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Showing content with the most stiffies on 03/17/2024 in Playgirl Profile Comments

  1. Also listed on IMDB as Luc Colton with the brief bio there noting he was aka Matt Clarke, here is the link: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9204170/ He was handsome, sexy, and nicely engaging. Another tragic loss of life to the travesty of HIV/AIDS complications. Thank you Alain for sharing your all around beauty with us.
    1 stiffie
  2. Hey Guys! When a horny 12 year old boy...or even a 32 year old man masturbates, according to the Bible is it a sin? Is it possible, plausible, probable, or preposterous to think that 79% - 97% of all men have "messed around" with another male prior to age 25? IF that's true then why are our US Presidents, grandfathers, fathers, cousins, uncles, NFL and NBA stars, and sons, etc., totally dishonest about the ubiquity of "bisexuality"? Lastly, IF a husband and father allows his wife or mistress to peg him, then is he simply obfuscating his bisexuality behind a fig leaf? Explain.
    1 stiffie
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