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Showing content with the most stiffies on 05/12/2020 in Blog Entries

  1. Since my adventurous life has taken me to Australia, I now experience new adventures almost every day. As I am not a native speaker of English, it is sometimes quite exhausting and requires concentration. On the other hand, I am grateful for the fact that I learn something new every day. But sometimes it also feels as if there are not enough words in the English language to express yourself precisely. Somehow I am quite helpless when a single word in English has five or six different meanings in German. Kind of confusing, isn't it? For example, when I hear buns, I can only deduce from the context what is actually meant by them. or maybe the buttocks of a person. When someone tells me that my buns look great, should I thank him for the compliment and tell him that I train regularly, or give him the recipe? The products of the bakery are good and delicious, the guys are very nice. But I am also aware that there are additives in the products, which I have been avoiding since I started baking myself. Since I have enough time, I thought, why not bake it myself every now and then. A new adventure has begun ... Anyone who is familiar with my blog entries on sourdough, Levieto Madre and bread knows that I am used to differentiate flour by so-called Types. When I called the grocery store (since a few weeks they only deliver), I was asked which flour it should be. Plain Flour, Perfection Bakers Flour, Superb Bakers Flour, Soft Flour, Self Raising Flour .... HELP!!! I told them I wanted to make buns and pizza. They said that they have Wallaby Flour by Laucke, which ist the suitable for that purpose. I accepted the recommendation, ordered. Soon after, I googled the product. That's the result: Wallaby flour can be used universally in the bakehouse and patisserie for yeast raised products. Our Wallaby flour is a strong flour with characteristics tailored to provide doughs that are capable of successfully meeting a wide range of baking requirements. Doughs produced are of good water absorption and balanced; being strong, extensible and tolerant. Wallaby flour is used for yeast raised product – standard white bread, bread rolls, hearth and flat breads, pizza, and specialist products such as bagels, yeast donuts, buns and croissants. It is also suited to most pastries, heavy fruit cakes, cream puffs and any product which requires a well balance and tolerant dough. The Wallaby is one of Australia’s most well known and most diversely adapted marsupials. The wallaby is uniquely attuned to its environment which covers a wide range of the Australian continent; from the rocky ridges of South Australia’s Flinders Ranges to the dense forests of northern New South Wales. Generally, wallabies tend to become active in the late afternoon and evening when they leave the safety of dense vegetation and scrub to graze on grasses in open areas. They are a social animal sleeping communally and then moving and feeding in groups of up to twenty or more. Our Wallaby Bakers Flour is available in three size packs 5kg, 12.5kg and 25kg Our Wallaby Bakers Flour is available online in a 5kg bag. Wheat flour is made from wheat, rye flour from rye and spelt flour from spelt. YIKES!!! Do they mill lovely wallabies? When the delivery arrived and I spotted it was made from wheat, it was such a relief. Let's bake Tommy's buns! Ingredients: 500 g Wallaby Flour (All-Purpose Flour, Type 550) 155 g Water (cold) 155 g Soy milk (natural, cold) 20 g Butter 10 g Honey 10 g Salt 10 g Yest (fresh) - Thanks to our bakery where I got the yeast. Since the flour is new to me, I kneaded the dough completely by hand. It is easier to recognize the right consistency and you will have a better feeling when the dough is properly kneaded. I initially retained 25 g of the water. If you knead a bun or bread dough by hand, it starts out as a mess and ends up as a workout (while some other kind of workout ends up with a mess ), because you have to knead for 10-15 minutes until the dough has a smooth, elastic structure. I started at about 10 in the morning. When the dough was kneaded, I formed it into a ball, put it in a lightly oiled bowl, covered the bowl and put it in the fridge. The next morning I got up a little earlier, took the dough from the fridge, divided it into 10 about 80 g heavy pieces and formed them into buns. I cut the dough pieces about 3/4 deep right at the beginning and laid them in a linen cloth with the cut downwards and covered them with the cloth. They now had 45 minutes to acclimatize and to rise a little. During this time I heated up the oven to 250°C. Shortly before I put the dough pieces into the oven with enough space between them (cut to the top), I brushed them with water. I baked them with steam at 250°C for 20 minutes. During the last 5 minutes I opened the oven door a little bit. This makes them crunchy. I took this photo shortly before serving. None of the 10 buns survived breakfast. When Pat told me that my buns were the best he ever had, I could tell from the context what compliment he paid me. Happy Baking!
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  2. Benjamin West, Mrs. Wordell as Hebe
    1 stiffie
  3. this is a day for rejoicing! I got a haircut!! no longer do I look like a koala in heat!!! and I am coming to another milestone - to the end of the K's in my named models, which leads me to discuss the ineffable Pete Kuzak. I have it in mind for him as one to head up my stud ranch which I propose to call the Triple K Bar Ranch. it was going to be the KKK ranch, however, that seemed politically incorrect. on said ranch, Steve Kelso, Noel Kemp, and Pete Kuzak will act as general foremen with 18 foremen under them. each of those foremen will have 18 men under them, for a total of just under 1000 ranch hands. Steve Kelso will act as the general manager and ram-rod all the tops, Noel Kemp will supervise all the bottoms, and Pete Kuzak will tend to the versatiles. it could work! so I welcome new clubmembers to my world, and thank a few of you for remembering to award Likes and Stiffies. I don't wish to come off as over-competitive, but it is nice to be Nº1! so, Scarlett, tomorrow is another day! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24130-kurek-ryan/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24131-kurilenko-maxim/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24132-kuttler-aaron/ https://www.adonismale.com/files/file/21318-kuzak-pete/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24133-kvaeken-haakon/ Colt
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  4. well, it's officially off - my dreams of riding a Mountie all across Canada, well, at least a train, have been torpedoed. so I am trying to conserve part of my badly needed vacation - fingers crossed. have been working on the collection and got a very nice note from one of the clubmembers, regarding assisting my efforts. I am wading through the Ks on the way to the ever wonderful, ever beautiful Pete Kuzak (tomorrow). today I have a tasty lineup of lads, led by Christian Kruse who really gives me a taste for carrots. I'll have to see what's in my supper salad. on the return to normalcy, it appears our lunch bunch is reconstituting, which is very cheering. my diet doesn't vary very much from day to day, so eating out once a week is looked forward to! welcome to our newest clubmembers, and a reminder that Likes and Stiffies in the albums are much appreciated. one hates to be thought too competitive, however it is cheering to be on top! https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24112-krupnov-alex/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24113-kruse-christian/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24114-krzystia-peter/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24115-kuclo-steve/ https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/album/24116-kuhlmann-seth/ Colt
    1 stiffie
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