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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/22/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. ¡Feliz Dia de los Daddies! at long last love, and I do mean lust. my feature for today is Cameron Matthison, and while he may not be as hairy as Marco Martinelli or as hungky as Mark Mason, he is nonetheless very masculine and sexy. welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a big shout-out and thank you to all who afforded me Likes and Stiffies. we were Nº 1 in Likes and Stiffies, though not Nº 1 all over. well, it is something for which we strive. enjoy! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25338-masters-don/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25339-mathis-daniel/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25340-matthison-cameron/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25341-matteis-chris/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25342-matthews-charlie/ Colt
    5 stiffies
  2. in honour of the coming of Fathers Day, we have at least three daddies for your delectation. a little lagniappe to keep my folders in order. for some unknown reason Big Dick Masters big dick was too much for the system to accommodate, so I stuffed it into a zip file, and believe me, the zip file was grateful 🤩 hope you like my lineup, led by the ineffable Mark Mason, who may be called back if they re-release Major Dad. just so long as it's better than Magnum PI. apparently nobody told them the name indicated Magnum (P)en(I)s 🤩 we are still lagging in clubmembership. perhaps I can stand on the street corner with a sandwich board, calling all preverts to SonOfPicJim. many thanks to all who left Likes and Stiffies 🤗 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25327-mason-mark/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21603-mason-tory/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25328-massey-chandler/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25329-massich-kent/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25330-masters-cal/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25331-masters-dick/ ++++++++++++++++++++ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21604-masters-dick/ Colt
    2 stiffies
  3. I bring glad tidings of good news: I have proclaimed the day after Fathers Day to be Basket Day, given to the admiration of the charms of the various daddies in my collection, of which there has been a surfeit. today, led by Gus Mattox, following Cameron Mathison, Dick Masters, Mark Mason, Marco Martinelli, and Chad Martin, I am unable to choose a favourite. Gus does have amazing attributes, largely centered on his jug-handle-like ears which look to be very convenient in directing a really good blowjob. and other accoutrements 🤩 otherwise a quiet day, after a terrible night with my shoulder paining and no daddies here to rub it 😞 well, I see we have new clubmembers, to which I say welcome and thanx to those who left Likes and Stiffies - the whole operation here leaves me a bit stiff 🤣 https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25354-matthews-scott/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25355-matthias-aaron/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21605-mattox-gus/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25356-matz-ronald/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25357-maxon-brian/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  4. Storms and lightening and violent storms used to be one of the things that scared the living daylights out of me (If truth be told they still scare me)... but I've learned to have respect for them with the knowledge that nature like people need to have a way of resetting and balancing... But always take whatever steps necessary to keep yourself out of harms way. I have loved every moment of every day that I've lived in or visited a tropical places... the weather and the lifestyle suit me perfectly as most days and nights have ideal temperatures and conditions of low to mid 80's high temperature during the day and low to mid 70's at night. In Hawaii there are two main seasons... Dry... April through October and Wet... November through March. The most you get in terms of temperature variance is in February where it goes down to the mid 60's at night and into the upper 80's during the day. One of the things I love best about Hawaii is that it can be raining on one side of the island and dry and sunny on the other. Tropical storms in Hawaii are tropical cyclones that form in the South Pacific... the worst in terms of death toll was Iniki in 1992 with six deaths. Hurricanes rarely impact the islands because of their unique geography in that they are usually just outside the arm of danger and weather patterns with winds push them away as they approach. Hurricane Hector passed about 200 miles south of Hawaii in 2018. In terms of weather conditions a Tropical Depression is an atmospheric low pressure with sustained winds of 38 - 62 miles per hour. If you observe the conditions from the window inside it would look like several thunderstorms grouped together. All tropical disturbances are a result of water vapors rising from a warm ocean to create energy to power a storm. I'm bringing all of this up for two reasons... first if you are unfamiliar with being in a tropical storm it's important to to have supplies enough to last at least 10 days to two weeks. Know the safest place in your home or hotel to be during a big storm and... I should not have to say this but... don't go outside until it's safe. I've been thinking about all of this while we have all been locked down in place during the covid-19 crisis mostly in terms of having necessary supplies and sheltering to stay safe... When you live in the tropics you become very attuned to changing weather patterns culminating in a tropical disturbance (I can actually feel the storm coming) a tropical depression and a tropical storm...and a hurricane or typhoon being a storm with sustained winds over 74 miles per hour. I've been in one hurricane and one typhoon... they were both near the top of the list of the most frightening experiences of my life... and my best advice is if you have a chance to leave the place under threat in time... you should do so. My other reason for brining this all up is purely metaphorical... we all (or at least we should) have emotions that can build into concerns, a depression and /or a storm and it's understanding the signs and the changes in our mental outlook and physical wellbeing that are the building blocks to navigating the issues and sorting them out leading us to a greater understanding of ourselves and circumstances. I've said this before too... I have made the best possible choices available at the time and some of them took me places that were not the right destination... other people have sometimes made the worst possible choices and it impacted my life and these are just as important to understand... it's not OK what some people have said and done and a hand full of them are no longer in my life as a result of it... but I've had to take the responsibility for fixing it and moving on... this I think is one of the key factors in not processing disappointments and sadness properly... if you hold on to it and dwell on negative thoughts and energies.... like any storm it grows and becomes worse. One of the things that I've learned from my own experiences with negative people and circumstances is that we don't always have control over our current situation... but we have complete control over our thoughts and habits... and that will impact where we go in the future. I've thought about this while I have been home thinking about empty beaches, museums, theaters and restaurants... as difficult as the last few months have been... the quiet has been a gift to to give me the chance to listen to my own voice from deep inside my soul without the distractions of the noise from the crowds... all of it has helped clear up some of the confusion of what other people have been saying and what I actually know in that happiness is not about a career, or being like what other people expect but listening to your heart and finding yourself and that happiness is not in the hands of other people. I've had a chance to get my bearings and reset my compass as the world has had a chance to push away the toxins and pollution... I never thought I would see a day with no air pollution over the skies of Los Angeles or the canals in Venice crystal clear... I'm seeing the world much as I see myself and circumstances right now... the clouds are clearing and anything and everything is possible again... One of the most important things I learned living in The Caribbean is... there are some things you can only learn because of a storm... it's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings. Finally yesterday was the first day of summer... and those of you who have been reading since I started this project... I am taking this time to be one of the boys of summer... See you in September. Have fun... but stay safe...Hurricane Season is 1,June to 30, November! PS... I'm starting a new bucket list with..
    1 stiffie
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