to do. He chewed on the thick hair, sucking up as much of the load he'd just put there as possible. Dave closed his thighs, locking Karl's hard dick between them. Karl felt this new warmth surround his cock and instinctively started fucking into them. Added to his growing pleasure was the feel of pressing his abs into the now hardened length of his coach's pole. "You can do it, Karl. Give it up. Harder. Faster. Do it for your coach. Shoot that fuckin' load, boy, shoot it. Feel my legs lovin' you. They love that dick of yours. They want you to wet them with your cum. Feel my dick? I can feel your stomach. Aw..it feels really good, Karl. Press on it more...more...aaaahhhhhhhhhh...that's it. Now give it up!" Dave kept talking encouragingly to Karl as he felt the kid straining to cum for a fifth time in less than a few hours. It was taking longer each time. Both Dave's hands pressed Karl's back, trying to increase his own pleasure as his dick flattened against Karl's abs. As Dave felt the warm squirt of a bit of cum between his legs, his hands moved to Karl's ass, squeezing the cheeks. "Good boy, Karl, good boy." Karl was dazed enough to not even realize that he had cum. Dave slid the kid's body to the side and got out of bed, taking a moment to steady himself, not realizing how much energy he had expended. Karl was curled on his side near an edge of the bed, facing Dave, his eyes barely open. He was tired and just wanted to sleep. He loved this feeling of being barely conscious, about to drop off into a deep sleep. "I know you got another one in you, baby boy," whispered Dave as he ran a hand lovingly over Karl's face. Karl groaned in response. "Yes you do, Karl, and my job as your coach is to get you there. You'll thank me later." Lifting him up like a baby, Dave carried Karl back over toward the wall of mirrors. Karl seemed to drift in and out of sleep as he felt himself floating through the air but he was also aware of the warm muscular form pressing on him. He jolted fully awake as Dave set his feet down on the thick carpeting and helped him stand up. As when they first entered the room earlier that afternoon, Karl saw himself in the mirror with Coach Colletti towering behind him. This time though, Karl's tired dick hung its head, pointing straight down at the floor. Karl also noticed the veins that had surfaced all over his body and liked the look. The afternoon had been foreplay for Coach Colletti and he now knew that he had to get off. He hadn't cum in days. Combined with the workout today he knew that he had a huge load churning inside of him. Besides, he really liked Karl, and he liked having sex with him even better. He wanted this afternoon to stand as a world record for Karl .. something he'd never achieve again, though with luck, he'd spend the rest of his life trying to match and exceed with his coach. Finally, Dave had never taken a guy through his paces six times in a row. He selfishly decided that it had to be done now, and he wanted to do it with this blond muscle stud who he knew ached for his coach's hairy body and approval. As Dave began running his fully cocked dick along Karl's spine, he reached around and started playing with Karl's tits, knowing that for most men there was an invisible cord connecting them right to a guys dick. He started whispering things into Karl's ear, urging him to harden, to please his coach, to go for the gold, to be a good boy, to make his daddy proud, to help his daddy the way his daddy had been helping him all afternoon, and on and on. When ready to play, Dave produced precum like a fireman with his hose at a five alarm fire. The precum literally shot out of his slit, and then traveled down Karl's spine, into his ass crack, and then down his legs. At one point, Karl even thought that his coach was peeing on him; he was getting so wet back there. Squatting a bit, Dave aimed his torpedo at Karl's pucker. He moved back and forth, knocking at its door, and with each hit he'd burp out yet more precum. His hands moved from the yanking they'd been giving Karl's man tits to the swimmer's cock where he realized the manipulations were having the desired effect. Though not fully hard, Karl was on his way. "Let me in, Karl. It's my turn. It'll make you feel really good. Trust me, son, I wouldn't lie to you. And you wanna cum again, don't ya? Don't you want to feel that feeling? Shit flying around all over inside your body? Your brain feels like it's going to explode? C'mon, let me in, son. Let's get there together." Dave rammed harder and harder, balancing his need to get off against his need to not hurt his favorite boy with difficulty. "Aaaahhhhhh!" screamed Karl when he felt his coach's dickhead pop into his ass canal. Dave immediately started soothing the boy by whispering encouragements into his ear. Promising him that the worst was over and that he'd soon feel a good feeling like nothing he'd felt before. Dave had had a difficult time his whole life finding men who would take it up the ass once they saw his tool. Even size queens regularly turned him down. But he knew that one reward was that he was always able to hit a guy's prostate with his huge dick. Many a time, he became the first to do it for many of his past partners. Dave went back to working on Karl's chest. He always liked that Karl seemed to carry some extra meat on his chest, not feminine at all, just heavy full pecs. Dave loved watching them bounce ever so slightly as Karl walked around in his Speedos through college and liked them even more when he'd see them change to being rock hard when Karl tensed them. He remembered many times seeing Karl sitting on the weight bench after a particularly grueling workout, taking a short break to catch his breath, while his pecs shuddered as he breathed deeply in and out. Dave would always get a twinge in his cock. Now, while murmuring instructions into Karl's ear about tensing and relaxing his chest, he pushed and pulled them with his hands. He told Karl to take over working his own dick, and also managed to slowly work a third of his length into the hot tight confines of Karl's ass. When Dave slowly pulled most of his dick out and then slowly pushed the third back it, Karl let out a moan of satisfaction. His ass felt very full, but he liked it. With each journey Dave carefully managed to get a bit more of his dick into his muscle pup. He could also see in the mirror that Karl stayed hard and he was pretty sure there was even some precum bubbling out of the slit. By now he was focusing his hands on Karl's tits, pulling and pinching them. Dave knew from experience that doing this by itself was just pain, but doing it in the state of arousal, often contributed to raising that state of arousal. And from the looks of Karl's dick and the pummeling he was giving it, that's just what was happening. By now, almost all of Dave's dick was making the trip back and forth through the muck inside Karl's ass. He started to worry about Karl's prostate. Could he be wrong? Could he have finally found a guy whose prostate he couldn't reach? Angrily, he shoved his dick in faster and further than before. Karl's body went completely rigid, he stopped jacking his dick, and his eyes were bugging out of his head staring at his coach's face in the mirror. "That's what I was talking about, Karl. That's your love button I'm ringin'. Here's another push..." Dave pulled out slightly, jammed himself in again. Karl jolted again, let out a croak, and a huge glob of drool fell out of his mouth landing on his left pec where Dave worked the slimy mass into the kid's skin. Dave went into overdrive. He didn't care about anything but racing to the top of that mountain of pleasure, and feeling his head explode as he spewed out what felt like gallons of cum. With each forward thrust, he'd hit Karl's prostate and cause another jolt. Karl had no control over what was happening to him or inside him. He was so used up that his body went completely limp except for each time his bell was rung. His dick though stayed rock hard. Coach Colletti had unwillingly let go of Karl's heaving chest because he knew that if he wanted to finish the race, he'd have to do more of the work. He reached down and grabbed inside of each of Karl's thighs, way up near his crotch eventually lifted the kid off the ground and basically fucked Karl senseless. With Karl's remaining amount of strength he leaned backward into his coach's body, working to keep himself from being snapped in two as he felt himself being slammed over and over against those hairy muscles. His brain still registered each hit on his prostate as his vision went white. Karl only vaguely registered the primal scream that came out of his coach's gut as he unloaded his cream into his young pup. At the same time, Dave only vaguely registered Karl's spasming ass ring, signaling that triumphant sixth cum of the day. The race was over, the medal had been won. Cum raced down both Karl's and Dave's legs as Dave's tidal wave of cum slowed down. Dave filled Karl's innards with his thick hot load and had so much left over; it actually started squiring out of Karl's ass as Dave began slowing down his fucking motion. Dave was not one of those guys who freezes as he cums... Dave gets the greatest pleasure from fucking in and out of whatever hole he's in at the same time he's shooting out his load, and for a long time afterwards. He loves that hot wet squishy feeling on his post-climactic super sensitive dick. Dave finally pulled his dick out of Karl's ass and laid the now sleeping kid on his stomach on the bed. He stared lovingly at the naked blond with his muscles bulging, pleading to be touched and worked over, even in sleep. Dave pulled the spent body toward the rim of the bed so that Karl's legs hung over the side, ass perched on the bed's edge, looking like he was kneeling on the floor. Dave spread Karl's legs and watched the cum dripping out of the still stretched out asshole. Knowing that Karl would probably be sore when he woke up, and feeling the need to ease some of that discomfort beforehand, Dave moved forward and began licking the kid's gaping hole as if his tongue contained some kind of soothing salve. In addition, Dave loved the taste of his own cum, and it especially excited him to eat it out of an ass he'd been wanting for years. Dave smiled to himself as he felt Karl pressing his crotch into the bed, knowing that his tongue was even giving his boy pleasure in his dreams. He grabbed a handful of muscle boy ass in each fist and worked even harder to soothe his boy.
  7. hardrod

    Speedo Climax

    Steven and I had been weight training together at the gym for almost a year; a mutual friend had introduced us because Steven was looking for a new training partner. Steven had been into serious weight training for a long time and he looked great. He was just about six feet tall and had really well developed and defined muscles, not big and bulky like a bodybuilder but slim and highly toned like an athlete – good looking too. He had a six-pack I could only dream about. He’d obviously worked hard to achieve a classic ‘V’ shape down to his 32-inch waist. Muscular arms and a tight round butt. He looked so good I almost hated him. And did I mention his smile – wow what a smile. Despite all this Steven was the modest type and didn’t show off. He was slightly insecure and sought my opinion on many subjects; this tended to increase my attraction to him. As we trained we chatted about the usual guy things like sports and TV, and of course we held an equal passion for weight training. It was strange that we never socialized together. We met at the gym for a mutual benefit and then returned to our own separate lives. Steven made it clear in the beginning that he was straight: he talked about ex-girlfriends and relationships, although he confided he wasn’t in a relationship at the moment. He never questioned my sexuality so I assumed he either knew, or didn't care. I adored weight training with Steven; it was the perfect excuse to get up close and personal with a great looking guy. It’s quite natural in the gym to touch and hold your training partner to assist with one exercise or another and then to be touched and held yourself in exactly the same way – God! I felt horny the whole time I was in the place. If he’d ever taken half a glance I’m sure Steven must have been impressed by the apparent size of the dick bulging in my gym shorts. Little did he know that this was due to my constant semi-aroused state. Which reminds me that Steven was well proportioned in the bulging gym shorts category and I had certainly sneaked more than half a glance at him I assure you. He had two main outfits that he wore for the gym that appeared to be washed and changed regularly. My favourite was when he wore a pair of small black nylon/Lycra running shorts of the kind with slits up the side almost to the waist band. These showed off the outline of his dick and balls to great effect. It was complimented by a blue stretch cotton tight fitting vest top that clung to his physique perfectly. Patches of sweat would build up in the small of his back and the centre of his chest that would then slowly spread out to make the vest slightly see-through. This was a great turn-on, heightened by the pheromone effect of his freshly produced perspiration. Recently after a good workout we continued to chat in the shower area. Steven wasn’t shy about his body and always gave me a good full frontal of that perfect body and dick which I yearned to play with. After he’d stripped I prolonged the conversation in order to prolong my exposure to his nakedness. I complimented him on his body especially the lower abdominals, which could not be seen with his shorts on. Impulsively I reached out and traced the contour of his lower abs from the top of his hip to his groin; the back of my hand lightly brushed his pubic hair. The conversation stopped dead but Steven did not recoil or push my hand away; he stood still, pausing as if waiting. The pause was just slightly too long. I should have read the signs but I just wasn't sure. My dick of all things abruptly ended the moment: I could immediately feel my dick pumping itself full of blood; I had no control over a raging hard-on that was about one second away. I grabbed my towel and jumped into the shower cubicle. The silence needed to be broken. "Listen" I said "How about if we go for a swim after training next time, relax a little?" "Sounds good to me," I was relieved to hear him reply, "Do you have a spare pair of swimming trunks I could borrow?" he asked. Silly question really: I had hundreds of pairs of Speedos, all in my size, 31" waist. Speedos have always turned me on since puberty. I love the close, smooth, sensual feeling that just can't be experienced by wearing anything else. I have amassed a great collection over the years. "I think I could fit you out with a pair of Speedos if that's okay," I understated. "No problem," was the reply and the deal was done. I asked how it was that he didn't have any swimwear of his own. He told me that he had a pair of shorts at home but that he was staying with a friend over the next few days and wouldn't get the chance to get home for them. I took this explanation on face value and thought nothing more about it. I was perhaps distracted by the thought of Steven wearing a pair of my Speedos: I was looking forward to getting them back after he'd worn them - perhaps I'd never wash them again after that. That was on a Wednesday and our next training session was on that Friday morning. I chose a pair of older style multi-coloured Speedos for Steven. I'd had them a while so they didn't look brand new, spot on to pass as a spare pair - at one time they'd been my favourites. Having 2 days to ponder Steven's swimwear story, it occurred to me that he might have just made an excuse to obtain an intimate piece of my clothing: after all, he could swim in his gym shorts without any problems. I dismissed this idea as fantasy - but it was a possibility. On Friday we trained without showering then took the short walk to our local pool. We changed in the communal area and I handed Steven the Speedos. He squeezed into them; they just fit but were really too small. He looked great and I was instantly turned on. The tight shiny material highlighted every bump and bulge, every line and shape of his genitals. His dick was folded over to the left and his balls were individually visible just below. He filled those Speedos like I'd never seen before; Speedos were invented for Steven. I wanted him, I was going to have him. My mind was made up. I couldn't help but comment about how good he looked, and as I did so I slapped his butt. He didn't seem to mind and playfully hooked his arm round my neck and wrestled me to my knees. I noted that he had initiated this contact; was this another message? The swim was uneventful, no horsing around or opportunities to make contact, just lots of lengths of the pool - hardly relaxation. Steven was a strong swimmer, much faster than I was. I had to give up long before he'd had enough. When we went back to the changing room Steven stripped off, squeezed the excess water out of the Speedos I'd loaned him, and threw them into his kit bag. He was keeping them! For me this was just more evidence to add to my theory that he wanted a piece of me. I could have asked for them back, but in a way it turned me on to think he might use them to fantasize about me. We agreed we'd swim again the next Friday, but as the week passed I managed to change the idea to a sauna at the same pool complex. Sounded more like relaxation to me than 20 or 30 lengths of a pool. Friday soon came round again and we were changing for our sauna. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Steven again slipping into the Speedos that I’d loaned him the previous week. He looked just as good and I was instantly horny. In the sauna I sat down on the bench and Steven lay down on his back with his head towards me about a foot or so away. It was lunch time so it was quite busy. At one point a couple came in so Steven had to make room; he slid closer to me so that the top of his head was against the side of my upper thigh. As lunch hour drew to a close more and more people left until we were on our own. Steven didn’t move away. In fact he closed his eyes and put his hands under his head to make a pillow and his muscular forearm rested against the top of my leg. For a while I just stared at him. I had never had the opportunity to be so close to him for so long without a lot of weights being involved. I scrutinized every inch of his body, admiring every single slightly tanned muscle. His upper torso was smooth and hairless, only his armpits showed a minimal amount of masculine hair. His body glistened with sweat and was covered all over in beads of water of various sizes. Occasional drops of perspiration fell onto the wooden bench and floor beneath him. Those Speedos were wet having soaked up the moisture from around his ample dick, balls and butt. A small pool of liquid had formed in the center of his chest between his lower pecs. His navel and the valleys around his abdominal muscles were home to similar small puddles of perspiration. Time to take the bull by the horn. I reached out and dipped my fingers into the centre of his chest; I licked my fingers tasting the salt of his sweat mixed with the eucalyptus essences of the sauna. There was no reaction from Steven even though I was sure he was awake. I placed a hand on his chest and massaged it over his pectoral muscles, and then with both hands I began to explore his shoulders, upper arms, chest, and ribs. The sweat from his body acted as a natural lubricant. His nipples told me that his body appreciated my touch, as they became hard and pointed under my palms. I shifted my position to be able to get at more of him; I heard an almost silent sigh. Steven opened his eyes and looked directly at me, he rewarded me with one of his gorgeous wide smiles. I continued down his hard body to his stomach. I leaned closer and licked between the ridges of his chiseled abs and in his navel, drinking up every drop of his sweat. I could now smell the strong musk of his body and was wild with anticipation of what lay ahead. I was no longer conscious of where I was; the original thrill of possibly being discovered in this very public place was long forgotten as I was caught up in this erotic encounter. I touched every inch of his bare skin - thighs, legs, feet, arms, hands and face. Steven was most certainly aroused. His dick was straining to get out of the deliciously tight Speedos. I could see that he was stiffly erect but the Speedos were forcing his erection flat and over to the left. The end of his dick was pushed right over to his left hipbone. The helmet shape of his nicely circumcised cockhead, and the ribbed, veined surface of the thick shaft were easily visible as they were hugged by the wet elastic Lycra. The waistband of the Speedos was lifted up and away from his stomach by the shear size of his erection; I sneaked the tips of my fingers in through the gap and caressed the moist warm pubic hair. Steven moaned and thrust his hips upward. I ran my hand over the smooth Speedos feeling the whole length of his dick and balls; I pushed my hand between his legs and located his asshole between the hard cheeks of his tight butt. I pushed in a little forcing some of the stretchy material slightly inside him; he groaned and squeezed his butt cheeks together in response. I began to rub the shaft of his dick rhythmically over the top of the Speedos, gripping as much as I could and squeezing slightly tighter with each stroke. Steven pushed his groin upward in time to each movement of my hand. His breathing became very heavy and he whimpered quietly in reaction to the pleasure I was inflicting. With my other hand I gently stroked his chest, nipples and abdomen. The whimpers grew louder and then finally changed until I could make out that Steven was repeating my name over and over again. Suddenly he stopped and held his breath. His head jerked upwards and forwards until his chin was resting on his chest, his eyes were tightly closed. His face contorted into a mixed expression of pleasure and pain. He bit his own lower lip. His whole body was rigid and in my hand his dick started to pulse violently. With each pulse the pleasure of orgasm coursed through his body. With each pulse his beautiful dick released a spurt of thick white cum. With each pulse the cum oozed through the material of the Speedos stretched over the end of his dick. Finally this explosion of pleasure subsided, his body relaxed and he slumped back onto the bench and breathed out with a loud satisfied groan. The patch of cum was starting to roll off his Speedos; I leaned forward and licked every drop into my mouth. Steven’s eyes widened as I descended on his lips and shared the contents of my mouth with a long, deep, full kiss. As I did so I came inside my own Speedos, finally unable to control the passion released by over 12 months of desire. Few men have brought me to climax without even laying a finger on me. Afterwards I insisted that Steven return the loaned Speedos to me: now that they were stained with his cum and sweat they would be the most prized trophy of my collection.
  8. hardrod

    Members Only

    I had just shaved my pubes and balls and was feeling horny. I was browsing around a couple of websites, looking to join up, and I came across one that was all about Greek men. One of the guys caught my eye: tanned, smooth body, dark hair. Age? About 23 I guess. Brown eyes and a crooked smile. My cock starting to tell me it needed some attention I wanted to see more of this guy. I paid my membership and waited for the members’ only area to open up before me. It did. And then something really strange happened. I didn’t see the usual index and welcome. I saw a black screen with two buttons; one red and one blue. The only words on the page read: “Ever seen the Matrix?” I remembered the movie. Choose one and there’s no turning back. You chose the blue button. ‘Hi.’ There was a voice speaking to me from my PC. Slowly a face appeared; the Greek guy from before. He blinked at me, waiting. A cyber-host, an image, some sort of animation? ‘Hi.’ He spoke again. This time his head moved too, to one side. Waiting. ‘Hi,’ I said back feeling a bit foolish. ‘Want me to strip for you?’ ‘Sure.’ This was weird. My speakers were turned off and I had no microphone. How could we communicate? ‘You just sit back, stroke your cock that’s starting to tent out your shorts, and let me do the rest my friend.’ How did he know I was wearing shorts? I did as he told me, stretched my legs out under the desk and let my hand play across my hardon. He stepped back from the screen, revealing his oh so tight jeans, showing me his slim body. A strange music started to play somewhere and my eyes misted over. I blinked. There was smoke across the screen. Like some kind of drug it filtered into my nostrils. Very light poppers. I felt a slow slide down into numbed calmness. Then, from my insides out, I felt a quick assent into bliss. I was hornier than ever, so quickly, so perfectly. I could feel my own hands as they slid on the satin of my shorts, my cock straining against the pressure. But I could not tell who was doing this. I looked down at myself and barely registered that this was me. On the screen the Greek lad had stripped his top. He was unzipping his jeans. Black hair came into view, his jeans slipped down further. His dark, long cock leapt from his jeans. He bent down to remove his trousers and his head disappeared below the screen. I watched his tanned shoulders, his hard back. And I felt cool air against my legs. My weary eyes looked down. My shorts were gone, my cock was standing proud and swollen. My hands were by my side. So what was this warmth on my shaft? What was around my cock? What, or rather who, was slipping their hot, wet mouth around my stiffness and caressing the underside of my cock with their tongue? Whose breath could I feel against my flesh were I had shaved my pubes? Whose fingers could I feel lightly playing with my shaved balls? How was this happening? I looked at my monitor. I could see the lad’s head as it slowly rose and fell just off screen, like he was… He was. He had broken through from his cyber world and, invisible to me, was servicing my cock. I could hear his moans of pleasure. I could feel his head as I pushed him down, forcing him to take my cock deeper. His muscles constricted around me, he swallowed, the inside of his throat closing and opening, pushing on my cockhead, heating it, rubbing it. My body trembled as his soft fingers played with my balls, stroking them, teasing them. I felt his lips brush my recently shaved crotch. I felt myself swell, my cum rising fast, heading for his mouth. I closed my eyes and I could see him, his dark haired head twisting and circling around my huge, swollen cock. His nimble fingers scratched at my smooth flesh. My balls filled, my legs stretched out, I wanted to ram myself so deep into him and… ‘Oh fuck yes, oh god…’ pump my steaming juice into his slutty young mouth… ‘you’re good kid… I’m cumming,’ filling his guts with my spunk as he drank himself stupid… ‘Jesus! This is so… Fuck I can’t hold…’ on the endless river of cum that was pumping out of my burning balls… ‘Oh yes, oh yes, take it, take it,’ through my exploding shaft and slamming wad after wad of my jism into the depths of his young, eager body ‘Ooooohhh fuck! Fuck! Suck me dry, suck me dry…’ that held me in his power, as I continued to ram and ram his mouth… ‘Fuck that’s good, oh yes, oh yeah…’ and he swallowed me all the way down, draining me, feeding off me, loving me. He stood up and faced me, his cock hanging flaccid and dripping. His lips were wet with my juice that slid from his mouth, down his chin and dripped somewhere inside the monitor. He winked at me. ‘And if you had pressed the red button?
  9. I was nineteen, six feet tall, short brown hair with a tanned athletic body. I had known I was gay since fourteen and dreamed and fantasized about hot mates ever since. I got a job in an office with people mainly twice my age then a couple of months later a new guy started. I was shocked at this masterpiece being introduced to me. He had the most cute face and smile. He smiled and said, "Nice to meet you." The sincerity in his voice was so amazing. He was blond slim athletic but not overburdened with muscles. He wore black work pants that accentuated his cute bubble butt. My mind started to spin, at home my nights were colorful wondering about the impossible. I played tennis competitively and one day out of the blue he came over and asked if I would play him tomorrow. That night I dreamed of the experience tomorrow would bring in the changing room. The next day we set off for tennis he told me to jump in his car. I opened the door and jumped in to find a men's health magazine sitting on the car floor with Ryan Daharsh on the cover. He jokingly said, ''It has good sports tips in there.'' We arrived at the courts and went to the changing room I purposely went slow so I could admire him change. He slipped out of his black pants exposing a black pair of Calvin Kleins hugging his golden body gliding over the bulge exposing the outline of a big mushroom head. He turned around and spotted me staring straight at him. I was stuck for words and said with the first stupid thing that came to my head, "Nice Briefs bro they look comfortable." He replied," Yeah they are, I have a problem with the odd hard on and they keep it under control in the office ya know." "I don't get that excited by insurance, Lewis," I jokingly replied. He gave me a funny look and said, "Its not the insurance." The game was close and very sweaty; we were both shirtless and to my amazement I caught him staring at me. I wanted him so badly. We headed off to the changing room. As we entered he gave me a pat on the butt and thanked me for the game. This time we stood side by side while changing. He shot off to the shower cubicle. I was in ecstasy. Beside me lay his briefs. I couldn't resist I picked them up and sniffed the manly scent. I quickly put them down as a voice came from the shower saying, "Hey bro' have you got a towel I bloody forget to bring one?" I went to hand my towel over the cubicle door but it suddenly swung open and he grabbed it. I didn't get a chance to see much. I went to my shower and discovered it wouldn't work. We were running late, I yelled out, "Dammit! I'm gonna have to flag the shower there is no spare one." “You can share mine, no games though just two sensible str8 boys." “Yeah! Right," I said. I was worried; I would definitely get a boner in there and would get caught out. I entered and he shifted aside. There wasn't much water and we started brushing bodies. Immediately as suspected I went hard. "Well, it's not that exciting, must admit though you should be proud!'' He then went on to say how all those hot tennis chicks must have got me going. "Tell you the truth mate I had the same problem see!” In front of me was a well sculpted stomach with a small snail trail of hair and V shape running from the hips to this most amazing thick eight inch cut cock. We both jacked off and came in the shower. It was amazing. He quickly jumped out and started to dry. I noticed a spot where he had jizzed on my foot, I bent down and wiped it off and sucked my finger. '' Gross bro'; that better be yours!” he laughed. Back at the office my mind re lived the day's events. Why didn't I try to go further. I walked into the filing room and crashed into Lewis carrying papers which flew every where. I bent down with him to pick it up. I looked over and our eyes made contact. That cute face smiled again. He patted my shoulder and told me not to work so hard. I watched his cute bubble butt as he walked out of the room. Ten minutes later I got an email saying, “My parents want me to check on their house up at the lakes do you want to come up for the weekend? It will be just you and me, I'd like to get to know you better.” I immediately replied with, “Sure, would love to. What do I need?” The reply was, “An open mind and ability to have fun.”
  10. I stretch out in the sauna's smallish whirlpool bath, just one among ten or so other guys, all trying to avoid eye contact, the feet and hands of my fellow bathers seeking each other out, rubbing themselves against the pricks and balls of their companions, There's furious covert activity taking place across from where I'm sitting, just below the surface of the bubbling, churning water. Neither man looks at the other, but their hands are pumping each other's cocks, while the younger, more attractive of the two has the sole of his foot pressed firmly against my hard-on, and in their frantic desire to keep their mutual masturbation to themselves alone, the older man looks around the sauna; ceiling, showers, cabin, anywhere but where his meat is being jacked-off by his buddy; the younger guy looks similarly embarrassed, but seems to have shed his inhibitions by giving me the glad eye, almost as if he's saying to himself 'You know what I'm doing, and I know you know.' The older man isn't helping himself by his visual wandering though: he really has to concentrate, and he has to concentrate because of his embarrassment, otherwise he won't come - and he's desperate to come, otherwise it won't have been worthwhile being here - so his gaze drifts casually back to the pool, to the surface of the water, as though there's something exquisitely fascinating about it, and as though their desperate fists can't be seen pounding beneath the surface. His eyes even lock onto me, and his face reddens. Everyone knows what everyone is doing in the pool. They always do. That's what they're here for -- illicit gay sex, even if it's only a hand job in a whirlpool bath. The guys on either side of me have their hands on my cock, gently stroking me; I look to the one on my left. He doesn't return my look because he wouldn't; this isn't happening. He looks seemingly disinterested, and in return I'm stroking his firm flesh, my fingers wandering over the tip, feeling what could be drool; I've been masturbating him for a while now, and we sit there, with no more sexual chemistry between us than two men on a train home who don't speak because they haven't been introduced. Across from me, the older guy starts to jerk, his face going very red and trying hard not to display that he's cumming in the water. It's almost funny, watching someone having a massive climax and trying not to let anyone know. It's cardiac arrest stuff. He gradually calms down and reaches behind him to lever himself out of the pool, leaving the young guy who masturbated him disappointed that there isn't going to be a reciprocal orgasm, but the man who's just dropped his load in the pool is out of here. He's had enough. He's mortified that everyone knows what he's been doing and what he's had done to him, so he leaves the younger guy, and he'll probably not be back for a long time, at least not until he feels that his day-to-day life is boring, and he needs something a little more 'exciting'. He probably thinks being gay is disgusting, and would never consider fucking a man, or being fucked. This is just 'different', a sort of relief after a hard day at work. He clambers out of the pool, jizz clinging to the underside of his penis like spit, and he hurries to the shower. His temporary partner catches my eye, and wriggles his foot gently against my cock, disturbing the hands that are stroking me and I look away. It's almost like he's been unfaithful; I would have gladly succumbed to his caresses if he'd approached me first, but he decided to give that uptight asshole his jollies instead. It's as stupid as that. Above us, leaning on the balcony rail that surrounds the pool area, stands the attendant, wearing his regulation white t-shirt and white pants - looking for all the world like an athlete. He has a good body though; he's watching for 'bad behaviour' in the sauna. He never really finds any - I've even sucked him off in the locker room before now, and we've exchanged phone numbers, but we've never met outside of the sauna. The illusion would be shattered. Sometimes the police raid the joint, and they haul away a few poor bastards who are giving blowjobs in the bunkroom, but it's only a token. I heard a rumour that some of the vice police come in here on their days off and get their rocks off with the regulars. The guy on my right seems pleasant. His cock is really hard now, and he's leaning against me, very tense, waiting for me to bring him off, so I concentrate on stroking him, uncaring as to who might see, his tense body is coiled, ready for the drop. I feel a light shudder against me, and another longer one, his legs thrash beside mine and then it's over. This pool must be thick with cum every day. Who'd be the one to volunteer to clean it out? I love cum, but in my mouth or in my butt, not sliming up the bath. I decide to make a move before my skin gets wrinkled, so I get up, clamber out of the pool, my ten inch boner swaying and bobbing before me, grab my towel and wrap it round my shoulders, then stroll off, glancing behind me, knowing that I'm getting some greedy looks. Yeah, call me conceited. I've got the body, right? Stopping briefly in front of the mirror, I check myself out: 35 years old, muscular torso, hairy chest, and I look like I work out, though the only working-out I do, apart from occasional mornings at the gym is horizontal jogging. A bit of a bear if you like, but only in looks - I don't dig all that leather and chain stuff. The mirror also shows me who's followed me out of the pool. Ah, there's one guy. Not bad looking -- about my age, clean-shaven and a little shy, I'd say. he was watching me in the pool. I head for the steam room for a while. Pulling open the door, a gust of steam blows out, and momentarily I can see that there's about a dozen guys in there; the thing about the steam room is that you can't see anything once you're inside, but there are hands everywhere. Mouths seek mine, and I brush up against long cocks, fat ones, muscular ones -- all hard - and you can't see any further than the end of your nose. It's silent. You notice that about gay saunas -- unless you're involved in a one-to-one conversation, usually with someone you'll take home later, there's complete human silence. In here, all I can hear is some breathing. A couple of months back I was in here getting a little cream on my face, when there was a sudden 'crack!' as someone had his face slapped. All activity stopped briefly, while the guy left. Fuck knows who slapped him or why. What can he possibly have done in a gay steam-room that would deserve a slap? I move to the far end. No one who wants anything serious stands by the door. Apart from the cold as the door opens, there's never any action. That all takes place deep in at the other end. Away from prying eyes. Just prying hands inhabit this end of the room; I bump into a naked guy, and there's a pathetic attempt at an apology, meantime he's fumbling for my prick, and that's how most of us guys meet - by bumping into each other in an ill-lit steam room. I'm surrounded by naked flesh, and reach out with both hands, which are immediately filled with man-meat, then my prick is held by gentle hands, and stroked. I decide to blow the guy on my right. He has a hard, strong cock, and chances are it'll taste great, so I sink to my knees on the stone floor, and take his swollen penis deep into my mouth. The others can sense that sex is happening, because suddenly I have pricks poking my ear, forehead, shoulders, but I keep blowing him, running my tongue along the underside of his flesh, tracing his tube all the way to the engorged tip, then running my tongue round his piss slit, tasting his pre-cum drool, before taking him deep again. This isn't love and it's not a date, so there's no time for the finer points of 'How to Give Good Head'. He wants me to bring him off as fast as possible, so I hold his cock gently with one hand, stroking it while I suck, and I can hear the hiss of his breath above me. The other cocks are still there and hands are working on them - it's getting a little like The Group Cum Shot in a porno movie. Something wet and long splashes down past my gaze, and then a slick cock is wiped across the bridge of my nose. One has just come on my shoulder. Thanks pal! I feel his thighs quiver lightly, and he begins to shift his feet, as he fucks my mouth. Another prick has just cum on my back, but I try not to lose concentration, then I hear a deep sigh, and my mouth is filled with jizz. It's sweet tasting, and chewy and I swallow most of, letting the rest drip down onto my chin and onto the floor. Getting to my feet again, I push through the cluster of nakedness that has formed around me, figuring now might be a good time to leave, and I have to adjust my eyes as I open the door into the rest of the sauna. Wiping my face and shoulder with my towel, I get most of the cum off me, and head for the sauna cabin, hoping it isn't going to be full; when it's full, it's like being on some nudist bus. People standing all around you, not saying a word, but sizing you up, and there's usually someone down on the lower bench who's got his cock in someone's mouth, which turns on most of the inhabitants and in the end you're fighting off hands from all over. All is well. There's just another couple who spring apart as I enter, making out that they're not with each other, while I sit on an upper bench on my towel, lightly fingering my cock. They look at me as though I've farted at the dinner table. 'Look', I say, trying to cause the least embarrassment. 'I'm not a cop, so please, if you want to fuck each other go right ahead.' One smiles and turns to the other one, hands ready, but his pal obviously believes they've reserved the Honeymoon Suite and I'm gatecrashing. They get up and leave. Fuck 'em. I soak up the totally unnatural heat, my back against the cabin's hot wooden wall. The door opens, and in comes my shy guy. He doesn't look at me, but turns to spread his towel on the upper bench opposite me, giving me a privileged view of his tight little butt, then, having decided that I've seen enough, he finally sits down. He has a beautifully tasty-looking cock, uncut, and long, and as he watches me looking at it, he starts to play with, and naturally I get a hard-on in return. It's like a yawn. Once you see someone else with a real good hard-on, you gotta have one yourself. I stroke mine as he strokes his, and I turn so that my legs are hanging down onto the bench below, giving him a prime view of my meat. He shifts on the bench and spreads his thighs as wide as he can, showing me his gorgeous boner, and he's beating on it quite fast. Just then the door opens, and we both cover ourselves. Such is life. A thuggish-looking guy stands there for a moment, looking us over - he's well-built, but I've seen him on previous visits, and I seem to recall that fisting is his main social skill. He moves slowly towards me, placing his hand on my erection, but good-looking though he is, there's something uncomfortably creepy about him, and I get up to go, but he holds on to my dick as I stand there, so I give him a hard look. 'Fuck off, or die!' I hiss, in my best menacing voice. It seems to work, because he suddenly looks startled and drops his hand. Thus I exit, leaving my potential chum behind me. It's every man for himself in here. Upstairs, at the back of the sauna, past the lockers, is the bunkroom. Here's where most of the action takes place. The lights are low, and each bunk has a little 'reading light' (for those who really can't get a date). There's an unwritten sauna bath rule that you only have the light on if you're 'free'; as soon as you get some action, you turn it off, but since some of the more flamboyant guests like to have an audience, the lights stay on most of the time. I pass by various bunks, some with single occupancy, but most with two - the occasional loner lying on his back masturbating - I once saw a very athletic guy who was auto-fellating. He was skilful, if inaccurate, since most of his cum hit the pillow beside him and not his mouth. I always wanted to be able to auto-fellate -- I've only tasted my cum when kissing the guy who's given me a blowjob - but I got as far as raising my legs up against a wall, then swung over, my cock swaying about a foot from my mouth. By then, I was so out of breath I couldn't concentrate on masturbating. Being able to suck your own cock! Wow! In the bunkroom, there are the usual double-headers and languid lovers, side by side, stroking each other for what seems like forever, and then I find an empty one that suits me. A few guys go past, but I ignore them, and become reflective. Somehow, whenever I get into the sauna, and find myself with idle moments, I tend to look back: I guess I must have been 16 when I had my first gay experience. I was always tall for my age, and blessed with a good physique, but like all kids of that age, I lived with a permanent erection, and my nights were spent in a blur of erotic fantasies and spurting copious amounts of cum into Kleenex. It was the movies that opened a whole new world to me. I started visiting the local bug pit, a known hangout for gays, and spent most of my school vacation there; my folks thought I was taking a mighty keen interest in contemporary films, in fact I was being initiated into the joys of gay sex. The first time was one hot Friday afternoon in summer -- I'd got my popcorn and was sitting in the middle of the row of seats, when a guy came and sat right next to me. I thought it was kind of funny, with all those empty seats around, but he seemed friendly; even offered me a cigarette. I took it, gave him a light, and we just sat there smoking, watching the movie and not saying a word. Then I felt his hand rest lightly on my thigh. I wasn't shocked or even embarrassed; I was only aware of the heat coming from his hand, and a churning feeling in my loins. His hand moved further up, and when I didn't stop him, it crept softly into my crotch. 'Fool around?' His voice was soft. I looked at his face, barely lit by the glow of the screen, and guessed he was a tad older than me, say 19-20. 'How do you mean?' My voice shook slightly - I didn't want to appear too stupid. 'You know.' he nudged me. I said nothing but just stared at the screen. 'Let me play with your cock.' I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant, but my heart was hammering in my chest, as he brought his other hand round to fumble at my zipper. Then my apprehension melted into a delirious longing as his warm hand slipped under my shorts, and grasped my semi-hard penis. Even at that age I was well-hung, and I heard him gasp as he curled his fingers round the thickening stem. He nervously looked around the theatre, then rested his other arm on the back of the seat while he stroked me. It was a strange, exciting sensation, due mainly of course to it being so illicit and 'bad', but I didn't want to let on to him that I was really enjoying it; somehow I wanted him to think this wasn't my first time. I longed to do the same to him, but didn't dare in case a torchlight beam came flashing down on us, resulting in my poor folks finding out their son was a movie-house faggot. I lost all interest in the film, my mind drifting away to sandy beaches and muscular beach boys - one of my nocturnal fantasies that had produced so many Kleenex soaked in cum -- and I tried to keep my moans as low as possible. The trouble was that at that age, I was on a hair trigger; each time I felt he was going to make me cum, I'd tried to steer my thoughts away from what was happening, but I knew it couldn't last; he was so gentle, and so persistent, and I just couldn't put off the moment any longer - as soon as I felt that sudden delicious tickle in my loins, I gave a little muffled cry and erupted all over his hand. Wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over me as I spewed out my cum, clutching at his coat, trying to keep from squirming too much in my seat, and feeling my shorts soaking up the jizz, while he continued to stroke me with his messy, sticky hand. He patted me on the shoulder, got up and left, leaving me to do the best I could with some paper tissues I found lying on the floor by my feet, realising, as I used them, that as they were quite hard, they'd probably had cum on them already, I looked furtively around to see if anyone had noticed me having a climax, then realised that at the end of my row was a man on his knees, with a length of cock right down his throat. There was no way they'd have heard me, judging by the look on the face of the guy he was blowing. I got home, and somehow managed to get upstairs without my Ma realising I'd cum on my pants, so I put them straight in the laundry basket, just hoping she wouldn't notice among all the other washing. After that I made regular trips to the movies, and learned that the place to be was the men's room; being a very old building, the partition walls of the cubicles were all made of cheap wood, so I'd find an empty one, pull down my pants, and sit on the toilet seat, listening for any activity around me. There were small glory holes on each side of my cubicle, and I'd lean sideways on the seat peering into next door. Mostly it was some guy pissing, so I'd kill time by giving the various cocks marks out of ten, but sometimes I'd hit pay dirt, and a couple would furtively creep in; one would drop his slacks and bend over, while his pal would spit on his cock, and work it into the flesh, before sliding it neatly into the guy's butt. There'd just be the sound of gasps and low moans, and a sort of squishing sound, which I guess was the sound of a prick fucking an ass. I used to whack off when this happened, trying to keep going until we all came together -- usually I lasted that long, which encouraged me, as I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life cumming as soon as I got into sex play; I'd hear a ragged sigh from the guys next door, a moment or two of silence, then a release of breath - this was usually the momentwhen my cum would shoot out onto the tiled floor - followed by toilet paper being torn off the spool, wiping sounds, and general clearing up noises, after which there'd be zippers being pulled up, and muffled arrangements made for some future date. Threesomes got real noisy and the partition wall would shake as they all tried to find room to fuck in such a small area, and the air would be filled with hissed words and commands, and slurping, wet sounds. Sometimes a long cock would poke through, sometimes a fat one, sometimes a real long one, and sometimes an uncut one -- those became my favorite, there's so much more to lick - at first I didn't dare do anything, and froze, wondering if it might be a trap (gay paranoia, so young!) but gradually I got accustomed to licking the tip, and putting my lips over the end, or even taking a few inches into my mouth. It was only after I'd got my first real big mouthful of jizz, gagged and almost choked, that I decided to take it easy and learn stuff first. I decided to start using the glory hole myself -- it's real weird, sticking your erection through a hole in a wood wall - it took a while to banish the thought that some nutcase might just chop off your dick - and it was only after I'd had my first blowjob through the glory hole that I understood how to do it. I can still remember pressing myself up to the smelly wall of that john, while my prick was sucked by a willing mouth; there'd be some serious jacking-off, as he held my piss-slip over his the open mouth - I could feel his warm, urgent breath on me - then shooting my wad into his mouth, listening to his breathing change as he swallowed my cum. That was my initiation, and I still go to the movies whenever I can. The old place is gone now - too many gay raids when the guys got careless - I think it was when some straight guy went to use the john some time back in 82, and found fifteen naked guys, including the manager, energetically butt-fucking each other. My musings are interrupted when I notice the shy guy stroll by, and I'm about to call out softly, when he sees me, and comes over to me, unwrapping his towel. I sit up on the bunk as he stands there, his beautiful, erect, uncut cock level with my head, and I lean forward to kiss the tip, darting my tongue into his piss-slit, tasting the drool, taking his stiff stem gently in one hand, before pulling the foreskin back from the shiny, engorged head. I take him into my mouth, my eyes closed, savouring that musky man-smell emanating from his bush and balls. His undulating stomach muscles flex - he has a nice six-pack - as I take him all the way in, my nose coming to rest against his slim belly, and feeling his prick stretch and swell in my throat. I suck hard on him for a while, and then ease him out of my mouth, licking my lips, before taking him in again. His hands come to rest on my head, pushing himself against my face and fucking my mouth, then I run my hands under his balls and on to his butt, splaying my hand on his butt-crack, before dipping a finger into his honey pot. There's no resistance, so I dip in another one, almost up to my knuckle joint, and I finger fuck him for a while, as we begin to build up a rhythm, meeting his thrusts with my mouth, occasionally just resting his cock in my lips while I whack him off, before swallowing him whole again. My head is giddy with the sexual aroma that is rising from his meat. This time, as he fucks my mouth, his thighs start to jerk, the rhythm becoming uneven, and his hands are deep in my hair, gripping my head, as I hear him sigh above me. His body jerks, his hands pull my head tight against him, sending his prick down my throat as he cums. I have to back off slightly or choke, as his juice gushes into my mouth, and I swallow what I can, but have to pull him out, still stroking the pulsing cock, and run it down the side of my face, letting him pulse out his load against my cheeks, before licking it, and mouthing him once more, taking everything he's got, while he shudders and writhes against me. I let him go, drool still oozing out of the slit, and he sits down on the bed next to me. He gives me a loving look, and our lips meet, as I pass some of his cum back to him. Our tongues thrash against each other, while his hand reaches down to my cock, curling his fingers round the girth. I reach up and turn off the light. I've got a lot of cum to drop, and I think my shy pal will be here with me for some time.
  11. 'No, we can't go down there; that's where the fags go to fuck' He said and laughed. 'Lets keep going this way then' I replied. I was out running with one of my best buds, Tom who was in the same fraternity as me and we both played on the college varsity football team. It was his 21st birthday today and we were hitting the clubs tonight but this didn't stop our routine of a daily run; we had to be in the best shape for the football season. Being on the football team meant we both had a great figure; I was slightly shorter than Tom by a couple inches but I was a few pounds heavier, and it was all muscle. The girls loved my body, I had definition in all the right places, including a great six pack which I was proud of and I had seen Tom enough times in the locker room to know he was the same. We continued past the park and probably ran for another five miles until we arrived back at the frat house. We both had a shower and began to get ready for the big night out; Tom was the last of my friends to turn 21 and so I knew it was going to be a good one. A group of about 10 of us left and went to the bar, including a few girls; who I knew I would be able to fuck If I didn't get lucky tonight. I was right. It was a good night. Tom barely made it past 10.30 before he had to go home and soon I was the only man standing, with a couple of the girls. I had a girl on each arm as we walked down the road, trying to pick out the next bar. 'Oh my god lets go in here, it looks busy' One of them said. 'Fuck no, it's a gay bar you idiot' I replied. 'Come on, it will be funny' She said. I didn't need much persuasion, I was so drunk I didn't really care and she was right; it would be funny. As we walked in I got a few wolf whistles and men checking me out; I enjoyed the attention and if they came over to talk to us, I flirted back; my ego loved it. We sat around a table with many guys coming over, the girls were enjoying talking to the gay guys and so was I. Most of them were normal guys and very masculine, not how I imagined them to be and we were having a lot of fun, especially when my hand made its way up the girls skirts After a few drinks I needed to go for a piss and I stood up, a bit uneasy on my feet after all the drink and staggered to the bathroom. I stood at the urinal and pulled out my dick, still a little unsteady, a big guy who looked like a bodybuilder came next to me and began to piss. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking down at my crotch and he began to slowly pump his own. 'Very nice' He said, eyeing me up. 'Errr thanks' Not sure how I should react to the compliment. 'Want to join me?' He asked and looked towards a cubicle. 'I well.... I don't know' I replied. Fuck I was drunk, my head was spinning and I suddenly found myself following the guy into the cubicle. He began to rub me through my pants, causing my cock to grow and he began to nibble my neck, making me rock solid. It felt great when my dick was released as he undid the zipper and was allowed to swing free, he gasped when he saw the size of me, I was 9 inches hard and coke can thick. 'Oh shit, I gotta have that' He said just before he closed his mouth over it. 'Ohhh fuck' I moaned. This dude knew what he was doing; no girl had ever sucked me like this, most of them struggled with the size but this dude took me easily. When I felt his lips on my pubes I nearly blew my load, I couldn't believe he had me all the way down his throat. He pulled off and began to suck on my heavy balls as he jerked my cock; this was the best blowjob I ever had and as he went back to mu cock, playing with the head I knew I wasn't going to last. 'Shiiiiiit' I shouted. He grabbed my ass and made sure I didn't pull out as I filled him up with a huge load, he swallowed every single drop off my juice and didn't pull off until he cleaned me up. Fuck, I couldn't believe this big muscle stud was that hungry for cock and cum. He had a huge smile on his face as I withdrew from his mouth, still out of breath and he stood up to face me. 'Fucking sweet, your turn now' He said and tried to push me to my knees. 'No, you got it wrong, I don't suck' I said in a panic. 'I need to get off, you gotta at least jerk it' He replied harshly, which was when I realised this guy was much bigger than me and I didn't want to get on the wrong side of him. 'I guess I could do that' He wasted no time in pulling out his hard dick too, it was about 7 inches long but even thicker than mine. He grabbed my hand and put it on his cock, I could feel all the veins and he was so thick my hand couldn't get all the way round. Being a guy, I knew how to jack a dick, it was just I had never jacked another guys dick before but I soon got into a rhythm and quickly pumped up and down. I could tell he was enjoying it as precum was leaking all over my hand and he was moaning really loudly, I found that it wasn't too bad; not really enjoyable but it was pretty nice to see him enjoying it so much. I suddenly felt something hit my left shoulder and then again on my belly and I realised he was cumming, I let go of his cock and he continued to shoot, hitting me on my crotch and leg. 'Ahhh thanks buddy' He said as he did up his zipper, pushed the door open and left. I was left standing in the cubicle, my heart racing and covered in cum, I stepped out and tried to wash off the cum, leaving wet patches all over my clothes. I was too drunk and too stunned to care any more as I went back to the girls. We went home pretty soon after and one of the girls came back with me, happy to have sex with one of the star football players. What happened in the bathroom played on my mind as we had sex, her pathetic attempt to suck me gave me images of the guy in my head and the amazing blowjob he had given me. As I fingered her wet pussy, I imagined I was stroking his cock and how it felt in my hand and as I fucked her I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to fuck a guy. I woke up the next day with a thumping headache and hangover at first I thought what happened was just a dream but I found my shirt with cum stains on and knew it was real. I couldn't get the thought of that blowjob out of my mind for the next few days; I guess it was true that guys give the best head as no girl could take me like that. A couple days later I was out running, Tom had gone back home for the week and so I was alone, I came up to the park that Tom had said was where the fags went to fuck. I stopped running; something was pulling me towards it and I soon found myself jogging down a narrow track and into the trees. It didn't take long to find things happening, I came across a guy on his knees who was sucking off a big trucker type guy. He saw approach and waved me over, I didn't need any more encouragement as I stood next to the trucker guy, he started to rub my body and crotch, making my erection stretch out my jock strap. He began to stroke me as the guy on his knees deep-throated him, I felt him grip my cock hard and I realized he was cumming. The one sucking hungrily swallowed his load, making sure he was completely clean, he then dropped to his knees and both guys began to play with my cock, licking and teasing it. 'Ahhhh' Was all I could say. One of them started to deep-throat me while the other sucked my balls; I was right, guys definitely gave the best head and I moaned loudly in pleasure. One guy then moved round behind me, I felt his warm breath on my ass crack and I jumped forward in surprise when I felt his tongue lick across my hole. 'Oh shit' I moaned. Fuck, I couldn't believe my ass would make me feel this good, this dude ate my ass like he had eaten for a week and it was making me leak precum straight down the throat of the guy sucking my dick. I felt some pressure on my hole and then something push through; I realized he had got a finger through but I was feeling so good I didn't care and the way he probed inside me was making me feel real good. The double stimulation of having my cock and ass played with meant I couldn't last much longer and I felt my balls tighten as my load traveled up my cock. I erupted straight down his throat and he hungrily sucked up every last drop, the other guy moved away from my ass and helped him clean up. They both licked me clean and then kissed; sharing my load between them, which was pretty fucking hot. I thanked the guys and pulled up my shorts and began to walk back to the house, I couldn't run as my legs still felt a bit weak from the intense orgasm I had just let off. I tried to get to the park everyday, and every time I would receive an awesome blowjob, sometimes I would let them eat my ass or finger me but never anything else but as time went on I had to admit I was curious. The next time I went; there was no one offering to suck me, it was a pretty quiet time and the only action was a ripped muscle guy riding up and down on a big cock. I had never done anything that involved butt-sex but the guy who was getting his dick ridden was sat on a bench and he waved me over to set next to him and I happily did. 'Get your dick out, he loves to be fucked' I wasted no time and pulled out my raging hard dick, excited to hopefully fuck my first ass, I had always wanted to try anal but no girl would ever let me. The dude getting fucked grabbed my dick and began to jerk out and I moaned loudly in pleasure. 'Oh fuck it's huge' He said as he jerked me, 'I gotta have that' He pulled himself off the dick and, squatted above me, grabbed my cock and pushed himself onto it. My cock-head popped through and he threw his head back, I guess with a mix of pain and pleasure but he continued to sink himself onto me and didn't stop until he was sat on my lap. Fuck, I had never fucked anything that felt tight and alive, I was glad this dude knew what he was doing as my head was spinning so much I couldn't function properly. He started to ride me hard, and it felt fucking amazing, he knew how to milk a cock like no pussy ever could and I was in ecstasy. I felt something hit me on the cheek, I head turned my head slightly and realized it was dick; I guess from the guy who was sat next to me as he had now gone. I turned my head away again, ignoring it and concentrating on the ass wrapped around my cock, but he started to rub it over my neck and cheek. 'Come on man, suck it' He said. I just ignored him and didn't say anything but he continued to rub it on my cheek and lips, smearing his precum all over me. He pushed it against my lips and in a moment of crazy I opened my mouth and let him in. He wasted no time and began to fuck my face, I surprised myself by being easily able to him accommodate him down my throat, I guess I had no gag reflex. We were soon in a rhythm as one dude bounced on my dick and the other fucked my face, I was sort of enjoying sucking him, it was kind of erotic and not as gross as I thought it would be. I felt my balls tighten and I knew I was gonna blow a big load, I moaned loudly around the dick in my mouth as I shot a big rope of cum deep in his ass. It was one of the most intense orgasms ever and I blew rope after rope in his ass, I felt something hit the back of my throat and realized the other dude was now coming in my mouth. I could of pulled off but I wanted his load. I swallowed every last drop as the guy pulled off my cock and left but I didn't let go of the dick in my mouth until I got it completely clean. 'Fuck dude, that was awesome' He said as he pulled out and put it back in his pants and left. I sat on the bench for a moment, catching my breath, that had been real intense but I had enjoyed it all, even the taste of his cum. I pulled my pants up and went for a walk, trying to clear my head a little but I knew I would be back for more, it had triggered something inside of me I had never realized before. It took only a couple days before I went back, but this time I was on my knees; I sucked off a few guys and enjoyed it as much as the first time. I also fucked some more ass, I don't know if I could ever go back to pussy after fucking man ass and I was sort of getting curious about my own ass now, it certainly felt good when dudes fingered me. I went early one morning to find only one other guy, but he was pretty hot; similar build to me and was wearing a frat tee. It was always hot to play with other college guys, especially hot ones like this. When he saw me he smiled and licked his lips; I walked over and he dropped straight to his knees and pulled out my dick. He wasted no time in wrapping his lips around me and taking me balls deep, damn he was good but I wanted to taste him as well. 'Hey man, let me at yours, lets do it at the same time' I said, pushing me off. 'Hell yeah' We both stripped off and he lay down on the floor, I got down over the top of him and took his big dick straight down my throat as he took mine. 'Nice fucking show' I heard a voice say, 'I love hot college boys' I looked up to see a big hairy dude, jerking a big fat cock, I smiled at him and then continued to hungrily suck. I saw him come behind me and crouch down; his wet tongue flicked across my hole and I moaned loudly as I pushed my ass out towards his tongue. He stuck his face deep between my cheeks and began to tongue my hole, his tongue was rough but it felt real good as he licked my insides. He pulled away and I felt something round and blunt push against my hole, he was going to fuck me, instead of scaring me; it excited me and I pushed back against him. He took this as a signal to push in and he popped his fat cock head through my hole. I shouted loudly in pain as he entered but it was muffled by the cock in my mouth, it didn't stop him from entering me and he pushed in all the way until his balls slapped my ass. 'Ohhh, fucking hot, tight hole' He moaned. The way he stretched me out was painful but was also sort of pleasurable and when he began to fuck me it felt real good. He was hitting a spot inside of me that was making me precum straight down the throat of the other guy and I couldn't last much longer. He fucked me harder and harder and I was loving it, I lost all control and began to cum in the guys mouth, triggering his orgasm and he unloaded deep in my mouth, which I hungrily swallowed. Seeing us blow our loads in each others mouth caused the other guy to explode deep in my ass and I could feel him filling me up. He collapsed across my back and we lay in a sweaty, cummy mess, breathing heavily and he slowly pulled out his softening cock from my ass. I felt empty after he pulled out and I knew that even though it was the first time I had been fucked, it definitely wouldn't be the last.
  12. mitchora

    Jess Vill (15).jpg

    when I was playing sports I did not realize how hot men were. Plus the second you undress, shower you'd better believe NOT to glance down at anyone's crotch. Not in that environment. If they think you look even ONE second too long? Bastards start whispering about you/whoever "looked/looks." I much prefer looking at a man now. Even though I think there's some "bi" left. Not much believe me. Now it's about The Cock. A dude from another site now wants me to visit him in Torrance. Need it so bad right now. Hunger. Plus I have to hide it. Very closeted still.
  13. burnie63

    Men at Play

    From the album: I Need A Name

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