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Showing content with the most stiffies on 03/31/2024 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 stiffie
  2. There are some venues in your area that can include gay-friendly camp sites and "nude clubs". I suspect that if they might have a restriction on cameras (how many cell phones have great cameras these days?), those restrictions are there to protect normal customers. I suspect that if you took a friend with you and he took pictures of you specifically, and privately, that MIGHT be acceptable. As long as only YOU were in the pictures and YOU control them and where they might end up. A Google search for the clubs and organizations can be beneficial. Used to be that all or most Corps of Engineers-built/controlled lakes were nude-friendly. Unless somebody complained, for whatever reason. Then "covering up" was necessary. In more recent times, with budget cut-backs over the decades, most of the "policing" of these venues has been passed to the local law enforcement entities, which means "no nudity". Also, if there might have been some gay beaches, they can easily raise the water level in wet years to flood them too. Which is the least costly option. So Google for "gay beaches camp grounds clubs organizations" and see what happens. Enjoy!
    1 stiffie
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