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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/13/2020 in Blog Comments

  1. I don't completely agree. They often seem to make it as complicated, confusing, counter-intuitive, arbitrary, capricious, and downright difficult for the end user as possible! 😡
    1 stiffie
  2. memo to all: please be aware that computerized error messages are not reliable. the people who make so much more money than I, never consider the end user. or the end user's end 🤣
    1 stiffie
  3. Yes, that's probably exactly what happened after further investigation. You originally posted an album in your club, and then replaced it with a file because of the studio. I'm aware of the error message as a long-standing issue with the software. The problem is that the software displays one generic error message for EVERYTHING, so I'm forced to use a message that covers the most common set of error(s). Otherwise, I would have long-ago tweaked and customized the error messages as appropriate for individual circumstances.
    1 stiffie
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