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Showing content with the most stiffies on 06/12/2020 in Album Comments

  1. From “Beloved booties of models past and present”
    3 stiffies
  2. Thx JoelR. Don’t have the skill to do anything but point in the right direction I.e. Jared Kopacki has several great pics from just googling him. Really wish that I had a fraction of your expertise. Thx for all that u do. love - Jamie T.😎
    1 stiffie
  3. Hi @Jamie I would love if the community would be willing to contribute and attach more photos or biographical information on what the centerfold is doing now. You're welcome to provide the information.
    1 stiffie
  4. Gang - there are several great recent pics of Jared not only in fatigues but in full dress uniform. Googling him will provide a treasure trove. It’d be great, JoelR et al, if AM cud have a where are they now placing more recent pics alongside the brilliant Playgirl photo spreads. Thx for considering. In the meantime, Jared is great hard on material in uniform and out. Love - Jamie T.😎
    1 stiffie
  5. Very good looking man. Love the way he grabs the goods in some of the photos in this series. Hope he will let me grab them as well.
    1 stiffie
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