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Showing content with the most stiffies on 12/16/2021 in Posts

  1. I hope I don't offend - the last time I ate tofu, I had gone to a restaurant and was presented with a plate of items which looked like toasted marshmallows and tasted like french-fried snot
    5 stiffies
  2. 5 stiffies
  3. Moderator's Choice Banner (continued): Married fag andrew smith from Hampshire UK sure deserves his place up there. One of those faggots who is really dedicated to his own universal naked named exposure usually with his lil dicklet locked. Dutch fag martijn van tienhoven was the other faggot voted for by BOTH fagmods , but for entirely different reasons: kevin cos 'he comes and goes so needs to be exposed more', (too fuckin true) boris cos 'he has no shame' (yep I can see that too) Seems fag martijn is either hiding away nowhere to be seen or begging for full-on humiliating exposure at least til he jerks off a few times, a kinda annoying 'cum and run' fagwhore I guess. But he seems to be widely (and permanently) exposed on toplosers.com right now and his fagbros seem to want to keep him that way. Maybe toplosers mgt are ignoring his pleas for removal and most likely thats the RIGHT thing to do. Needing to grow some fagballs and accept his need for exposure once and for all?
    4 stiffies
  4. 4 stiffies
  5. This is how ESPN should do the body issue...
    4 stiffies
  6. 4 stiffies
  7. Tony Sabaitno featured here... is one of my favorites from this era...
    4 stiffies
  8. 4 stiffies
  9. Sam by Stefan Varicak
    4 stiffies
  10. Mirko Nitsche by photographer Timo
    4 stiffies
  11. PHOTOGRAPHER: Andrian C Martin
    3 stiffies
  12. 3 stiffies
  13. 3 stiffies
  14. Derek & Keith Brewer
    3 stiffies
  15. Diego Sans 💦 🔥🔥🔥
    3 stiffies
  16. He's what I want to find under my tree on Christmas morning, complete with the bulge in his Santa suit! He's got such a great smile that he should show it more often in his photos, instead of his typical scowl.
    3 stiffies
  17. 3 stiffies
  18. beware of the kitty licker!
    3 stiffies
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