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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/15/2024 in Blog Comments

  1. What a delicious group of men.
    4 stiffies
  2. 2 stiffies
  3. So let's return to Beyond the Valley of the Dolls 1970 for the band Strawberry Alarm Clock, or as I like to call them SAC. Anyway, they are listed in the movies credits and provide the most memorable song in the film, Incense and Peppermints. The soundtrack is fantastic even though the Dolls band Carrie Nation/The Kelly Affair don't do all of their own singing, it's fantastic. Extremely talented ..singer, songwriter, actress, model, Lynn Carey provided the vocals Contrary to popular believe, SAC was not a one-hit-wonder, but that's a song for another day. I was born in the wrong era because it's so hot to see guys going barefoot so casually. The band is out of Glendale, California. I almost moved there many moons ago because I had friend that lived there.
    1 stiffie
  4. David Gurian Everyone from Beyond the Valley of the Dolls 1970 seemed to start their career with the film, and end it there. Once exception being actress Phyllis Davis who had roles in television and film for several decades. IMDB lists Gurian having only one movie title to his credit, and I can't find otherwise, other than a mention of a teenage theater role he had prior to Valley. A shame cuz he's really cute. Wonder whatever happened to him? So in Valley, David has this scene with a very lustful leading lady, at about 1:30 the foot scene. It's difficult to hear, so let me know if you can make out what they are saying. I saw a very edited version of this movie when I was a kid on tv and I thought I heard the grown ups in the room say something about toe-sucking. Beyond The Valley of the Dolls 3 2.mp4
    1 stiffie
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