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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/03/2024 in Blog Comments

  1. Fred MacMurray was a handsome man with a pretty good physique for the 1940s.
    1 stiffie
  2. Very hot men! 😍
    1 stiffie
  3. Omg he's so cute!
    1 stiffie
  4. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes... here is one of my favorites... Pecan Tasse Crust 8 oz soft cream cheese 1/2 cup soft butter 1 cup flour pinch of salt I mix this together in a food processor and form it in a ball and refrigerate for about an hour until it's firm enough to work with. The filling is 1 egg 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 TBL soft butter 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup ground pecans You need a mini muffin tin (I recommend finding one that is non-stick because you have to carefully finesse these out of the pan when they are done baking. preheat oven to 350 degrees When the dough is ready, form enough to make a small ball and put them in the pan and use your thumb or a silicon spoon to press them into the pan... and then fill with about a teaspoon of filling. Bake on 350 for 10 minutes and lower the oven temperature to 325 and bake an additional 15 minutes. Let them rest in the baking tin until it is cool enough to handle and carefully remove them on to a cooling rack. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container. This recipe makes about 30 so I usually make two batches because they go quickly. I don't recommend doubling the recipe. It's better to make two batches.
    1 stiffie
  5. i love this guy too .......he is just my type
    0 stiffies
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