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Showing content with the most stiffies on 01/26/2022 in Blog Comments

  1. A lovely assortment of sexy men 🙂
    1 stiffie
  2. I'd like to see them all in a nice orgy 🙂
    1 stiffie
  3. DECISIONS: What turns your head and then turns you on? Consider the body characteristic that get your attention most. Then when you look at the person, don't glance briefly, lock into his eyes and make your way across the room to say: "HI, I noticed you from across the room and I wanted to meet you." Regardless of their first impression, you don't bat out with one statement.
    1 stiffie
  4. Body characteristics vary from one male to another. This also means there are many varieties of MALENESS. Lean Bodies, Stout Bodies, Obese Bodies Some body hair, little, or lots. Cock natural uncut or circumcised Body hair shaven or Unshaven Lean muscular, gym body Blue, green, hazel, dark eyes Height variances from 5 to 7 feet Facial hair long, scruffy, or shaven Toes and fingers manicured or not
    1 stiffie
  5. The THIGH is part of the magnificent MALE BODY that provides the support for lots of other magnificent body parts. When a male is bisexual, he finds the beauty among males and females. NATURAL BEAUTY is not limited to either sex.
    1 stiffie
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