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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/10/2022 in Blog Comments

  1. Great guys today. I'd like to see them all in a nice group sex scene šŸ™‚
    2 stiffies
  2. Back in the 90ā€s when I started writing my first book, The Adventures of Superman would be on & when Iā€™d take a short break Iā€™d sit there watching him & think how good looking he was & what he was packing Pete Kuzak sounds like a good match šŸ‘šŸ»
    1 stiffie
  3. yes, George Reeves - you know, we never have seen Clark Kent undressed - I imagine he looks a lot like Pete Kuzak with an immense schlong, and Jimmy Olsen looks a lot like Dick Mc Kay, with an immense schlong. I'll leave it at that. šŸ¤©
    1 stiffie
  4. I understand, but they are often unattainable. My family was too overprotective, even tho I wasn't into them when the Village People performed on Dick Clark's New Years Eve bash, the channel was changed immediately, SOAP was off limits because Billy Crystal played a gay character. I would hear my mum talking to friends about the "gay lords at the Tupperware party" even tho I didn't know what that term meant. Little did they know through all of this I was staring at the posters of Peter Criss, Don Felder, Glen Frey, Jimmy Page etc. on my bedroom walls and fantasizing about sucking them off while jacking off. Which Superman? George Reeves? Thanks for understanding šŸ¤—
    1 stiffie
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