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Showing content with the most stiffies on 07/05/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. just another day in paradise! I did my boy scout good deed for the day; I didn't mention yesterday that my elderly friend sounded terrible on the phone, as if she could not find breath to speak. I worried about her all the day and night, and called again this morning, to find her in much better spirits. I'll try not to break an arm, patting myself on the back. on the boy band again, I have a nice selection for you - every man is superb, however I choose Tamas Miklos as my feature, owing to his unsurpassed charming good looks. I'd like to take him out behind the barn and give him a good licking 😛 welcome to our newest clubmembers, and thank you-all for the Likes & Stiffies you have afforded me. brightens my day! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25786-miguel-diego/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25787-mikhail-alex/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25788-miklos-arpad/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25789-miklos-tamas/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25790-milan-luke/ Colt
    2 stiffies
  2. had to explain to the incompetent who got the paying gig that should have gone to because has been handling their communications for years what exactly this charity organization does how they are governed and it's history especially because the incompetent sent an insipid email saying "why is there no listing of the board of directors? all i can find are lots of documents but shouldn't we have bilaws ('bilaws'? as opposed to homosexuallaws or heterosexuallaws? the moron can not even spell BYLAWS) somewhere? i remember when i first came around it said something about the the organization governs itself? i can edit that but can't find it" SERIOUSLY? had to explain that the entire organization votes on what it does the board merely makes certain that the financials are healthy and that all work is in adherence to its mission the is an organization that this organization is a part of - but we are autonomous that years ago put the members of the board - with contact info and photos so that people could know who they were also added it was sad that knew all this information but apparently had no means to use it and 's abilities completely are put to waste the idiot responds to "well - i know what a charity group is. i really find 's explanation condescending" condescending? oh sweety! was intentionally not being that nice to simply be condescending
    1 stiffie
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