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Showing content with the most stiffies on 12/08/2019 in Posts

  1. (The US's Jake Dalton. If I hadn't known I was gay by the time I started watching gymnastics at the Olympics, they would definitely have convinced me. If I've posted this image before, I apologize for the duplication.)
    5 stiffies
  2. Davide Zongoli has to be one of Italy's best dancers. So, if you're interested in him, check this article out, because we're going to uncover more info right now. First of all, he was born on the 14th of October, in the year 1981. So, currently, he's 37 years old. Unfortunately, the info about him is extremely limited on the internet, so we're going to just tell you about what we personally know. His zodiac sign is Libra, and he currently still lives in Italy. He's one of the wealthiest dancers and performers there, and he's known for working with some of the best groups ever. Aside from being a dancer, he's also a choreographer, which means that he's a professional when it comes to creating dances too. He's a tall and muscular man, with excellent, a full set of hair, and a sexy beard. His muscles also look fantastic, and his body is attractive overall. Apparently, he is gay, and he has dated a model called Johnie Bravo Gjergjek as well. His estimated net worth for this year is around 57 million dollars, so he is pretty loaded. Unfortunately, the information about his parents, his education, and his roots is totally unknown, which is a bit sad. All the info that we have is related to his birth, his net worth, and his apparent sexual orientation. Plus, of course, his zodiac sign. To sum it up, Davide is a pretty cool guy, and he's won several championships for pole dancing. That's his primary skill, and he's the best at that. Some of the tournaments that he's won are Italian National Championship, World PoleSports Championships, and the European PoleSport Championship. So, his success speaks volumes about him, and we hope that he keeps working and having fun with his craft since he's so good. Some of the famous and professional dance groups that he's worked with are Cirque du Soleil. He also has over three hundred thousand followers on his Instagram, so he is pretty famous. On his Instagram, at least currently, he mostly posts full-body images. There, you can see his muscles, and you can correctly see his body type. He has a massive chest, a pair of well-built arms, and some bulky but hot legs. His whole body is fascinating, and for a dancer, he's actually pretty buff. And that's a fantastic thing that more people should take care of. And that's pretty much it when it comes to the public information about Zongoli. He also sometimes posts fan art images on his Instagram, to show how much he appreciates his fans. We will also leave links to his social media, and you access them instantly. https://www.instagram.com/acrodave/?hl=sr https://vimeo.com/user24463870 (AdonisMale Biography added by the website, not by the original poster)
    4 stiffies
  3. John Lansaw & Matthew Camp
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  4. 2 stiffies
  5. I have to say that Ads are not something I normally tolerate and with ad and pop-up blockers and VPNs and Opera, its been a while since its been an issue for me. But I well remember Tumblr actually interspersing 'serious' ads with pictures of guys assholes and it seemed to work for them then. Gay guys and porn addicts buy insurance too! What changed for them was the FOSTA-SESTA laws (supposed to combat online sex trafficking) and the Apple outcry against alleged child-porn on a Tumblr account. Whilst none of us want sex trafficking or child porn online, the reaction of these mainstream companies has been disproportionate and discriminatory. I think thats at the root of this problem. I have no respect for mainstream anyhow least of all MSM. The UK was proposing even more draconian laws by requiring age verification for all porn users just to combat kids looking at online porn (FFS shouldn't the parents and i-phone providers be preventing that???) until someone in authority with functioning grey matter realised that the kids would just use VPN to circumvent it. (Such assholes in the UK Parliament) Then we have Australia going one step further by planning to use face recognition (via a cam link) for porn age verification. Again I am told it can be circumvented but its worrying. It just gets more draconian. So yeah, lets celebrate those places where we still enjoy relative online freedoms denied to us elsewhere. Flickr is still a very active place for porn of all types. But Flickr will ban dicks and pussies at some point. The future is not Flickr. Its here.
    2 stiffies
  6. Sunday Undie for Dec 8 2019
    1 stiffie
  7. As far as I’m aware, my favourite videos are available for all of you to see... happy wanking. https://xhamster.com/users/str8sexvoyeur
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  8. 1 stiffie
  9. 1 stiffie
  10. Confessionals are a good therapy for faggots. Don't hold back Paolo. We are waiting
    1 stiffie
  11. A SUPER EXPOSURE CARD? Use your imagination faggot. What information do you think should be included in addition to whats on there already to make it the equivalent of 'Exposure Central' and then ask yourself if you have the fagballs to actually do it
    1 stiffie
  12. JoelR


    Two ladybugs
    1 stiffie
  13. Cut but not by choice wished the USA did not circumcise baby boys we should be allowed a choice of how we want our bodies to be the rest of our life.
    1 stiffie
  14. i am cut, it make me have sex better! see me masturbate with a banana
    1 stiffie
  15. These images seem to show that Davide doesn't have to stuff a sock in his briefs and swimwear to cause those huge bulges. Yum!
    1 stiffie
  16. "A Boy and his Husky”? What about his (badly abused) violin? You got something against the arts? But the rest of him — “Woof!” indeed, @wolfe . I’ll be his dog sitter if he’ll pay me with rides on that big baby! (And I don’t mean riding the beautiful husky!)
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  17. Nick Sandell in Calvin Klein
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  18. Sunday Undie for 11 Oct. Martin Silva
    1 stiffie
  19. Sunday Undie for Oct 4 2015 Shamil Mustafaev by Stas Vokhim
    1 stiffie
  20. Marcuse Fall 2014 underwear in different colors
    1 stiffie
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