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Showing content with the most stiffies on 04/15/2018 in Posts

  1. Jess Vill is a French model with a Middle Eastern background. He was born on January 14th, 1985. Growing up in Amiens, a northern French city, Jess didn’t really know what he was really passionate about. He dreamt of becoming a pastry chef when he was just a little boy, and that dream came true for him! However, after 7 years in the field, he got bored of it and was looking for a new calling. He still has a day job which has to do with water pipe construction, but his passion has become modeling. Modeling started out as just something where he could keep some photos of himself to enjoy. It wasn’t until 2012 when he had his breakthrough in modeling and her really found a passion for it. Then, once he got some reputation in the field, he was even named as Mister Men France 2014. What he enjoys modeling for the most are brands which allow him to show off his physique, those being underwear brands, swimwear brands, and even sportwear brands. There’s nothing that is too big of a challenge for him. Mr. Vill has no problem working with photographers of all styles and he has been associated with some of the biggest names in the business. Photographers such as Peter Versnell, Thomas Synnamon, David Vance, Salvador Pozo, Rick Day, Lionel Andre, Alex S, and Jorge Freire have all worked with Jess and have created some really hot photoshoots with him. He looks forward to working with new names that he has never had the experience of working with in the past as he always looks for new friends and connections in the industry to both raise his profile and allow him to do what he loves. Though he grew up in the north part of France, he moved to the south. It was probably the warmer climate which attracted him as he managed to find a spot as close to Spain as possible. It’s not surprising that he’s looking for a warmer place to live in since then he can show off his abs and muscular physique for longer during the year. Nobody can really object to that, not even the northerners who can check out his entire portfolio online. It’s eye candy in all honesty, and there are many physical features to admire on Jess Vill. Outside of photo modeling, Jess also has a large portfolio of fitness modeling as well. That’s not where his interests end when it comes to photography, however. He has also tended to veer into artistic shoots as well. His agency, which is based in Holland, allows him to work for huge projects. This, in turn, allows him to really be himself when he’s out on the set as he always strived to be in some of the biggest photoshoots out there. Working with the most well-known brands isn’t imperative, but it’s an important thing to him if he can choose to have it. The man also has plenty of hobbies. Of course, as one might expect, the gym is on the list, and pretty high up as well. It takes a lot of time and effort in the gym to build up that kind of physique. However, if you want to get chiseled but you don’t want to do cardio at the gym, you’re going to need more activity than that. That’s where Jess Vill’s other hobbies come into play such as basketball. When he wants some down time to relax, he likes nothing more than to go fishing. He would like nothing more than to make some more time for his family because of his hectic schedule of trying to balance a day job and a modeling career. On top of that, he hits the gym every day and manages to have time for cardio too. He also dedicates a lot of time to skincare and taking acre of his head hair and body hair. When you ask people about Jess Vill, they’ll tell you all about how cheerful and lively he is! He loves to joke around, party, have a drink, and he’s really extroverted. He’s also not afraid to speak his mind and he never holds back from giving his true opinion on any particular subject matter. He is thinking of retiring soon, but he definitely had a really nice run as a fitness model, that’s for sure. He is 5’11’’, has green eyes and dark brown hair, and his shoe size is 10. https://www.modelmanagement.com/model/jess-vill/ https://jessvill.com/ https://twitter.com/_jessvill_ https://www.instagram.com/jessvillmodel/ https://www.jessvillwallcalendar.com/ (AdonisMale Biography added by the website, not by the original poster)
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  5. Tomás Perez by Adrián C. Martin
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  6. Erik Ramos by Chris Femat
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  7. AKA “Billy” or “Eric" in the December 2006 and May 2008 issues of “Playgirl,” where these photographs first appeared. (They may also be available on Playgirl.com .) You can find a complete collection of them in AM’s Playgirl Gallery here: https://www.adonismale.com/gallery/category/12-playgirl-centerfolds-b/?sortby=album_name&sortdirection=desc&albumPage=7 (Just scroll down the page until you come to the 3 albums titled “Billy 1.” The albums are sorted in reverse alphabetical order because … well, that’s how the system programmers set up the Gallery’s “Title” sort option.) Some of the photos are large-format, high-resolution photos from malesolos.com , like those in @Steve’s post above, but others are scans of varying size and quality. Here are a few more samples to further whet your appetite. I’d certainly like to go for a ride with — and on — this blond stud. Woof!
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  9. Wow, Steve, Myles Hannaman looks so young in this photo that I almost didn't recognize him. Photo #1 below looks like it's probably from the same photo shoot. You've probably seen photo #2 in blogs and other sites all over the Web, but I've only seen it identified once. I first found it in 2006 (!), but it wasn't until a few years ago that I finally saw his name on it on Michael Anthony Downs's Facebook page, official Website, blog, or some other site Downs was running at the time. It's always been one of my favorites that I keep in my screensaver file. The blue speedo in #3 gives us a better idea of his bulge than any of the black speedos do. (At least in photos, black underwear and swimwear often seems to make it more difficult to see the bulge, but white seems to have the opposite effect.) He's definitely got a great chest and torso. #4-5 really show off his his abs and lats. Yum.
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