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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/22/2020 in Albums

  1. Here is a sampling of original images I have created with a variety of athletic male model athletes.
    4 stiffies
  2. Erotic Art & Photography Excerpts Issues can be found using this tag. playgirl
    1 stiffie
  3. Erotic Art & Photography Excerpts Full Issues can be found using this tag. Mandingo
    1 stiffie
  4. Personal trainer, natural Men’s Physique competitor, fitness economy student and of course, online coach.
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  5. CONTEST HISTORY Year Federation Contest name Class Place 2019 IFBB Pro League Indy Pro up to 212 lbs 6 2018 NPC Amateur Olympia Heavyweight 1 2018 IFBB Pro Qualifier Mexico Supershow over 90 kg 4
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  6. Gerard P. Donelan (born 1949), known primarily as just Donelan, is an openly gay cartoonist. Part of the first wave of LGBT cartoonists, he drew "It's a Gay Life", a regular single-panel cartoon feature in The Advocate, for 15 years. (From Wikipedia) This is a collection of some of his work.
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  7. 1 stiffie
  8. Drew Holloway Male 34 years old Fargo, North Dakota, US Modeling Mayhem #1350334 Model MM URL: http://www.modelmayhem.com/Drew007 About me As a uniquely experienced model, my goals for joining Model Mayhem are to explore possibilities of working with new/past professionals in the industry and to find new and interesting photographers to explore new types of art in photography. Some examples would be: vastly new canvas/backdrop ideas (whether studio or natural settings), working on specific client need basis i.e. a client wants a portrait of a model wearing a specific article of clothing/specific pose for his or her private gallery. I have had the privilege of working with photographers all over the US. Some include, Tom Watkin (SWPG) Vermont, Robert John Guttke, Minneapolis MN, Edward Bock, Minneapolis, MN and David Vance, Miami FL. I have been in many calendars, advert prints and magazines.
    1 stiffie
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