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Showing content with the most stiffies on 01/01/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 stiffies
  2. I can almost hear John William's score for Jaws for this one and the movie trailer guy's voice: "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...." Key difference is instead of a crowded panic to get out of the water, I can see a hysteric mob diving into the water.
    1 stiffie
  3. Most definitely. I'm sure there's more than enough to go around.
    1 stiffie
  4. 1 stiffie
  5. 1 stiffie
  6. 1 stiffie
  7. 1 stiffie
  8. More images of Rockwell from his photoshoot with Edwin J. Lebron for Aronik swimwear. #4 is a larger-format copy of a photo @Steve has posted above. (An explanatory note for AM members born after the early 1990s: In photo #1, that’s what a rotary-dial, corded telephone looked like before the introduction of keypad dialing and cordless phones. During that era, phones even came in a small selection of colors, like the one shown here, which is artfully coordinated with Rockwell's swimming brief. Normally, the color of the spiral cord connecting the handset to the phone would’ve matched the phone’s color. They must not have been able to find a complete set in baby blue. The cord extending from the back of the phone toward the ground connected to a phone jack in the wall, the same way as a cordless landline phone does today. Customers didn’t own their phones; instead, they had to rent them from the phone company, American Telephone & Telegraph, or AT&T, aka “Ma Bell,” which had almost a complete monopoly on U.S. phone service until the early 1990s. For many years after the colored phones were introduced, AT&T charged extra for any color except plain black. Thus endeth today’s lesson on the history of telephone service. Now, back to drooling over Rockwell’s hot body.)
    1 stiffie
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