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Showing content with the most stiffies on 07/06/2020 in Image Comments

  1. What a great shot! Love being able to see the hair under their balls!!!
    1 stiffie
  2. 1 stiffie
  3. 1 stiffie
  4. 1 stiffie
  5. Bryson


    Beautiful photo!
    1 stiffie
  6. 1 stiffie
  7. Sorry ,not a safe place to fuck so get your ass down here!
    1 stiffie
    1 stiffie
  9. umm do you mean Niko Vangelis?
    1 stiffie
  10. Dear Abby: My nephew likes to use my exercise equipment while naked. I don't mind his sweaty ass stains on my seat or his long floppy dick waving at me, BUT I find his hair-cut very dated. What should I do? signed: a confused uncle Dear Confused: Deep-throat that stud until he passes out. Then remove ALL of his body hair. He will get the hint. Abby
    1 stiffie
  11. My God...Steve Rally was the most gorgeous centerfold. I will never forget when I first saw it. I was going into the city to a museum for some reason. I saw the new issue of Playgirl on the newsstand and purchased it and put it in my briefcase. When I got to the museum I immediately went into the men's room and I don't have to tell you what I did then. It was lonely not having anyone to share this with. But I sure did enjoy it...and still do.
    1 stiffie
  12. remember this poster in my bedroom when my parents was away. nice memories
    1 stiffie
  13. 0 stiffies
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