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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/14/2024 in Posts

  1. 12 stiffies
  2. 10 stiffies
  3. If it's at a disgruntled straight man's house, it's referring to his poor wife. At a gay man's house, it's referring to his alter ego.
    9 stiffies
  4. 8 stiffies
  5. 8 stiffies
  6. A checkout clerk in Tallahassee, Florida circa 1962
    8 stiffies
  7. 8 stiffies
  8. 6 stiffies
  9. 6 stiffies
  10. William Roepstorff Arthur Bacari Ian O'Goh
    6 stiffies
  11. Cade Maddox
    6 stiffies
  12. 6 stiffies
  13. 6 stiffies
  14. 6 stiffies
  15. (For members who are too young to remember comedian and pop singer Dean Martin, he was widely believed to have been inebriated during many of his stand-up comedy performances because he often slurred his words. He claimed it was just part of his act.)
    5 stiffies
  16. 5 stiffies
  17. How I remember the local grocer's shop in the early 1960's
    5 stiffies
  18. 5 stiffies
  19. 5 stiffies
  20. 5 stiffies
  21. This will be my only post on this thread for the night.
    5 stiffies
  22. W is for “Woof!”
    5 stiffies
  23. Alurdun Finn
    5 stiffies
  24. alltheway.mp4
    5 stiffies
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