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Showing content with the most stiffies on 07/05/2020 in Posts

  1. 6 stiffies
  2. I've found this on Stephen King's Twitter page. It’s a break down of certain safety measures taken by certain businesses.
    4 stiffies
  3. July Kanya West as POTUS, Kim Kardashian as FLOTUS
    4 stiffies
  4. There are increasingly moments when I think I need a break from the world. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether it is satire or whether they really mean it. Wear a mask! This must be true when it's written on Facebook. 😣 First hand knowledge.... 😳
    3 stiffies
  5. I just found in my archives what has been my first "exposure" picture (I attach it here). A picture made with the goal to be seen, with the face not totally showed, with lots of fears since it was 2004 and I knew very well that the pic could have gone around much more than I believed I wanted. Scary, but still fear didnt stop me from taking it and sharing it on a social site of the time. At first I did it with a few persons in personal chats, than I posted that pic more publicly and other ones a litte more explicit, into a profile. It happened to me to find those pics elsewhere, and it was so hot. While I became more conscious of my exposure needs a few years ago, when I finally landed in Master Nick yahoo community and began understanding some stuff about myself, I must admit that the last year has been challenging. Family stuff and work stuff kept me busy, kept my mind offline for a time, and still do sometimes, and I really thought it could be the time for exposure being over. I'm 50, am fat, and certainly I am not hot, so beyond my needs there was also the understanding that those pics are not really so enjoyable by many others. In other words, I thought the time had come to call it quits. I was wrong. I never actually detached from the thing, I put myself "on hold" about exposing, and then slowly the whole thing came back to me just like hormones do, growing by the hour, like waves of a swelling sea, and it grows until in a way or the other you find a resolution. Than it all starts growing again. I am in a LTR, am a sub in that relationship as much as I feel dominant in every other aspect of my life, and this exposiing thing does not interfere with that relationship but it still is not part of it (my partner doesnt want to be included in my exposure, that would make it so much hotter I guess heheh). It is kind of "my thing". I feel validated by being looked at, I get horny when someone writes me about my pictures or want to see more of me (it incredibly happens from time to time). And that is me and I am grateful there is a community where we can be exposed, expose and talk about all of this so specific fetish. Just a personal thing, but thank you for having read it all 🙂 Would love to hear about your own path to exposure and how it fits in the complexity of your life.
    2 stiffies
  6. Diego Arnary - Mixed Nudes (some may have been posed before)
    2 stiffies
  7. I don't know what to say Tom except to share something someone said to me in the early training days at Pan Am. "The sooner you understand that most people are stupid, inconsiderate and rude... the easier your life is going to be!" I know that it's increasingly difficult right now because the people who are supporting Donald Trump seem to think that they have a Carte Blanche to act as horrible as he does. With all that in mind I think it's more important now than ever for the rest of us to hold tight to our humanity, humility and commons sense and walk away from these people. I don't want to cry but it's increasingly more difficult to laugh right now.
    2 stiffies
  8. who is this cute lad with head stuck on Steve Kelso's body??
    2 stiffies
  9. 2 stiffies
  10. 2 stiffies
  11. "I'm 50, am fat, and certainly I am not hot, so beyond my needs there was also the understanding that those pics are not really so enjoyable by many others. In other words, I thought the time had come to call it quits". Nono Paolo faggots are NEVER too old to be exposed. Take a look at the fags on this Group fcs! No age discrimination here. And you know it, you will NEVER lose the urge to expose yourself. Glad you're back and getting active again when you can.
    2 stiffies
  12. 1 stiffie
  13. 1 stiffie
    1 stiffie
  15. All of these images except the first two are confirmed by posts to Leblanc's OnlyFans account.
    1 stiffie
  16. 1 stiffie
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