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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/31/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. Today is Whitsunday. For me it was never anything special, except that Whitmonday is a holiday in Germany. Now it has got another meaning for me. There is a very simple reason for this. We live on one of the 74 Whitsunday Islands. Whitsunday Island itself is the largest island and the centre of the Whitsunday Island Group. Since this island is very close, it is only a few minutes with our flybridge cruiser to get there. I love to have a walk on one of the Island's trails. My favourite is the Whitsunday Peak walk. The trail is 2.2 km one-way. Now, if you think this is a piece of cake, you are sorely mistaken. (I'll talk about a cake later.) This track is steep and physically demanding. Much of the track is rough and rocky. But the views of the Whitsundays from the island's highest peak at 407 m above sea level are sensational. As Whitsunday is not only the name of the island, but a special Sunday, baking is the order of the day. When Joel was amazed that @malelover got a cake named after him, I thought, what cake could be named after @JoelR . I just need to look at JoelR's profile photo and I am aware Joel is an athletic beefcake. The combination of beef and cake is an Aussie Pie for sure. I haven't tried to bake an Aussie pie yet, because Pat's pies - a shortcrust pastry base, topped with a puff pastry lid and filled with a stew of minced beef, onions, and mushrooms - are just too delicious. Back to a cake for @JoelR . It was important to me that the ingredients are available without having to travel around the world. I remembered a cake that I was able to bake quickly in the morning and serve it a few hours later. Something you need when you get a visit at short notice. I always have the ingredients for this cake in my house - in Germany. I was thinking that I have all the ingredients here in the pantry, but I realized that I do not have enough cream. The first thought was of course to ask our blokes if I may milk them ... However, I need 600 grams ... Cream is composed of the higher-fat layer skimmed from the top of milk. When I whip the cream for too long, I get butter (and buttermilk). So I thought, why not simply increase the fat percentage of the milk with butter. So I took 400 g of milk and 200 g of butter, put them in a pot and heated them until the butter had melted. I then put it in the blender and mixed it at high speed until I had a homogeneous, high-fat milk - cream. It is quite a good alternative for the cream and good enough to cook the pudding. Back to the actual subject again. Apart from easily available ingredients, a cake named after Joel should be sweet, fruity and juicy. Let's bake. For the cake base: 230 g flour 150 g sugar 100 g butter (cold) 18 g baking powder 1 egg 1 pinch salt 500 g Canned Apricot Halves (net weight) For the pudding: 600 g cream 30 g sugar 50 g cornstarch 1 egg yolk 1 vanilla pod Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Add the flour, sugar, salt, egg and the lightly cut butter in a bowl. Knead everything quickly by hand into a pastry. As it is a kind of short pastry, please only knead until the dough just sticks together. Place the dough in a round, greased baking pan (diameter 28 cm) and spread it evenly by hand. Side note: Shortcrust pastry normally needs to chill. That's not necessary with this one. Bake it for 10 minutes at 180 °C top/bottom heat. Take the pre-baked base out of the oven and cover it with the apricot halves. Mix the cornstarch, sugar, egg yolk with some of the cream until smooth. Add the remaining cream, vanilla pulp to a saucepan, mix and bring to a boil. Add the cornstarch mixture and stir until the pudding thickens. Spread the pudding evenly over the cake. Bake it for 45 minutes at 180 °C. I love to give JoelR err the cake extra bottom heat in the final 5-10 minutes. This caramelises the base slightly and makes it a little crispy. You can also sprinkle some sugar on the surface of the hot cake. Let the cake cool down and serve with whipped cream. Now it's up to @JoelR to decide if the cake merits his name. The cake is sweet, fruity, juicy, but also masculine, as the bottom is crispy and the pudding is firm like a muscular guy.
    3 stiffies
  2. marketing day - walmart did not have any bleach (not in desperate need) nor the margarine I like - losers - I got most of my yayas out bitching to my hag in Dallas, so will turn to more pleasant topics. toothsome males I guess I choose Tony Lombardy, one of a couple of brunettes in the world who could make me give up blondes. this man has a butt, and he appears to know how to use it thanks to all clubmembers who awarded Likes and Stiffies, and here's hoping that long your stiffies wave! https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21545-logan-kent/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24473-lombardi-vince/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21546-lombardy-tony/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21547-london-anthony/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24474-london-bryce/ Colt
    2 stiffies
  3. Right now at least for me the biggest heroes on my list are the men and woman around the world working in health care who have been fighting on the front lines against covid-19... But before I begin I want to address something that I received a few e-mails about in the last week or so... that it's my tendency to write about the past... I want to be perfectly clear that I have no interest or wish to go backwards and live in the past or try to hold on to it in todays world... but it's important to remember certain people and events because they are largely responsible for shaping us into the type of people we have become. If you want to take some time and go back and reread some of what I have written... even reading between the lines... I don't dwell on the negative circumstances or people... I have simply learned the lesson I was supposed to and moved on. But keeping the positive influences and wins... are important for the present and the future... in my opinion. This to me is the ultimate meaning of "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water." Reflecting on my past and the parts I played in the world and simply what I observed I have had a lot of heroes in my life... from Rosa Parks to John Glenn to Michael Phelps and a lot of people in between... some of them have inspired me for a single moment in time and others for decades... but I'll get back to all this later. Hero--- noun a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It's been suggested that the 12 central traits of heroism are... Moral Integrity Bravery Conviction Courage Self-Sacrifice Selflessness Determination Inspirational Helpful Protective Honesty Determination These are all wonderful qualities... and to me they are the things that can help make someone a winner and/or a leader... but not necessarily a hero. I think it is simply doing the right thing and upholding the principles of human decency. Peter Norman at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City inspired me years after his heroic stand wearing a badge on his uniform that read "Olympic Project For Human Rights" from an organization set up a year earlier to oppose racism in sport. In one of the most iconic photographs in sports history Peter Norman like John Carlos and Tommie Smith were banned from the Olympics but he is the one who was forgotten by the world for taking a stand. At his funeral both Smith and Carlos gave the eulogy and carried his coffin... as Carlos said "he was a lone soldier for his small but determined stand against racism."... "He just happened to be a white Australian guy standing with two black guys on the victory stand all believing in the same thing." The US Track and Field Association declared the day of his death 9, October 2006 as "Peter Norman Day" the first time in the organizations history that such an honor was bestowed on a foreign athlete. The three remained lifelong friends since their chance meeting in Mexico City. From this I found a new hero in Colin Kaepernick... and also for everyone else who is standing up for doing what is right... If I owned a business this sign would be on the door. Anyone who is standing up to do the right thing to me is a hero... but if you are going to talk the talk you have to walk the walk the walk in everyday life... that is how it's easy to separate the real ones from the posers... Since the fire has passed through Mallacoota Australia last year this amazing, selfless young man was out searching for injured wildlife. This is one of 7 koalas he’s saved. Like everything else in life there are different levels of heroism... some people pledge millions of dollars to do something important but they publicize it so that the act reflects on them and their image... others go about it a bit more quietly and thoughtfully... don't get me wrong we need both kinds of heroes in the world... but doing something because you are inspired by someone or something to me is what makes a hero. I've never really been inspired by a character or a movie... Superman in particular because I was at Elstree Studios when it was being filmed and I saw behind all the magic and the glitter... but I have been in awe of some of the people in and out of the entertainment industry who have used their voice and money and have been able take a stand for doing the right thing... Sometimes being a hero is quite simple... other times you have to draw on your own powers of empathy and really go out of your way to make a difference... Everybody needs someone to make them feel like tomorrow is more than just another day... and really understanding this is in my opinion of the true character of a hero. It's taken me almost my entire life to figure something out... it's about not avoiding the bruises you can get in life but also collecting the scars to prove that we showed up and stood up for something. I know more people than I should who would be horrified if they saw their character in the mirror and not their reflection... I'm grateful that I'm not one of them... and that I know that my fingerprints can not be wiped away from any act of kindness as they can not from other peoples acts of treachery and/or deceit ... it's important for me to know that maybe someday someone will hear a song I sang and remember me and hopefully I will have inspired them in some small way to make a difference where they can. I would be remiss neglecting to bring attention to the biggest hero in my life who I held out for for many years to find... Thank you Nicholas from the bottom of my heart you have always had my back. I am embarking on a chapter in my life that has taken a great deal of time and soul searching so that I can make a difference in someone's life... I'm not going to tell you what it is... because that's the kind of hero I have always wanted to be. See you next time. Be safe... and do the right things for the right reasons...
    1 stiffie
  4. Stunning images of faces
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  5. the attack of the Loftins: Aaron the cute, Jack the naughty, and Mike the boy next door! I should not have favourites, however, Aaron is far and away able to blow me far and away. what a cute boy! hoping you all are well and in-the-pink, I thank everyone who has awarded Likes and Stiffies, the feedback I cherish most. also am pleased that we are starting to have little notes and quips, and I must recognize @JackFTwist for helping so much in getting names str8tened out (Jack Mc Farlane would say gayed out, but that doesn't work here). https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24447-lockett-jake/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24448-loehrer-benjamin/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24449-loftin-aaron/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24451-loftin-jack/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24452-loftin-mike/ ++++++++++++++++++++ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21544-loftin-aaron/ Colt
    1 stiffie
  6. another day, another devalued dollar! the gods are bowling in Valhalla, however the sun is full out and no rain seems imminent. whatever. I'm here surrounded by beautiful boys, lovely lads, and macho males, which suits me down to the ground. I have finished Miscellaneous Male Models L, and again give thanx to the clubmembers who submitted images for the first couple of passes. one hates to be thought a size queen, however I really enjoy lots of pix of my models. LOTS. the feature for today is a young man called Vicent Llorach, and I have to say, I find him a treasure. wish I found him under my pillow tonight 🤩 please remember my appeal to keep our club on the rise 😀 and thanks to all of you for the Likes and Stiffies which I've enjoyed. https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24141-miscellaneous-male-models-l/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24324-lively-eric/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24325-llorach-vicent/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24326-lloyd-jones-max/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24327-lo-cicero-joe/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21541-locke-trent/ Colt
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  7. another day around the ranch with the boys [sigh] my imagination runs rampant with all this male muscularity and magnficence! the featured fella for today is Kris Lord, who, oddly enough would never get ordered by me out of the boyfriend book based on text alone. however he has given a great deal of fun to a great number of fundaments, and I have video proof. smatter of fact, I think I will go hunting him and Danny Summers relaxing by the pool 🤩 a reminder that I need assistance in locating more clubmembers if we are to continue our growth, and thanks be to those who have awarded Likes and Stiffies! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24538-long-howie/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24543-long-richard/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24546-lopes-juliano/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24551-lorca-anthony/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24558-lord-kris/ ++++++++++++++++++++ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21548-lord-kris/ Colt
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