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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/14/2021 in Album Comments

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  3. Many of these guys were photographed by David Hurles for his Old Reliable Studio. For more pictures from Old Reliable, go to my blog at: https://vintageoldreliable.blogspot.com/ His specialty was hustlers, ex-cons, street trade and prisoners.
    1 stiffie
  4. Winterpegan, thank you. I followed that lead a couple of months ago. I saw some pictures of the Hengel-Lentz in question on his old MySpace profile. His mention in Bonners Ferry had a follow up. The follow up basically said he was not affiliated with the company mentioned in the previous article. Very confusing. The old class picture of Hengel-Lentz is definitely Brian Idol. Same person. I hope Brian Idol, wherever he is today, realizes he had a major, positive impact on legions and generations of gay men. He is an icon, with growing popularity (thanks to the Internet). I will continue my search for him. I will eventually piece together his puzzled existence. Ultimately, I’d like to ask him a few questions. And tell him we appreciate the path he was set forth on. He’s an important part of the LGBTQ’s past. He’s an idol Roger
    1 stiffie
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