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Showing content with the most stiffies on 12/24/2021 in Blog Comments

  1. not everyone approves of my method of deleting old albums and posting new ones. I am always on the prowl for better fotos. I had purchased slide sets and scanned them for inclusion in my collection. I got some criticism for not grouping pix by series. I told them, this is my house and I make the rules round here. occasionally, I get bored and scan the internet for pix which seem new and different. anyway, thanx for the nice note - as I came back to the computer, John was on the screen saver and I allowed myself some lascivious thoughts . . .
    2 stiffies
  2. I have been collecting photos of John Pruitt for some time and I'm always intrigued to see new ones appear over time. You have some great ones I have never seen before, and some of them you have them in higher quality or uncropped, which is great. I'm not sure where you are finding them, but I appreciate you sharing them. Are some of these from the "slide sets" -- the leftover photos that were mailed out to subscribers back in the old days before the internet? Just curious. Thanks again.
    2 stiffies
  3. I am guessing that the post has not yet been approved by the administrator. can you try back a little later? I will also investigate 😞
    2 stiffies
  4. Terrific as usual... have a wonderful holiday!
    2 stiffies
  5. Great collection today. All of the guys are sexy 🙂
    2 stiffies
  6. Amazing assortment of sexy men 🙂
    1 stiffie
  7. Levi Poulter! What dreams are made of, perfect all over!!!!
    1 stiffie
  8. Alec Powers. Grrr. He's my favorite today. Thanks!
    1 stiffie
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