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Showing content with the most stiffies on 11/30/2020 in Posts

  1. The handsome Thor Thor Bülow is back in New York and builds up his portfolio with a shoot from photographer Rick Day. Thor is under the care of Soul Artist Management in New York, while his mother agency is Elite Models in Copenhagen he’s also under the care of Elite in Stockholm, and Amsterdam.
    6 stiffies
  2. Its the 'fags fall to your knees' Banner just gone up. That is how all faggots should present themselves to the world : naked on knees with hands behind head. The pose of total submission to a dominant man or woman. So why do so many of your albums NOT feature that pose? Because ffs you are all submissive whores and you need to show the world what you are. Get that cellphone out, strip, fall to knees and show us all what you are. Submissive faggots. But some of the faggots who do know what they are now get to be displayed naked on knees on that Banner: darren pizzi from Melbourne Oz, andrew smith from Hampshire UK, boris luptak from Prague Czechia, cleverson oliveira from Brazil, matt smith from Baltimore USA (with the ID onmyknees4men he HAD to be included) markus kniebes from Germany and wolfgang schanz from Hannover Germany.
    4 stiffies
  3. Thinking about a highly original (and surreal) birthday present for a best pal. I wonder if he'd like this........ 1. Take a straight supermarket cucumber and fit a couple of axles and wheels on it from a toy car so that it can roll along. 2. Cut out a curved "Stegosaurus crest" from a lace-pattern serviette and sellotape it to the back of the cucumber... the crest shouldn't be too high and a curved edge is nicer than a jagged one. 3. Tie a piece of string about 4 inches long to the back end of the cucumber. 4. Tie some black lacy girls' knickers to the other end of the piece of string. 5. Put a decent-sized gherkin inside the underwear. When the cucumber is pushed along, it'll drag the knickers with the gherkin inside along with it.
    4 stiffies
  4. 4 stiffies
  5. 4 stiffies
  6. 3 stiffies
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  9. 3 stiffies
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