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Showing content with the most stiffies on 02/06/2022 in Blog Entries

  1. a thoroughly mixed up day! I had passengers to go to the airport, and while I didn't think I was worrying about weather and flight cancellations, I did not sleep well. mercifully, I felt all right to have a cup of coffee and make my trip. I had planned to visit a cheesecake bakery in a little town of which I had never heard - displeased to be waved off the highway with no idea how to achieve my target, nor why the detour. when I got to the bakery, there was absolutely no place to park! you would think someone was giving away free beer! finally parked at a bank two blocks away - later found out there was some sort of race 🤨 I was severely naughty and got seven different pieces of cheesecake and departed. on the way, I remembered the Polish deli and got a poppy seed roll for later consumption. in a burst of ingenuity, I noticed a publix and nipped in for a loaf of bread and some other naughty delights, which were on sale. lastly, I stopped at the village inn and had a delicious cuppa, biscuit and gravy, before lamming out for home. called my hag and invited her over for cheesecake and coffee, and sacked out on the sofa! all that to say, I am now looking at my collection with favour, and my feature for today, Gardner Shore. he is really something. I only wish I had either 100 more pix or had him here to pose for my camera! well, this has gone on long enough - welcome to our newest clubmembers, and see you in the rushes! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/32028-shields-chuck/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/32029-shore-gardner/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45493-show-grant/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45494-shroyer-logan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45495-siegal-sebastian/ Colt
    8 stiffies
  2. dunno why this feels like Saturday to me . . . anyway, I will get to see the too cute duo on Adam 12 later this afternoon. right now, I am torn to pick a feature fellow in my lineup. Kaman Sheldon makes me think «kamana wanna leiu» and Bobby Sherman is cuter than the law allows. you pick. a hearty welcome to our newest clubmembers. hope you are not coping with power failures, etc, in the winter storms. my hag in dallas says they are safe and warm inside, though colder than all hell outside. and her little doggy has to make his trips. too bad, so sad, glad its not mee! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45421-sheldon-kaman/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45422-shenton-james/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45423-shephard-ben/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45424-sherman-bobby/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45425-sherman-nathaniel/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  3. different clubmembers post comments, which, in paraphrase, say, man, I'd like to [expletive] that model. this does not apply to today's feature, Aiden Shaw. I don't want to do him, I want to be him! manischewitz what a man!! hope you enjoy the rest of my selections. a warm welcome to our newest clubmembers, especially those in the ice and snow belt 😞 I sure do love floorda - we never have to shovel sunshine 🙂 note that albums with >99 images will also have a zip file for you to enjoy! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45362-shatner-william/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45370-shaw-aiden/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45373-shaw-seth/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45374-shayne-michael/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/45375-sheen-charlie/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/32023-shaw-aiden/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  4. "Have you seen my cock?" Even if you have, this is a tough one because there is literally no trace left of the former international dreamboat whom we fantasized about and jerked off to. Porn fans can usually recognize performers even after years of them being away and then looking completely different upon their return than they did before. This serious looking gentleman used to be a highly sought after fitness model thanks to his handsome sexy face and sculpted muscular body. He was proud to show off his physique but there was something else special about him that he wanted to share with the world. He had a beautifully straight nine-inch stiff cock that was also camera-ready so he went on a prominent website and showed his asshole and stroked cock to completion. He was already well known in the world of fitness, but after this solo video, he became an international superstar among gay fans. If you still don't recognize the face, perhaps these additional images will jar your memory. After some time had passed, our young muscle stud wanted to take his career beyond fitness modeling and into the world of mainstream fashion and acting. But because his real name and identity was well known in the fitness modeling world, a Google search would eventually lead to his porn past. But there was no escaping the porn identity now matter how hard he tried. He even lost about a third of his body weight in muscle mass and changed up his look with a full beard and a different hair style. To me even these photos are unrecognizable from the hunky muscle boy of my dreams. Time for the big reveal. So we've been talking about Benji Taylor who was a very muscular fitness model. He appeared on the website English Lads and did a solo video under the name of Matthew Scott. Honestly, short of DNA testing, there is no way anyone would recognize Benji today as the same person he was a decade ago. I wish him best in his acting pursuit, but I doubt his porn past is holding him back from any opportunities. To me he'll always be cherished as his porn alias, Scott Matthews.
    1 stiffie
  5. We are blessed to live in a time where there is such a over-abundance to male beauty to appreciate, we are sometimes forced to make the difficult decision as to which gorgeous man is our favorite. Today we pit West Coast Male Model Michael Yerger against Up and coming Southern Stunner Levi Conely. I do a fair amount of research to pick right the contenders for these contests so that they are as evenly matched as possible. The fur will fly no matter who gets voted the winner because people in the know are very much decidedly either Team Yerger or Team Conely. Have fun judging and voting for your favorite model. Apologies in advance for combining some the questions due to poll restrictions. Category 1: The Face In Fashion, your face is your money-maker and it will open doors and help you make the right connections. Just ask former pornstar Igor Kolomiyets turned male supermodel. Alex Libby posed naked with full-on erections for a British Gay Porn site and became a male supermodel. And of course, the legendary rise to fame of Kevin Baker whose chiseled face helped him land a sugar daddy who happened to be Cavin Klein. With male beauty, we're looking for strong faces with symmetry, and unique features that make the model interesting and draw the viewer into the image. For example, there is no other face that communicates a lie of class, wealth and privilege better than the one that belongs to Sean O'pry. When you need ruggedly handsome you hire David Gandy. These industry veterans are the two highest paid male models in the world. Looking at headshots you have to use your imagination to see whether the model's look can be adapted to different clients and appeal to different demographics. They have to be convincing in order to sell, sell, sell. Michael (on the left) has beautiful eyes with long, flirty eyelashes. People usually call men with this trait "pretty" because long lashes are a feminine feature. Fortunately, Michael has thick masculine eyebrows that help to balance his look. He has a full set of lips which also considered feminine features. He uses facial hair that is somewhere between scruff and a beard to accentuate his masculinity and this helps to make those pouty lips less noticeable. The beard also helps to define his jawline and cheekbones. The feminine features are balanced and do not detract but they are still there working their magic. We see him as a handsome man, but we don't realize that those flirty eyes and kissable lips are subtly drawing us in. Levi (on the right) has the kind of square-jawed, chiseled features that can only be described as All-American good looks. He is masculine, classically handsome with a wholesome and heroic appeal. He has deep set eyes which gives his gaze intensity. Without this very special feature, all of that chiseled perfection might come off as cold and boring. Instead, he looks like he could have been the high school Prom King, the football team captain who had a full scholarship to University. He was popular in his fraternity where he honed his skills as a leader of other men. If Abercrombie & Fitch were still around, he would take center stage in all their ad campaigns. In a couple of years as his looks mature, Ralph Lauren might snatch him up. Category 2: Commercial Print Let's not get ahead of ourselves with talk of starring in national ad campaigns. Most models start out doing print work for catalogs. It might be a department store or it might be for a product sold through mail order or online. For commercial work, you need to look good in whatever you are wearing and you have to project accessibility and fun. For underwear ads, the models need to project confidence regardless of how see through or ridiculous the design of the product. The pose should be the best angle to view the product. Physical fitness is a must, but you have to avoid looking stiff all the while flexing those abs and leg muscles. Category 3: Seduction Even in fitness and swimsuit modeling, models need to master the art of seduction. This requires them to look through the camera and connect with the viewer with their eyes. In addition, they have to use body language and poses that not only make their bodies look good but also show off the product. The consumer has to be seduced into believing that if they body the product, they will look and feel just as sexy and attractive as the models in the photo. Category 4: Editorials Many professional photographers hire models for a photoshoot on spec, and then selling the images to a publication they regularly work with. Magazines like DNA have contributors from all over the world, especially for their swimsuit and underwear issues. These days, it is seldom that a men's magazine will commission a well-known photographer to shoot their fashion editorials unless there is a major celebrity or brand sponsor involved. Editorial shoots are expensive because they require a fashion director, creative director, models, locations, sets, lighting, and tons of different outfits. The images will follow a theme or a story and models have to be cast for their roles. The more versatile a model can be with his looks, the more he can get. Both our models did a great job with their photoshoots and creating visually stunning photos that are moody, sexy, and mysterious at the same time. Michael was able achieve a sexy blue-collar mechanic and Levi's body hair adds even more testosterone to the gritty vibe of the streets at night. Category 5: Fashion Modeling and Posing In fitness or physique modeling the primary focus is to make your body look good. In fashion modeling the main focus is on making the product look good. This means the model has to get into exaggerated positions and hold still while the photographer captures the image. Despite being in awkward poses, the model has to make sure their body looks ripped in the photos but without looking like they are flexing or straining. Additionally, part of posing includes the expression on the model's face. Michael looks like he's about to have a private moment to address how full and constricting that jockstrap looks. And as much as he loves his man-kini, Levi realizes he does not want tan lines and is a snap of a button away from going au naturale at his tropical paradise location shoot. Category 6: Sex Appeal Models are at their most vulnerable when they are completely nude, and especially when working with a photographer they don't know. Some are more comfortable with being naked than others, but they can't let any of the insecurity show. They have to project a sense of being uninhibited, their nudity represents freedom and therefore they must look natural, unembarrassed, comfortable and not sexual. They must connect with the viewer, but their expression must be neutral and not in any way provocative or suggestive. By taking the sexual elements out, mainstream magazines can feature nudity as part of an editorial without worrying about being exploitative. Category 7: Rear View Assets A model's hind assets are equally important as any other part of his body and therefore the models should know how to show it off by making it look sexy but not vulgar or suggestive. Clearly this is where we see the biggest difference between the two models. It is a matter of personal taste that for some of us continues to change and evolve over time. Category 8: Selfies Modeling agencies used to use Polaroid cameras to screen new models because you have to be practically flawless to look good in an instant photo taken with a low quality flash bulb. Nowadays if you want people to see the real you, without make-up, photoshop, professional cameras and lenses, lighting etc, a simple selfie taken with natural light and not using any filters will suffice. Phone cameras have such high resolution that it will capture every flaw and every pore. Fortunately, our models have flawless skin. Taken at only an arm's length away, Michaels selfie makes me realize how much I want to kiss those pouty lips. He has amazing cheekbones and his face is perfectly symmetrical which we did not see in the head shot. Despite all the facial hair, he really is pretty to look at. Levi, meanwhile is just as clean-cut, clean-shaven, and manly at home just as he is in the image he projects. Now it's time to vote.
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