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Showing content with the most stiffies on 03/21/2024 in Blog Comments

  1. 2 stiffies
  2. 1 stiffie
  3. There's a channel that should be called AMC (All My Monkeys) Each day is a drama involving the husband, his wife, and their monkey! One episode the wife got mad because the husband would rather sleep with the monkey than with her!🤣
    1 stiffie
  4. OMG, VP...you have no idea. If you go on u toob, there are hundreds and hundreds of channels devoted to people and their monkeys. If you go by what you see on u toob, its like everyone and their uncle (get it, monkey's uncle? haha) has a monkey. Note: u toob has desensitized me to it. It's like the most normal thing in the world for people to live with monkeys. Monkeys are people, too. LOL
    1 stiffie
  5. Guy is very sexy and has cute toes. I just find it odd that he has a monkey. Maybe where he's from, people are allowed to have them. 🤷‍♂️
    1 stiffie
  6. Jason Lewis as the 'Absolut Hunk'. In the show Samantha mentions she is having a cocktail called an 'Absolut Hunk'. I actually have the recipe.
    1 stiffie
  7. It's fascinating to watch someone living in a micro living dwelling. This guy looks huge. He never wears socks and always takes his shoes off when he comes home and says hello to his monkey. Note: You can use the CC close captioning option to follow along.
    1 stiffie
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