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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/25/2020 in Blog Comments

  1. The sculptor has obviously never been to my kind of witches' sabbath. The fellow I had to meet on the Brocken looked like this: He can do amazing tricks with his tail .... Yes, I have heard Kim Kardashian shows up now and again.
    1 stiffie
  2. You got it wrong. It should go like this "parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme" Thyme honey - duly noted. 😉 Now, I said I would shut up about herbal medicines. Ah well ... Yes, the marvellous melissa. Tasty and good for you. In the summer I regularly make iced melissa and elderberry tea. The best cooling drink ever. And, should you run out of lemon juice, as I did a few years ago while making apple and quince compôte, melissa and apple vinegar can do the job. The name "Melissa" comes from the Greek word μέλισσα (mélissa), "bee", which in turn comes from μέλι (meli), "honey". Melissa was one of the nymph nurses of Zeus, but rather than feeding the baby milk, she fed him honey. 🤓 Now I really have to rush, I have an important meeting at midnight on the Brocken (Blocksberg), and it's rather far, even on a broomstick.
    1 stiffie
  3. The first three pics are of model / actor Jason Lewis.
    0 stiffies
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