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Showing content with the most stiffies on 01/05/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 stiffies
    4 stiffies
  3. LOL,AWESOME keep strokin Dino
    4 stiffies
  4. hope everyone is enjoying the hot pics. It's enough to make you want to jerk off and bust a big nut.
    4 stiffies
  5. John Pruittt... I have to go my phone is ringing...
    3 stiffies
  6. I wish he had done more appearances in Men magazine ❤️
    3 stiffies
  7. I don't know for sure but, he is hot.
    3 stiffies
  8. Who is this guy with the orange sneakers right at the top left? So f*****g hot!
    3 stiffies
  9. Phil Bradley is always Nº 1!!
    2 stiffies
  10. I especially like the cadets!
    2 stiffies
  11. 2 stiffies
  12. Treston Francis
    2 stiffies
  13. 2 stiffies
  14. I remember him from Men magazine ❤️ wish he had done more photo shoots
    2 stiffies
  15. Keegan Whicker Spencer Crofoot
    2 stiffies
  16. 2 stiffies
  17. Looks a lot like another German lockdown is happening and slave wolfgang is sticking to rules like every good german does. But hey fag don't you need a flap on that mask to slip in Dom dicks on demand??? Cos otherwise what the hell use is a faggot to anyone?????? Unless you bend over and spread that pussy wide.
    2 stiffies
  18. The first batch of exposure whore BEST FAG ID CARDS now sitting up there on Banner all displaying stiff fagdicks and more besides. Congratulations on making the grade faggots. Another four to follow next time.
    2 stiffies
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