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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/23/2020 in Blog Comments

  1. You got it wrong. It should go like this "parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme" Thyme honey - duly noted. 😉 Now, I said I would shut up about herbal medicines. Ah well ... Yes, the marvellous melissa. Tasty and good for you. In the summer I regularly make iced melissa and elderberry tea. The best cooling drink ever. And, should you run out of lemon juice, as I did a few years ago while making apple and quince compôte, melissa and apple vinegar can do the job. The name "Melissa" comes from the Greek word μέλισσα (mélissa), "bee", which in turn comes from μέλι (meli), "honey". Melissa was one of the nymph nurses of Zeus, but rather than feeding the baby milk, she fed him honey. 🤓 Now I really have to rush, I have an important meeting at midnight on the Brocken (Blocksberg), and it's rather far, even on a broomstick.
    1 stiffie
  2. @Tomster thank you for the compliment... I am contemplating writing a book but I'm stuck with the outline right now. I think the biggest compliment I've ever received from any of my writing has been from you in that it has had you consider new comparisons.... Thank you. Although I do have a lot on my plate now and this summer and am taking some time away from the blog.. I have many archived so I'll pick and choose some of those and add them here every now and then. me ke aloha!
    1 stiffie
  3. @bakersman94 I asked because I believe that a mineral deficiency should first be diagnosed before it is addressed (I'm a scientist). As long as one does not suffer from renal insufficiency, excess magnesium is excreted. Such a pity. But you can improve your athletic performance with beer. We have not yet shed light on the calming effect of melissa (lemon balm, Melissa officinalis). Herbs have a beneficial effect on health not only as tea or as an extract. When cooking, they add the necessary spice to the food and sometimes also help the food to be digested better. They can also replace part of the salt (we eat too much of it). When I think of the quantities of different herbs I had in the garden. Starting with melissa, chamomile, different kinds of mint (also catnip), different kinds of thyme, oregano, marjoram, tarragon, sage, lovage, parsley, coriander, rosemary, ... Another advantage of the herbs is that they are a valuable source of food for our bees, bumblebees, butterflies and other insects during the blooming period. Yes! A homemade lavender flower jelly is also delicious. You can also lure me with thyme honey.
    1 stiffie
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