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Showing content with the most stiffies on 03/07/2018 in Posts

  1. I love this thread guys. Here is some more stiffie material.
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  3. @Doug : I think you’re exactly right here. In the “behind-the-scenes” videos I’ve seen of photo shoots (YouTube has dozens and dozens of them), most of the photographers are continuously giving the models extremely detailed instructions, like “raise your chin,” “a little bit more … a little bit more,” “now turn your head more to the left/right, but don’t move your shoulders,” “cross your legs at the ankles, etc., etc. It reminds me of the children’s song “Hokey Pokey”: "You put your right foot in. You take your right foot out. You put your right foot in. And you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey. And you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about. / You put your left foot in…." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EnaAFyrcQM So if the model isn’t smiling, it’s only because the photographer either doesn’t want him to smile or doesn’t care whether he’s smiling or not. I don’t spend a lot of time looking at fashion ads in magazines that carry them (like the gay U.S. magazine “Out,” which uses almost exclusively male models), but in the vast majority of ads that I have looked at, the models typically have sort of neutral expressions on their faces. Evidently, that’s what the people who choose photos for print adverts want: photos of guys who look like they’re just going about their daily business. (Never mind that the guys are usually all very good looking….) On rare occasions, the models are smiling, if the ad’s setting calls for a more jovial mood (like guys enjoying a beer or cocktail), and on even rarer occasions, they have a more serious expression, possibly even a scowl. But those latter examples are the exception. So you’d think that both models and photographers would want their portfolios to contain a cross-section of facial expressions, maybe with an emphasis on shots that show neutral, “normal” expressions. Which makes it even more surprising that we see mostly these frowning, and even fierce, expressions on models’ faces. That being said, Frölich’s natural expression seems to be fairly serious. His sharp, angular jawline seems to contribute to that, possibly even to emphasize it. Even his one attempt at a broad smile in photo #2 of my first post above looks forced and strained — it’s not a pretty picture! With that in mind, compared to most of Frölich's photos in the earlier posts, the ones in @Steve’s December 30 post above look very “neutral,” IMO! I much prefer those to Frölich's menacing scowl in the last photo in my first post. But overall, I agree completely with you: How misguided the photographers are. (How about an experiment: You, a select few other AM members, and I could give some models a blowjob — or a fuck, if they’d prefer — just before a photoshoot begins. That should put smiles on their faces for at least the first photos of the shoot! ) The photo below looks like a casual, or “candid,” shot (it’s slightly out of focus), not a professionally posed one.
    1 stiffie
  4. Brazilian model Renan Corbani.
    1 stiffie
  5. Jimmy Mulvihill:
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  7. Spencer James & Alexander Command
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  9. An icon of male beauty that fascinates us Bubbles Desire. A perfect adonis, who seduces us with its attractive intense: Michael Dean Johnson. At 21, I made an icon of lush manly beauty. With eroticism sprouting from its fibered and burning skin, the perfection of Michael Dean Johnson, in this magnificent work model and photographer now by Mattheus Lian. On the couch, naked in bed and peering from the window the most shameful dreams, beauty and eroticism of Michael Dean Johnson. Passion and perfection of man.
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  10. Keegan Whicker & Blake Bridges
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  11. 1 stiffie
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