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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/19/2020 in Posts

  1. The faggot is correct. Reach that exposure tipping-point and you will never retrieve the situation ( well not without incredible persistence and loads of DMCA takedown notices anyway). I guess the possibility of being recognised is all part of the thrill, but the reality maybe not so much. Just think of it: even explaining to your best buddies why you are shown naked online with a hard on, fag scrawled across your forehead and your tongue licking the rim of a toilet bowl. It won't be easy LOL.
    3 stiffies
  2. Dimitrije Sreckovic
    3 stiffies
  3. my first celebrity crush was George Lazenby, he only did one James Bond movie. Her Majesty's Secret Service.
    3 stiffies
  4. Philipp Brem during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
    3 stiffies
  5. Nice! Thanks for sharing.
    3 stiffies
  6. Looks like fag Stefan is following in Boris's well trodden footsteps. Objective: to get all his fagbros naked named and exposed.
    2 stiffies
  7. 2 stiffies
  8. My first celebrity crush was Glen Campbell. I was 4 and too young to know why I got so excited when I'd see him on TV and cried when his show was over. He always looked so boyishly cute. Then I developed a crush on Mike Connors from Mannix. Sexy man driving sexy machines. Once I went to black/brown haired guys, I never went back...lol....Okay John Schneider from DOH was an exception, but it's been Dylan McDermott for years now. Actor Mike Evans who played the original Lionel Jefferson on All In The Family and The Jeffersons. Sooo Sexy!
    2 stiffies
  9. Dmitry Averyanov
    2 stiffies
  10. 2 stiffies
  11. Austin Track by Rick Day
    2 stiffies
  12. A young Philipp Brem during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
    2 stiffies
  13. A young Philipp during his time at Fitcasting.com, before he became one of their success stories and graduated to mainstream modeling.
    2 stiffies
  14. Porn superstar Marcus Mojo, formerly known as Landon Mycles.
    2 stiffies
  15. Russian model Alex Konobeevskikh. He can wash my car anytime, preferably without the Marcuse swimwear. I'd definitely give him a tip that would bring a smile to his face.
    2 stiffies
  16. Thierry Lecomte
    2 stiffies
  17. 2 stiffies
  18. yes a great job by Boris! And thank you Master Nick! At the same time I would have to warn the fags (not that they would listen) that not only will the exposure be irreversible, there will be consequences! you will have to explain to work colleagues, family, friends etc why you are exposed as such a faggot slut all over the net. Think of the most embarrassing thing you ever did, multiply it by a 1000 and you're still nowhere close!
    2 stiffies
  19. Justin Leonard by David Anthony
    2 stiffies
  20. 1 stiffie
  21. Harry Rowley
    1 stiffie
  22. PHOTOGRAPHER: Milano Art
    1 stiffie
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