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Showing content with the most stiffies on 07/05/2020 in Albums

  1. Love him and it seem he is so Hot no matter state of undress or dress.
    2 stiffies
  2. Artwork of the late artist Dom Orejudos, also known by his pen name, ‘Etienne’. Born in Chicago in 1933, he and his long-term lover-slash-business partner Chuck Renslow became queer pioneers by drawing and lensing gay erotica which sexualised muscular, sharp-jawed, hyper-masculine subjects. At the time, Orejudos’ sexy illustrations were subversive; they challenged the pervasive link between heterosexuality and masculinity, flipping stereotypes of what ‘gay’ should look like. He may have eventually become best-known for his filthy, brilliant works of gay erotica, but Orejudos initially began his career as a ballet dancer. After studying at ballet school he received a slew of scholarships, and later went on to become resident choreographer at the Illinois Ballet Company, whilst simultaneously working for dozens of other clients. Orejudos even staged his own ballet for a Chicago radio station, landing three Emmy Awards in the process; in the context of the notoriously conservative ballet industry, this achievement was no small feat. This glittering career is also reportedly the reason for his pen names ‘Stephen’, his middle name, and ‘Étienne’, its French equivalent – coined to shield him from controversy.
    1 stiffie
  3. The late, great Handsome Muscle Hunk Brett Mycles
    1 stiffie
  4. Years Active: 1988 – 2000 FALCON STUDIOS INFO: Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown Height: 6′ Position: Bottom Build: Swimmer Body Hair: Smooth Cock: 8″ cut
    1 stiffie
  5. 1 stiffie
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