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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/21/2020 in Blog Comments

  1. It almost sounds as if @JoelR wishes he had such a wonderful body as @suzienudie has. Nothing is impossible, but I guess it will take a little bit longer than Covid lasts. 🤔😉 I experienced the same with friends and acquaintances. It is a matter of fact that if you have predominantly people in your surroundings who see everything rather pessimistically, negatively, you will adopt this attitude. The same is valid if you are surrounded by optimistically realistically thinking positive people. I think there is a connection between how someone grew up and if there were already real challenges to be overcome. Those who have already overcome a life crisis know their strength, know that they have the energy to overcome another crisis. That's so true. Everyone has his dark moments when hope is almost lost. If you cannot get your balance back on your own, you need a helping hand, but also the ability to accept help and to be open for new approaches. I myself have been actively using various techniques for self-motivation, inner balance and to achieve a more positive attitude for many years. This includes to use negative experiences and events to create something new, something better. Just give yourself a smile in the mirror when you get up in the morning. Then laugh heartily because the guy in the mirror has a crazy smile. 😉
    1 stiffie
  2. Gonna make me 😊 again @JoelR 🤭 Just trying to keep from completely losing my tan. At least from losing my base tan, I am a mighty whitey if I lose my base tan! 🤭
    1 stiffie
  3. @suzienudie is going to have the best body out of all of us at the end of Covid LOL. I've definitely seen the sentiments in this blog get manifested through my friends. There are some who have powered through coronavirus, with no problems. But we have some other friends where it is ALL doom and gloom, all the time. You'd think it's the end of the world that they can't get their bi-weekly mani / pedi / fresh shave (they're one of those straight metrosexuals). Part of me wonders if they don't have the correct social structure surrounding them, and if this their inability to work through life challenges is something rooted in a more basic or childhood psychology. Not everyone has the fortitude to wake up every day and be able to overcome every challenge that comes their way. I think it's important that if you have friends who are going through a challenging time to be empathetic and supportive. The last thing you should do is say, "gosh, if only you had a better attitude!"
    1 stiffie
  4. I have no idea who called . But wrote his 100th blog entry. I would like to congratulate for that.
    1 stiffie
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