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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/17/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. Before I begin this blog, I want to thank @Tomster for inspiring me to do this blog post after reading his post, https://www.adonismale.com/blogs/entry/1184-on-life-iii/. I would like to bring up the topic of sleeping naked. As some of you may already know that I do sleep naked from some of my photos I've added here. I don't think it wasn't until college is when I really began to sleep 😴 completely naked. I had possibly a dozen or so times back in high school but then it was usually an oversized T & a thong or bottomless. Of course back then in Chula Vista, CA (were I am originally from, just south of San Diego) there were just those days where its been just too damn hot 🌞 to where the AC can't keep up to keep the house cool enough, much like here in Kennesaw. Back then there was a night when I just said fuck it & went to bed naked. The next morning I felt so much better as it was one of the better nights I had slept without tossing around. So every now & then I would go to bed naked & much like before, slept great. I believe this is why I still sleep naked to this day. Of course there have been a couple times where I've been caught sleeping naked! 🀣 One time I had overslept & my younger brother had came in to wake me up. Usually my door would've been closed, but apparently I was so sound asleep 😴 that I didn't hear him knock. Much to his surprise & I am sure to his delight as well that he got an eyeful of his sister completely naked! After nudging me a couple times, I woke up from my slumber & much like him earlier, I too was surprised of his presence after realizing that I was laying there naked in front of him. Funny thing is, after that I really didn't mind that he saw me like that, let alone naked anytime afterwards. I did get my payback from that as one morning the tables were turned. One morning I had to go get his ass up & much like him back when he woke up up, I opened his bedroom door to see that he was sleeping naked. The thing that made this special is that when I approach him, I could clearly see his penis was fully erect! Dunno what came over me (most likely that I couldn't take my eyes off of his beautiful erect penis) but rather than nudge him to wake him up, I decided to take his penis into my mouth & suck him! I slowly began to touch & lick it while gently caressing his balls, then after a bit began to suck it! Thing is that I was getting so horny sucking on my brother's penis that managed to pull down my thong & began to tease my clit. After a few minutes my brother woke up & happen to look down & was surprised to see his sister giving him a blow job! While collecting himself he tells me he thought he was dreaming of getting his penis sucked only to realized his sister has going to town sucking on it! I pulled it out of my mouth just enough to tell him that when he needed to unload his cum that he can into my mouth. Just a few moments after that my brother let out a lil pleasure moan & tensed up as he unloaded his semen right into his sister's mouth! I swallowed most of his yummy cum! 🀀 In college I pretty much slept naked most of the time. On occasion topless with a thong but majority of the time I slept naked! My roomie got into the enjoyment of sleeping naked as well. Of course there were a couple times we would return from a party half to fully blitz only to end up naked together in bed, which led to some caressing & enjoying each others naked body. Once she confessed to me that she had never been naked in bed with another woman but was glad she did as she enjoyed it. Since then & every now & then her & I would spend a night naked fucking each other, from using toys to scissoring. Will admit at times it was the best sex I had even though I was getting mostly fucked by men. I am pretty much the same today about sleeping naked. I will & have slept naked even on trips like to Hedo or pretty much anytime & anywhere I've been with my man. Links of interest: https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-sleeping-naked https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325300 https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-benefits-sleeping-naked-you-probably-didnt-know.html http://www.gaylifeafter40.com/sleeping-naked-is-great-for-your-health/
    1 stiffie
  2. Are you still asleep or up already? Are you a late riser or an early bird? Long long time ago I was a late riser. Please do not confuse with a late bloomer. Anyway, I took every chance to start the day later. The weekend was always meant to sleep in. Something's changed. Several years ago I changed my behaviour to the contrary. It was at a time when I had trouble sleeping. I woke up at night, always thinking about the unfinished tasks, personal goals, ideas and rolled from side to side until I finally fell asleep again in the early morning. When my alarm clock rang, I pressed the snooze button again and again. This battle turned into a morning ritual. When I sat at my desk later I was drained and tired. I did the most urgent tasks and postponed all the others in the hope that I would be fitter the next day. Procrastination is a vicious circle. Now it happened that I got up when I lay awake around 4 am. It wasn't intended. I didn't even think about. I just decided to get up. What happened now was interesting. I enjoyed the morning peace and quiet, started to work off my tasks and the to-do list was getting shorter. So I started thinking. I began to deal with the matter. Why did I sleep better again? Why was I more productive? Why was I more relaxed? 5 reason to get up at 5 a. m. Clarity You have not yet been pushed to and fro by a thousand small and large demands from a thousand directions until you feel dizzy. No one is bothering you, neither mails, nor phone calls, nor life gets in your way. Your partner is still sleeping, your colleagues and your competition even more so. Television has nothing to offer. Benjamin Franklin got up at 5 a.m. every morning to be able to plan citizen militias undisturbed, to design the US Constitution in his head and to invent the lightning rod. The philosopher Immanuel Kant got up at this time to smoke a pipe, meditate and think up his epistemology or phrases like "One who makes himself a worm cannot complain afterwards if people step on him.". At 5 a.m. there is only you, with your clear thoughts, your plans, your goals. Full of energy and time for you. Self-discipline Why do we so rarely manage to do sports after work, or take care of our household or finally give our family and friends the attention they deserve? Why are most diets thrown overboard in the evening? Self-discipline is like a muscle that goes limp during the day. Every little decision you make (Quickly cross the crossroads at yellow?), every tiny task you don't do out of pure joy or habit (Quickly iron your shirt before going to the office. Better to eat only the apple than the family pack of chocolate bars), strains the muscle of self-discipline. Like any other muscle, it needs energy. At the end of the day there is nothing left of it. All your plans to lose weight, to do sports, to meditate regularly, to start a business, to read more books or to learn to play the guitar, are confronted in the evening, unarmed, with an army of old, bad habits, light distractions and tiredness. At 5 a.m., you're more self-disciplined than you've ever been that day. Why not invest this energy in yourself and your dreams instead of giving it away over the day to your job and the things that others want to do with you ("Heyyy, do you have a minute...?"). Enthusiasm Between 6 and 9 in the morning, people tweet with the highest percentage of words like "fantastic!", "super", "proud" and "shit, that's cool!", according to the results of a major analysis. It's the people who, in all outward calm, did great things with joy while the sun was rising. At 5 o'clock in the morning you still have plenty of time to do things that feel fantastic, bring you forward and make you feel proud. While your fellow men are still wallowing in bed. Creativity Ernest Hemingway got up at dawn to write about old men and the seas, the war and snow on Kilimanjaro, securing himself a Nobel Prize in Literature and millions of readers. At 5 a.m. you can hang on to the teat of creativity and drink from it with big gulps. Sounds disgusting, but it works. The early morning attracts SUCCESS James Citrin, CEO of a global recruitment agency and himself an early riser by conviction, asked 20 managers of international corporations when they get up and how they spend the morning hours. None of them started the day after 6 a.m. One of the interviewees was Steve Reinemund, former head of PepsiCo. Reinemund gets up at 5 a.m., goes for a four-mile run (outside or on the treadmill), takes a shower, meditates, reads a book or the newspaper, and then spends breakfast time with his children without rush before he drives to the office and starts the work day. He knows: what is most important to him must be done first. Because during the day, urgent things come to the foreground, which do not necessarily have to be important. At 5 o'clock in the morning, the successful ones take the reins of their lives in their hands. Thanks to my monk for reminding me. The five reasons may now appear to some to be somewhat contrary to the completion of tasks. No. I transformed myself into an early riser and realized that it is of the greatest advantage for my private life as well as for my job. Both spheres must be in harmony, in balance. By getting up early I managed to keep this balance. Every day I got up just before 4 a.m. At first I allowed myself a delicious tea, which I enjoyed most of all on the balcony in the summer months in all peace and quiet. There is hardly anything better than the sunrise and the chirping of the birds in the morning. Afterwards I went for the morning sport. Freshly showered and wide awake, I got into the car after a leisurely breakfast to arrive at the office shortly before 7 am, two hours before business hours. In these first two hours I accomplished the most essential tasks. BTW, my to-do lists are not sorted by priority, because everything is always important or appears to be. My lists are divided into unpleasant, pleasant and enjoyable tasks. The unpleasant tasks are to be done first. Even for this there is a simple reason. As long as you know that you have an unpleasant task to do, you work less concentrated. The energy is vasted only with the thought "I still have to do this... shit.". But once you've done that, you just pat yourself on the back and say "Well done". Through the relief and the sense of achievement, you gain new strength but above all you are more relaxed and in a better mood. At the end of the day I have more time for myself, for my partner,.... and so on. Just because I got up earlier, did not procrastinate, got things finished. Also on weekends I got up at this time. The best time to bake bread and buns. I've learned that many people do not understand the importance of (self)discipline, (self)structure and (self)balance as essential tools to live a more fulfilling, positive life. Getting up early is a simple first step, which should be complemented later with further puzzle pieces, such as purposeful relaxation, meditation, etc. But it is a first step. In the past weeks and months I was able to observe that especially those people of whom I know that they have a similar attitude towards life and use the same or similar techniques as I do, can deal with the current situation much better. As is commonly known, some things in my life have changed in the meantime. I am still an early bird. Something that will never change. I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 o'clock in the morning, get up and usually prepare an Earl Gay (a self-made herbal tea) with lemon. I enjoy it together with the pleasant silence and the sound of the waves on the deck. Pat and sometimes Ben join me about a half hour later. We swim a few lanes and jog a few kilometres before enjoying the breakfast my husband has prepared in the meantime (or we all prepare it together) in all comfort. After that we are ready for all the tasks and challenges of the day. In doing so, we also pay attention to balance, to enjoy the pleasant things and moments. Being an early riser does not mean going to bed early. There is a German wisdom "Mit den Hühnern schlafen gehen." (go to bed with the chickens [and you hold the cock in your hand when you wake up]*) which says that you should go to bed early like the chickens. I realized that my body demands much less sleep than I had ever thought before. *the part in square brackets is a commonly known addition 😁 Life is energy. (If you have read carefully, you have already figured this out.) This energy can be channeled in a purposeful way. Thanks for reading. Please let me know by your comments if you are interested in techniques to transform yourself into an early bird and other ways to achieve more positivity, balance in your life.
    1 stiffie
  3. lunch with the bunch at a forgotten watering hole which appears to be completely back to normal. back here, regarding the collection and the usual problem of choosing a feature. I guess I will go with Chad Martin, who offers the most loving, pound for pound. it must be terrible to have to go through life being so hunkable. anyway - no new clubmembers to welcome 😞 however many thanx for the likes and stiffies left by those who visit. https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21600-mars-ray/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25245-marshall-alan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25246-marshall-caleb/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25247-martignago-brandy/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/25248-martin-chad/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  4. has not had a breakout of hives for years and that was easily figured out that it was an allergy to shellfish & associates had always included fried shrimp whenever we got chinese food as take out had some of the shrimp and - at 1:00 AM woke up itching and 's personage felt blotchy staggered to the potty - turned on the light - and saw covered - literally from head to toesies - in hives even with medication it took 6 months to get it out of 's system the other evening thought had a new pet ringworm but it was peculiarly itchy then thought was somehow covered in bug bites so put ointments on to calm the itching an hour later saw the "bug bites' spread and blotched out they be hives! after another few hours the hives faded away the next day took an allergy pill as this - essentially was what had taken years before the outbreak was nothing like with the shellfish but still - who wants hives? the day after...no hives then this morning 's "ringworm" returned in the same spot in 15 minutes the bug bite looking spots returned to 's arms there were a couple on 's legs too but that was it within another 10 minutes they were clearly hives and 2 hours later....all gone was it the packaged romain lettuce? had not used this vendor before. maybe there was something on the lettuce? was it the salad dressing? had eaten the dressing before with no ill effects is thinking that maybe now allergic to strawberries had a few the night of the big out break and one large strawberry last night and maybe that very large strawberry was all it took for the minor outbreak? dunno eats lots of veggies and will not give up 's fave lettuce - tho avoiding that vendor is easy enough but what if it is strawberries? easy enough to avoid but that is kinda unfair after all it ain't a living creature like a scallop it is a strawberry however many say veggies and fruits do scream out in horror and pain when plucked from trees and shrubbery or out of the ground soon expects to be beaten up by a tree
    1 stiffie
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