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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/16/2021 in Album Comments

  1. A good friend of mine used to search SF's Tenderloin for this sort of guy. With offers of beer and weed, he photographed many, wrote poetry about them, and collected the results into albums he called, "Flowers of Asphalt."
    1 stiffie
  2. Thanks for the link to the blog! Lots of hot retro guys in sharp, clear photos. You can tell Hurles photographed them in his home/studio, because if you manage to look past the naked men you'll see the same really ratty-looking, ugly, worn-out couches again and again.
    1 stiffie
  3. Many of these guys were photographed by David Hurles for his Old Reliable Studio. For more pictures from Old Reliable, go to my blog at: https://vintageoldreliable.blogspot.com/ His specialty was hustlers, ex-cons, street trade and prisoners.
    1 stiffie
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